This Plugin allows you to show .GPX files directly in the Browser. It's a fork from the Plugin by Restless123.
This Plugin is using LeafletJS, a fork of the GPX plugin by Maxime Petazzoni and highcharts.
This App modifies the mimetypes.list.php
) to enable .gpx support
Please check the Permissions for writing, at the moment the Installationroutine does NOT care about success or fail while overwrite the file.
Attention: When installing this app, oc_filecache is flushed and this breaks all shares.
If you DON'T want that the installer to modifies your mimetypes.list.php
, create a file called installed
located in the app-folder sys
). This prevents the app to run the automatic-installation and flushing oc_filecache.
If you want to add the gpx support by yourself:
Open the
and add'gpx' => array('application/gpx', null),
Clear the filecache in the Database e.g. Sqlite3-Database on *nix:
sqlite3 /{path}/{to}/owncloud/data/owncloud.db 'DELETE FROM oc_filecache;'
- Download Master as Zip.
- Unzip
- Rename the Folder to
- Upload to owncloud/apps
- Activate