886 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Updated i18n for LiteracySkills enum by @jo-elimu in #249
- Skip carbon copy by @jo-elimu in #250
- #251 Ask contributor to provide time available during on-boarding by @jo-elimu in #253
- #255 Skip summary e-mails by @jo-elimu in #256
- 3-rd party usage activity reporting by @jo-elimu in #258
- Event structure by @jo-elimu in #260
- Fixed bug in db migration script by @jo-elimu in #261
- Deleted db script by @jo-elimu in #262
- i18n by @jo-elimu in #263
- Skip locale update in Slack by @jo-elimu in #264
- Remove Google Play link from e-mails by @jo-elimu in #265
- Display allophone count by @jo-elimu in #266
- Added "phonetics" property to Word entity by @jo-elimu in #267
- Updated backup script by @jo-elimu in #269
- Split up content into separate MySQL tables by @jo-elimu in #272
- Split up content into separate MySQL tables by @jo-elimu in #273
- #271 Split up content into separate MySQL tables by @jo-elimu in #274
- Split up content into separate MySQL tables by @jo-elimu in #275
- English Allophones by @jo-elimu in #276
- Add Swahili allophones by @jo-elimu in #278
- Store Word revision events by @jo-elimu in #281
- Label multimedia content by @jo-elimu in #283
- Label multimedia content by @jo-elimu in #284
- Add Video thumbnails by @jo-elimu in #287
- Fixed bug: 2 entities are stored when labelling multimedia content by @jo-elimu in #289
- Multimedia content labelling by @jo-elimu in #290
- #288 Change to iterator.remove() by @jo-elimu in #291
- Corrected wrong thumbnail URL by @jo-elimu in #292
- Master by @jo-elimu in #293
- Model 1.1.26 by @jo-elimu in #294
- #295 Add StoryBook entity by @jo-elimu in #296
- #295 Auto-generate StoryBook by @jo-elimu in #298
- #297 Add usage count to Word by @jo-elimu in #299
- #295 Add breadcrumbs for StoryBooks by @jo-elimu in #300
- #297 Add frequency order to word by @jo-elimu in #301
- #297 Add DB migration script by @jo-elimu in #302
- #297 Add usage count to Letter by @jo-elimu in #303
- #304 Categorize StoryBooks by grade level by @jo-elimu in #305
- #304 Categorize StoryBooks by grade level by @jo-elimu in #306
- #307 One Device can be used by many Students by @jo-elimu in #308
- #307 Change Student id property to String by @jo-elimu in #309
- Added timeCreated to Student by @jo-elimu in #310
- #304 Categorize StoryBooks by grade level by @jo-elimu in #311
- #312 Remove quote characters from storybook word extractor by @jo-elimu in #313
- #314 When labelling content, increase revision number by @jo-elimu in #315
- #316 Fix duplicate entry exception during multimedia labelling by @jo-elimu in #317
- #316 Fix duplicate entry exception during video labelling (letters/numbers/words) by @jo-elimu in #318
- #316 Fix duplicate entry exception during video labelling (letters/numbers/words) by @jo-elimu in #319
- #316 Skip db migration script by @jo-elimu in #320
- #321 Double max_allowed_packet size by @jo-elimu in #322
- #323 Handle error while connecting to MailChimp server by @jo-elimu in #324
- Add license: BSD-2-Clause by @jo-elimu in #325
- #326 Add possibility to update multimedia files by @jo-elimu in #327
- #326 Add possibility to update multimedia files by @jo-elimu in #328
- #329 Fix Slack error message by @jo-elimu in #330
- #331 Display distribution of APKs per EGRA/EGMA skill by @jo-elimu in #333
- #331 Preserve skill order as listed in enum by @jo-elimu in #334
- #332 Update tagline and project description by @jo-elimu in #335
- #336 Add dominant color to ImageGson by @jo-elimu in #337
- Updated meta description by @jo-elimu in #338
- #331 Move APK count from /content to /admin/application/list by @jo-elimu in #339
- Updated front page title by @jo-elimu in #341
- #297 Add frequency order to Allophone by @jo-elimu in #342
- #343 Fix broken Facebook sign-on by @jo-elimu in #344
- #343 Fix broken Facebook sign-on by @jo-elimu in #345
- #346 Add page with instructions for external developers by @jo-elimu in #347
- Updated text on publish page by @jo-elimu in #348
- #316 Fix MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException during labelling of Images by @jo-elimu in #349
- #316 Fix MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException during labelling of Audios by @jo-elimu in #350
- #316 Add regression test for audio labelling by @jo-elimu in #351
- #316 Add regression test for audio labelling by @jo-elimu in #352
- #316 Add regression test for audio labelling by @jo-elimu in #353
- #316 Add regression test for audio labelling by @jo-elimu in #354
- #346 Add example screenshots by @jo-elimu in #355
- #358 Include audio on page for editing a word by @jo-elimu in #359
- #360 Include audio on page for editing an image by @jo-elimu in #361
- #362 Display images labeled by word by @jo-elimu in #363
- #364 Automatically label Images with Words of matching title by @jo-elimu in #365
- #364 Remove labeling of existing images, and move code to ImageCreateController by @jo-elimu in #366
- #367 Make it faster to load page for editing video by @jo-elimu in #368
- #370 Add CC BY ND license by @jo-elimu in #371
- Do not force removal from Slack channel by @jo-elimu in #372
- Reduce log level of MailChimp ConnectException by @jo-elimu in #373
- Ignore "Connection timed out" by @jo-elimu in #374
- #369 Use Number Words instead of Number Word by @jo-elimu in #375
- #369 Allow Number Word to be null by @jo-elimu in #376
- #369 Play sound when hovering IPA value by @jo-elimu in #377
- #369 Use Number Words instead of Number Word by @jo-elimu in #378
- #379 Separate vowels and consonants by @jo-elimu in #380
- #379 Separate vowels and consonants by @jo-elimu in #381
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #383
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #384
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #385
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #387
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #388
- #270 Differentiate between upper-case and lower-case when adding X-SAMPA value of Allophones by @jo-elimu in #389
- Swahili Allophones by @jo-elimu in #390
- #391 Do not force lower-case letters by @jo-elimu in #392
- #393 Display content count on main page by @jo-elimu in #394
- #397 Add Braille glyph to letters by @jo-elimu in #398
- #399 Calculate frequency of upper-case letters by @jo-elimu in #401
- #400 Bug: Number words are saved in the wrong order when edited by @jo-elimu in #402
- #400 Bug: Number words are saved in the wrong order when edited by @jo-elimu in #403
- #397 Add Braille glyph to letters by @jo-elimu in #405
- #404 Bug: deleting number words does not work by @jo-elimu in #406
- #407 Add Word type by @jo-elimu in #408
- #409 Add spelling consistency to word by @jo-elimu in #410
- #411 Implement analytics dashboard by @jo-elimu in #412
- #413 Facilitate inclusion of pre-installed applications in ApplicationOpenedEvents by @jo-elimu in #414
- #413 Facilitate inclusion of pre-installed applications in ApplicationOpenedEvents by @jo-elimu in #415
- #416 Add VideoLearningEvents by @jo-elimu in #417
- #409 Add spelling consistency to word by @jo-elimu in #418
- #422 Bug: progress bar percentage not working by @jo-elimu in #423
- #424 Add cover image to storybooks by @jo-elimu in #425
- #426 Add contentLicense and attributionUrl to StoryBooks by @jo-elimu in #427
- #424 Add cover image to storybooks by @jo-elimu in #428
- #424 Fixed regression test by @jo-elimu in #429
- #426 Add contentLicense and attributionUrl to StoryBooks by @jo-elimu in #430
- #426 Add contentLicense and attributionUrl to StoryBooks by @jo-elimu in #431
- #432 Add StoryBooks to REST API by @jo-elimu in #433
- #434 Fixed bug: Storybook paragraph order is not kept when the book is saved by @jo-elimu in #435
- #434 Bug: Storybook paragraph order is not kept when the book is saved by @jo-elimu in #436
- #437 Add StoryBookPage by @jo-elimu in #438
- #439 Display list of most frequent letters for each storybook by @jo-elimu in #441
- #440 Add analytics page for ApplicationOpenedEvents by @jo-elimu in #442
- #443 Add REST API for receiving event logs by @jo-elimu in #445
- #443 Add REST API for receiving event logs by @jo-elimu in #446
- #443 Add REST API for receiving event logs by @jo-elimu in #447
- #443 Add REST API for receiving event logs by @jo-elimu in #448
- #268 Add Syllable entity by @jo-elimu in #449
- #268 Delete syllables that are actual words by @jo-elimu in #450
- #268 Add Syllable entity by @jo-elimu in #451
- #452 Display sample ApplicationOpenedEvents during development by @jo-elimu in #453
- #268 Add Syllable entity by @jo-elimu in #455
- #409 Add spelling consistency to word by @jo-elimu in #456
- #458 Add list of Allophones to Word by @jo-elimu in #461
- #459 Add list of Allophones to Syllable by @jo-elimu in #462
- #460 Add list of Allophones to Letter by @jo-elimu in #463
- #460 Add list of Allophones to Letter by @jo-elimu in #465
- #460 Add list of Allophones to Letter by @jo-elimu in #466
- #467 Set Content-Type to UTF-8 in REST controller response by @jo-elimu in #468
- #467 Set Content-Type to UTF-8 in REST controller response by @jo-elimu in #469
- "will teach" --> "teaches" by @jo-elimu in #470
- Version 2.0.0 in #471
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai in #473
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai in #474
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai in #475
- Google Cloud Platform logo by @jo-elimu in #476
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #477
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #478
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #479
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #480
- #472 Upgraded to model 1.1.58 by @jo-elimu in #481
- Updated blog URL by @jo-elimu in #482
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #483
- Moved images to static folder by @jo-elimu in #484
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.ai by @jo-elimu in #485
- Updated failing regression test by @jo-elimu in #486
- #472 Rebrand to elimu.a by @jo-elimu in #487
- #488 Remove Slack integration by @jo-elimu in #489
- /img --> /static/img by @jo-elimu in #491
- /img --> /static/img by @jo-elimu in #492
- #490 Add role management by @jo-elimu in #493
- Image URL by @jo-elimu in #494
- Update Google Analytics tracker code by @jo-elimu in #495
- Updated text in welcome e-mail by @jo-elimu in #496
- Updated welcome e-mail by @jo-elimu in #497
- #498 Add License entity by @jo-elimu in #499
- #500 Clarify message on frontpage by @jo-elimu in #501
- Update messages_sw.properties by @georgekaranja in #502
- Do not use numbers when presenting options to contribute by @jo-elimu in #503
- Gitter --> Slack by @jo-elimu in #504
- Updated Slack URL by @jo-elimu in #505
- "/admin/application" --> "/application" by @jo-elimu in #506
- "/admin/application/" --> "/application/" by @jo-elimu in #507
- #508 Add Project entity by @jo-elimu in #509
- #490 Add role management by @jo-elimu in #510
- Added Bitcoin donation by @jo-elimu in #512
- Upgraded Hibernate to 4.3.11.Final by @jo-elimu in #514
- Upgraded Spring to 4.2.9.RELEASE by @jo-elimu in #515
- Upgraded Spring to 4.3.0.RELEASE by @jo-elimu in #516
- Revert to Spring 4.2.9.RELEASE by @jo-elimu in #517
- Upgrade Scribe to version 1.3.7 by @jo-elimu in #518
- #513 Add Slack integration by @jo-elimu in #519
- #520 Upgrade library versions in pom.xml by @jo-elimu in #521
- Upgrading org.slf4j by @urosht in #522
- #513 Fall-back to emoji to avoid "404 File Not Found" when avatar cannot be reached by @jo-elimu in #524
- #490 Update role so that the contributor can access the /project page by @jo-elimu in #525
- #511 Add AppCategory entity by @jo-elimu in #527
- #511 Add AppCategory entity by @jo-elimu in #528
- #511 Edit app category by @jo-elimu in #529
- #523 Create regression test for /admin/project/list [2-4h] by @urosht in #530
- #511 Re-order existing app categories by @jo-elimu in #531
- #523 Revert to Selenium 2.53.0 by @jo-elimu in #532
- #538 Add AppGroup entity by @jo-elimu in #539
- #538 Add AppGroup entity by @jo-elimu in #540
- #538 Add AppGroup entity by @jo-elimu in #541
- #542 Upload Applications to AppGroup by @jo-elimu in #543
- #542 Upload Applications to AppGroup by @jo-elimu in #546
- #542 Upload Applications to AppGroup by @jo-elimu in #547
- #548 Disable editing of AppCategory name until bug has been fixed by @jo-elimu in #549
- #550 Remove License list from AppCollection entity by @jo-elimu in #552
- #550 Add AppCollection entity by @jo-elimu in #553
- #554 Add more APK details by @jo-elimu in #555
- #554 Added label by @jo-elimu in #556
- #554 Add app icons by @jo-elimu in #557
- #558 Fix NullPointerException in SlackInviteScheduler by @jo-elimu in #559
- Update donate.jsp by @jo-elimu in #561
- 558 fix null pointer exception in slack invite scheduler by @jo-elimu in #562
- #551 Bug: AppCategories disappear when the list of project managers is edited by @jo-elimu in #563
- #548 Fixed bug: AppGroups disappear when the name of an AppCategory is edited by @jo-elimu in #564
- #550 Add AppCollection entity by @jo-elimu in #566
- #498 add license entity by @nya-elimu in #569
- #498 Send license number and instructions via e-mail by @jo-elimu in #573
- renamed "sampa_b_<.wav" to "sampa_b__.wav" by @aschworer in #578
- #498 Add license generator by @jo-elimu in #579
- Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.md by @jo-elimu in #580
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md by @jo-elimu in #581
- #537 Add REST API documentation for custom project by @jo-elimu in #583
- #537 Add REST API documentation for custom project by @jo-elimu in #586
- #498 Add License entity by @jo-elimu in #582
- #584 Add REST controller for verifying license by @jo-elimu in #587
- #584 Add REST controller for verifying license by @jo-elimu in #588
- #558 Fix org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["members"] not found. by @jo-elimu in #591
- #526 Implement automatic forwarding to the originally requested URL by @jo-elimu in #590
- #570 - the repo is not possible to checkout by @aschworer in #589
- #585 Add REST controller for downloading AppCollection by @jo-elimu in #600
- Update footer text by @jo-elimu in #602
- #584 Update from singular to plural naming by @jo-elimu in #604
- #605 Lookup APK based on the Project of A License by @jo-elimu in #606
- 605 make it possible to download apk belonging to custom project by @jo-elimu in #607
- #545 Include infrastructure apps when downloading AppCollection by @jo-elimu in #608
- #545 Temporary fix for NullPointerException when downloading infrastructure app in Appstore by @jo-elimu in #611
- 605 Fix NonUniqueResultException by @jo-elimu in #613
- #603: literacyapp.xml for Jetty 9 appstore_secret attribute is missing by @aschworer in #610
- #617 Display License number by @jo-elimu in #618
- #619 Add link to Project page to user menu by @jo-elimu in #620
- #616 Calculate checksum of APK files to prevent corrupt downloads by @jo-elimu in #621
- #624 Switch from Archiva to Bintray by @jo-elimu in #625
- #626 Implement usage of caching during database calls by @jo-elimu in #627
- 626 Implement usage of caching during database calls by @jo-elimu in #628
- 626 Implement usage of caching during database calls by @jo-elimu in #629
- 626 Implement usage of caching during database calls by @jo-elimu in #630
- 626 Implement usage of caching during database calls by @jo-elimu in #631
- #636 Double file upload size by @jo-elimu in #637
- 634 Update existing Application by @jo-elimu in #635
- #636 Double file upload size by @jo-elimu in #638
- 634 Update existing Application by @jo-elimu in #640
- #634 Update existing Application by @jo-elimu in #641
- 642 Add Application to AppGroup before storing new ApplicationVersion by @jo-elimu in #643
- 639 Fix DataIntegrityViolationException by @jo-elimu in #644
- #646 Add background color AppCategories by @jo-elimu in #647
- #648 Change status of Application to DELETED by @jo-elimu in #649
- #650 After deleting an app, refresh the JSON cache by @jo-elimu in #652
- #651 Add versionName to ApplicationVersion by @jo-elimu in #653
- #654 Add label to ApplicationVersion by @jo-elimu in #655
- #656 Add minSdkVersion to ApplicationVersion by @jo-elimu in #657
- #658 After editing an Application, refresh the JSON cache by @jo-elimu in #659
- 661 Include AppCategory title(s) in the License e mail by @jo-elimu in #662
- 661 Include AppCategory title(s) in the License e mail by @jo-elimu in #663
- #664 Add first name and last name to License by @jo-elimu in #665
- #661 Fix formatting in e-mail text by @jo-elimu in #666
- 660 After editing an AppCollection, refresh the JSON cache by @jo-elimu in #667
- #668 store if an application is infrastructural or educational by @jo-elimu in #669
- #668 Store if an Application is infrastructural or educational by @jo-elimu in #671
- #674 Make it possible to get an Application's AppCategory by @jo-elimu in #675
- 674 make it possible to get an application's app category by @jo-elimu in #676
- 674 make it possible to get an application's app category by @jo-elimu in #677
- Refactor separate custom project code by @jo-elimu in #680
- Refactor create separate apk download controller for projects by @jo-elimu in #681
- #682 Add pending APK approval functionality by @jo-elimu in #683
- 682 add pending apk approval functionality by @jo-elimu in #685
- Refactor move project from application to app category by @nya-elimu in #688
- 687 delete project from application by @jo-elimu in #689
- #690: Fixed language links pointing to the test domain by @JakubRuzicka in #691
- #695 Fix potential security vulnerability in dependencies by @nya-elimu in #700
- 696 add support for hindi language by @nya-elimu in #697
- #696 Add support for Hindi language by @nya-elimu in #701
- 702 delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #703
- 702 delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #704
- #705 Fetch Google Analytics code from server config by @nya-elimu in #706
- 702 delete slack api integration by @nya-elimu in #708
- 702 delete old urls from e-mail template by @nya-elimu in #709
- #702 Remove usage of REST checksum by @nya-elimu in #710
- #702 Remove custom Project from REST API by @nya-elimu in #711
- 712 enable download of application versions by @nya-elimu in #713
- 714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #715
- #714 Extract content from ePUB storybook by @nya-elimu in #716
- #714 Extract content from ePUB storybook by @nya-elimu in #717
- #702 Delete support for custom Projects by @nya-elimu in #718
- #702 Delete support for custom Projects by @nya-elimu in #719
- #702 Delete support for custom Projects by @nya-elimu in #720
- #702 delete support for custom projects by @nya-elimu in #721
- #702 delete support for custom projects by @nya-elimu in #722
- #702 Delete support for custom Projects by @nya-elimu in #723
- #702 delete support for custom projects by @nya-elimu in #724
- #702 Delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #725
- #702 Delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #726
- #727 Add StoryBookLearningEvent by @nya-elimu in #728
- #702 delete i18n translations by @nya-elimu in #729
- #702 Delete Arabic content by @nya-elimu in #730
- #702 Delete Spanish content by @nya-elimu in #731
- #702 Delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #732
- #702 delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #733
- #702 Delete Braille from Letter by @nya-elimu in #734
- #702 remove usage of language selection by @nya-elimu in #735
- #702 replace add button icons by @nya-elimu in #736
- #702 delete unused/unnecessary code by @nya-elimu in #737
- #738 Add support for filipino language by @nya-elimu in #739
- #741 Add educational content: Swahili by @nya-elimu in #742
- #740 Export educational content to CSV files by @nya-elimu in #744
- #740 export educational content to csv files by @nya-elimu in #745
- #740 export educational content to csv files by @nya-elimu in #746
- #740 export educational content to csv files by @nya-elimu in #747
- #740 Export educational content to CSV files by @nya-elimu in #748
- #749 delete application versions from db by @nya-elimu in #750
- #751 Delete Applications from DB by @nya-elimu in #752
- #753 delete usage of teams by @nya-elimu in #754
- #755 Delete
by @nya-elimu in #756 - #755 Empty
table by @nya-elimu in #757 - #759 add support for emojis by @nya-elimu in #760
- #759 add support for emojis by @nya-elimu in #761
- #759 add support for emojis by @nya-elimu in #762
- #758 Delete
table by @nya-elimu in #763 - #764 delete
table by @nya-elimu in #765 - #766 empty
table by @nya-elimu in #767 - #768 rename
by @nya-elimu in #769 - #768 rename
by @nya-elimu in #770 - #768 rename
by @nya-elimu in #771 - #772 refactor
enum by @nya-elimu in #773 - #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #776
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #778
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #779
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #780
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #781
- #777 Import content from CSV files on launch by @nya-elimu in #782
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #783
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #784
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #785
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #786
- #777 Import content from CSV files on launch by @nya-elimu in #787
- #777 Import content from CSV files on launch by @nya-elimu in #788
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #789
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #790
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #791
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #792
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #793
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #794
- #777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #795
- #714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #796
- #714 Extract content from ePUB storybook by @nya-elimu in #797
- #714 Extract content from ePUB storybook by @nya-elimu in #798
- #714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #799
- #714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #800
- #714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #801
- #802 upgrade selenium to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #804
- #802 upgrade selenium to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #805
- #396 list words extracted from storybooks but not yet added to website by @nya-elimu in #806
- #807 mark letters as diacritics by @nya-elimu in #808
- #807 mark letters as diacritics by @nya-elimu in #809
- #738 Add educational content: Filipino by @nya-elimu in #810
- #714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #811
- #738 add educational content filipino by @nya-elimu in #812
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #813
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #814
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #815
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #816
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #817
- #774 add educational content bengali by @nya-elimu in #818
- #738 add educational content filipino by @nya-elimu in #819
- #820 add rest api for downloading story books by @nya-elimu in #821
- #820 Add REST API for downloading StoryBooks by @nya-elimu in #822
- #443 add rest api for receiving story book learning events by @nya-elimu in #823
- #443 add rest api for receiving story book learning events by @nya-elimu in #824
- #825 Add REST API for downloading Images by @nya-elimu in #826
- 714 extract content from e pub storybook by @nya-elimu in #827
- #738 Add educational content: Filipino by @nya-elimu in #828
- #829 Add root Word by @nya-elimu in #830
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #831
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #832
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #833
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #834
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #835
- #829 add root word by @nya-elimu in #836
- #738 Add educational content: Filipino by @nya-elimu in #837
- #743 Add educational content: Hindi by @nya-elimu in #838
- #743 Added Hindi Words and Numbers by @nya-elimu in #840
- #738 add educational content filipino by @nya-elimu in #841
- #738 Added Filipino Words and Numbers by @nya-elimu in #842
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #843
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #844
- #845 enable deletion of story book chapters by @nya-elimu in #846
- #845 Enable deletion of StoryBook chapters by @nya-elimu in #847
- #738 Added Filipino words and numbers by @nya-elimu in #848
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #849
- #850 Add support for HTML tags in paragraphs during ePUB import by @nya-elimu in #851
- #738 add educational content filipino by @nya-elimu in #852
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #853
- #743 Added Hindi words and numbers by @nya-elimu in #854
- #820 add rest api for downloading story books by @nya-elimu in #855
- #738 Added Filipino Words and Numbers by @nya-elimu in #858
- #859 Ignore
during ePUB import by @nya-elimu in #860 - #859 ignore
during e pub import by @nya-elimu in #861 - #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #862
- #863 add support for urdu by @nya-elimu in #864
- #863 Add support for Urdu by @nya-elimu in #865
- #856 add word learning event by @nya-elimu in #866
- #867 Add REST API for downloading Words by @nya-elimu in #868
- #869 Add support for REST API regression tests for each language by @nya-elimu in #870
- #869 Add support for REST API regression tests for each language by @nya-elimu in #871
- #869 add support for rest api regression tests for each language by @nya-elimu in #872
- #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #873 - #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #874 - #857 Remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #875 - #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #876 - #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #877 - #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #878 - #857 remove usage of
for content stored in the database by @nya-elimu in #879 - #738 add educational content filipino by @nya-elimu in #880
- #774 Added Bengali Words and Numbers by @nya-elimu in #881
- #775 add educational content english by @nya-elimu in #882
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #883
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #884
- #743 Added Hindi words and numbers by @nya-elimu in #885
- #887 Add educational content: Urdu by @nya-elimu in #888
- #738 Added Filipino storybook by @nya-elimu in #889
- #457 extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #890
- #887 Added Urdu storybook by @nya-elimu in #891
- #774 Added Bengali allophone by @nya-elimu in #892
- #775 Added English storybook by @nya-elimu in #893
- #741 Added Swahili storybook by @nya-elimu in #894
- #896 Add REST API for receiving WordLearningEvents by @nya-elimu in #897
- #896 add rest api for receiving word learning events by @nya-elimu in #898
- #899 Add usage of caching for the StoryBooksRestController by @nya-elimu in #900
- #901 Refresh the list of Words in each StoryBookParagraph when a Word… by @nya-elimu in #902
- #457 extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #903
- #457 extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #904
- #457 extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #905
- #457 extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #906
- #457 Extract most frequent sounds per letter by @nya-elimu in #907
- #908 add revision number to url for downloading multimedia by @nya-elimu in #909
- #901 refresh the list of words in each story book paragraph when a word is created/edited by @nya-elimu in #910
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #911
- #775 add educational content english by @nya-elimu in #912
- #867 Added wordType to Word by @nya-elimu in #913
- #867 Add usageCount to Words by @nya-elimu in #914
- #743 Added Hindi content by @nya-elimu in #915
- #916 display links to resources in aside during word creation/editing by @nya-elimu in #917
- #743 Added Hindi words and numbers by @nya-elimu in #918
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #919
- #743 Added Hindi storybook by @nya-elimu in #920
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #922
- Increased emoji size by @nya-elimu in #923
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #924
- #743 Added Hindi storybooks by @nya-elimu in #925
- #927 Add REST API for downloading Emojis by @nya-elimu in #928
- #927 add rest api for downloading emojis by @nya-elimu in #929
- #930 Skip storage of empty chapter paragraph by @nya-elimu in #931
- #714 Exclude chapters containing book metadata by @nya-elimu in #933
- #743 Added Hindi storybooks by @nya-elimu in #935
- #932 sort letter to allophone mappings (ascending) by @nya-elimu in #936
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #939
- #932 Improve UX/UI for content creators by @nya-elimu in #940
- #932 improve ux/ui for content creators by @nya-elimu in #941
- #932 Improve UX/UI for content creators by @nya-elimu in #942
- #943 Add REST API for downloading Applications by @nya-elimu in #944
- #945 Add REST API for downloading ApplicationVersions by @nya-elimu in #946
- #947 Make it possible to edit storybook paragraphs by @nya-elimu in #948
- #947 make it possible to edit storybook paragraphs by @nya-elimu in #949
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #950
- #953 add content creation event by @nya-elimu in #954
- #953 add content creation event by @nya-elimu in #956
- #952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #957
- #932 Improve UX/UI for content creators by @nya-elimu in #958
- #743 Added Hindi StoryBooks by @nya-elimu in #959
- #960 copy database content from
environment toprod
environment by @nya-elimu in #961 - Bump hibernate-validator from 5.1.0.Final to 5.3.5.Final by @dependabot in #951
- #962 add rest api for downloading letters by @nya-elimu in #963
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 5.1.39 to 8.0.16 by @dependabot in #964
- #965 Fix bug: Duplicate column name 'usageCount' by @nya-elimu in #966
- #970 Add LetterLearningEvent by @nya-elimu in #972
- 971 add rest api for receiving letter learning events by @nya-elimu in #973
- #743 add educational content hindi by @nya-elimu in #974
- #743 Added Hindi content by @nya-elimu in #978
- #976 Make it possible to delete storybook paragraphs by @nya-elimu in #979
- #975 Bug during ePUB import: CSS code is included in paragraph by @nya-elimu in #980
- #743 Added Hindi storybook by @nya-elimu in #983
- #743 Added Hindi storybook by @nya-elimu in #984
- #743 Added Hindi storybook by @nya-elimu in #985
- 977 integrate with aragon connect by @nya-elimu in #986
- 989 add page for listing most recent contributions by @nya-elimu in #990
- #987 Add StoryBookContributionEvent by @nya-elimu in #991
- 989 add page for listing most recent contributions by @nya-elimu in #992
- #993 display identicon in list of token holders by @nya-elimu in #994
- 989 add page for listing most recent contributions by @nya-elimu in #995
- 989 add page for listing most recent contributions by @nya-elimu in #996
- 988 display dao token holders at /contributions/most recent by @nya-elimu in #999
- 1000 create page with instructions on how to donate funds to the dao by @nya-elimu in #1001
- 1000 create page with instructions on how to donate funds to the dao by @jo-elimu in #1002
- #1003 Display vote title by @nya-elimu in #1004
- 1000 create page with instructions on how to donate funds to the dao by @nya-elimu in #1005
- #1006 Implement separation between testnet and mainnet by @nya-elimu in #1007
- #1000 Create page with instructions on how to donate funds to the DAO by @nya-elimu in #1008
- #1000 Create page with instructions on how to donate funds to the DAO by @nya-elimu in #1009
- #1010 Display payments from DAO to contributors by @nya-elimu in #1011
- #743 Add educational content: Hindi by @nya-elimu in #1012
- 1013 refactor labels used for fund allocation by @nya-elimu in #1014
- #743 Add educational content: Hindi by @nya-elimu in #1015
- #743 Add educational content: Hindi by @nya-elimu in #1016
- #1017 Delete corresponding ApplicationVersions when changing status t… by @nya-elimu in #1018
- #599 Upgrade Jetty to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #1020
- #599 Upgrade Jetty to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #1021
- 599 upgrade jetty to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #1022
- 599 upgrade jetty to the latest version by @nya-elimu in #1023
- #1024 Upgrade to Java 11 by @nya-elimu in #1025
- 1024 upgrade to java 11 by @nya-elimu in #1027
- #1024 Upgrade to Java 11 by @nya-elimu in #1028
- 1024 upgrade to java 11 by @nya-elimu in #1029
- Bump hibernate-validator from 5.3.5.Final to 5.3.6.Final by @dependabot in #1019
- Bump hsqldb from 2.3.3 to 2.5.1 by @dependabot in #1031
- Bump hibernate-jpa-2.1-api from 1.0.0.Final to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #1034
- Bump model from 2.0.21 to 2.0.23 by @dependabot in #1037
- 1030 upgrade to log4j 2 by @nya-elimu in #1039
- Bump maven-release-plugin from 2.4.2 to 2.5.3 by @dependabot in #1040
- 694 upgrade to spring 5 by @nya-elimu in #1041
- Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.20 to 2.22.2 by @dependabot in #1044
- Bump maven-war-plugin from 2.6 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1043
- Bump hibernate-validator from 5.3.6.Final to 6.1.5.Final by @dependabot in #1042
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 5.1.39 to 8.0.21 by @dependabot in #1035
- #1030 Upgrade to Log4j 2 by @nya-elimu in #1045
- Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 2.10.3 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #1046
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.16 to 8.0.21 by @dependabot in #1047
- Bump hibernate.version from 4.3.11.Final to 5.4.21.Final by @dependabot in #1048
- Bump hibernate-validator from 6.1.5.Final to 6.1.6.Final by @dependabot in #1050
- Bump hibernate.version from 5.4.21.Final to 5.4.22.Final by @dependabot in #1051
- Bump mockito-all from 1.9.5 to 1.10.19 by @dependabot in #1052
- 1030 upgrade to log4j 2 by @nya-elimu in #1054
- 1030 upgrade to log4j 2 by @nya-elimu in #1055
- #968 Add one Log4J configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1057
- #968 add one log4 j configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1058
- #968 add one log4 j configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1059
- #968 Add one Log4J configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1060
- #968 add one log4 j configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1061
- #968 add one log4 j configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1062
- #968 add one log4 j configuration per language by @nya-elimu in #1063
- Bump spring.security.version from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1 by @dependabot in #1064
- Bump model from 2.0.23 to 2.0.24 by @dependabot in #1066
- Bump junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #1067
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.21 to 8.0.22 by @dependabot in #1068
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.8.1 by @dependabot in #1069
- Bump spring.version from 5.2.9.RELEASE to 5.3.0 by @dependabot in #1071
- #738 Add Filipino content by @nya-elimu in #1073
- #1074 Export Letter-to-Allophone mappings to CSV by @nya-elimu in #1078
- 1074 export letter to allophone mappings to csv by @nya-elimu in #1079
- #777 Import content from CSV files on launch by @nya-elimu in #1080
- 777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #1081
- 777 import content from csv files on launch by @nya-elimu in #1082
- 967 add database schema generation by @nya-elimu in #1083
- 967 add database schema generation by @nya-elimu in #1084
- #1076 Remove
attribute from LetterToAllophoneMapping by @nya-elimu in #1085 - 997 add story book peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1090
- Bump spring.version from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 by @dependabot in #1096
- Bump log4j-core from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot in #1097
- Bump log4j-api from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot in #1095
- #997 Add StoryBook peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1093
- refactor: #679 Remove sign-on via Facebook by @nya-elimu in #1098
- Bump log4j-web from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot in #1099
- 1100 delete storybooks that have no chapters/images by @nya-elimu in #1103
- #997 Add StoryBook peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1104
- Bump json from 20200518 to 20201115 by @dependabot in #1105
- Bump hibernate.version from 5.4.22.Final to 5.4.23.Final by @dependabot in #1106
- Bump hibernate.version from 5.4.23.Final to 5.4.24.Final by @dependabot in #1112
- Feat #1114 add number contribution event by @nya-elimu in #1115
- feat: #1116 Add REST API for downloading Numbers by @nya-elimu in #1117
- feat: #1118 Add REST API for downloading videos by @nya-elimu in #1119
- feat: #1120 Add REST API for creating Contributor by @nya-elimu in #1121
- Feat #1120 add rest api for creating contributor by @nya-elimu in #1122
- feat: #1120 Add REST API for creating Contributor by @nya-elimu in #1123
- Bump antisamy from 1.5.10 to 1.5.11 by @dependabot in #1125
- refactor: #699 Fix broken Google authentication by @nya-elimu in #1127
- feat: #1128 Add support for Xhosa language by @nya-elimu in #1135
- feat: #1142 Add EDITOR role by @nya-elimu in #1143
- Feat #1072 make it possible to add storybook paragraphs by @nya-elimu in #1144
- fix: #1145 Fix duplicate audio transcription auto-fill by @nya-elimu in #1146
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 by @dependabot in #1147
- fix: #1092 StoryBook chapter number displayed incorrectly by @nya-elimu in #1148
- Fix #1092 story book chapter number displayed incorrectly by @nya-elimu in #1149
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.24.Final to 5.4.25.Final by @dependabot in #1150
- feat: #1087 Add Word peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1151
- feat: #1075 Auto-select Letter-to-Allophone mappings when creating/ed… by @nya-elimu in #1152
- Feat #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1153
- feat: #1154 Add AudioContributionEvent by @nya-elimu in #1155
- feat: #1156 Add Audio peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1157
- Feat #1154 add audio contribution event by @nya-elimu in #1159
- feat: #1160 Replace Audio transcription with title by @nya-elimu in #1161
- Feat #1162 select audio for story book paragraph by @nya-elimu in #1163
- feat: #1164 Add REST API for downloading audios by @nya-elimu in #1165
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 by @dependabot in #1167
- fix: #937 Bug during ePUB import: Two paragraphs not separated by @nya-elimu in #1170
- build(deps): bump hibernate-validator from 6.1.6.Final to 6.1.7.Final by @dependabot in #1172
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.25.Final to 5.4.26.Final by @dependabot in #1174
- build(deps): bump hibernate-validator from 6.1.7.Final to 7.0.0.Final by @dependabot in #1177
- build(deps): bump scribejava-apis from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 by @dependabot in #1181
- refactor: #1178 Replace Allophones with LetterToAllophoneMappings by @nya-elimu in #1180
- build(deps): bump antisamy from 1.5.11 to 1.5.12 by @dependabot in #1184
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1186
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1190
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.26.Final to 5.4.27.Final by @dependabot in #1189
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1192
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1193
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1197
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 by @dependabot in #1194
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1199
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1200
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1202
- build(deps): bump antisamy from 1.5.12 to 1.5.13 by @dependabot in #1195
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1204
- #1075 auto select letter to allophone mappings when creating/editing words by @nya-elimu in #1205
- build(deps): bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.22 to 8.0.23 by @dependabot in #1203
- feat: #1206 Add REST API for receiving assessment events by @nya-elimu in #1207
- docs: #1208 Replace "out-of-school" with "disadvantaged" by @nya-elimu in #1209
- #1171 do not allow emojis with unicode version larger than 9.0 by @cebr76 in #1182
- #952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1215
- #952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1216
- #952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1217
- #952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1218
- feat: #952 Add REST API for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1221
- feat: #952 Add REST API for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1223
- 952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1224
- 952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1225
- 952 add rest api for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1226
- build(deps-dev): bump junit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2 by @dependabot in #1214
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.4.2 to 5.4.5 by @dependabot in #1220
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.27.Final to 5.4.30.Final by @dependabot in #1229
- build(deps): bump log4j-web from 2.14.0 to 2.14.1 by @dependabot in #1230
- build(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.14.0 to 2.14.1 by @dependabot in #1231
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.3 to 5.3.5 by @dependabot in #1232
- build(deps): bump log4j-api from 2.14.0 to 2.14.1 by @dependabot in #1234
- build(deps): bump antisamy from 1.5.13 to 1.6.3 by @dependabot in #1235
- build(deps): bump json from 20201115 to 20210307 by @dependabot in #1236
- build(deps): bump hsqldb from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0 by @dependabot in #1239
- bug: #1240 Solve GenericJDBCException: Field 'usageCount' doesn't hav… by @nya-elimu in #1241
- #1237 add privacy policy page for crowdsource app by @nya-elimu in #1238
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.4.5 to 5.4.6 by @dependabot in #1242
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6 by @dependabot in #1243
- build(deps): bump scribejava-apis from 8.1.0 to 8.2.0 by @dependabot in #1244
- Feat #952 peer review existing audio recordings word by @nya-elimu in #1246
- feat: #952 Peer review existing audio recordings: Word by @nya-elimu in #1247
- build(deps): bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.23 to 8.0.24 by @dependabot in #1248
- build(deps): bump scribejava-apis from 8.2.0 to 8.3.0 by @dependabot in #1249
- feat: #952 Peer review existing audio recordings: Word by @nya-elimu in #1250
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.30.Final to 5.4.31.Final by @dependabot in #1251
- Use JaudioTagger for audio duration extraction by @UmenR in #1253
- build(deps): bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.24 to 8.0.25 by @dependabot in #1260
- feat: #1258 Add "Time (last update)" column to list of audios by @nya-elimu in #1261
- feat: #1258 Add "Time (last update)" column to list of audios by @nya-elimu in #1264
- feat: #1262 Store information about platform used when crowdsourcing … by @nya-elimu in #1266
- build(deps): bump scribejava-apis from 8.3.0 to 8.3.1 by @dependabot in #1268
- feat: #1254 Add duration to Audio by @nya-elimu in #1257
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.6 to 5.3.7 by @dependabot in #1269
- Add word column to list of audios by @UmenR in #1271
- refactor: #1256 Delete code related to v1 of the REST API by @nya-elimu in #1272
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.4.6 to 5.5.0 by @dependabot in #1274
- refactor: #1201 Remove list of Allophones from Letter by @nya-elimu in #1273
- refactor: #1201 Remove list of Allophones from Letter by @nya-elimu in #1276
- feat: #952 Add REST API for crowdsourcing audio recordings by @nya-elimu in #1278
- Feat #952 peer review existing audio recordings word by @nya-elimu in #1279
- build(deps): bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #1283
- style: #1176 Upgrade to Materialize 0.100.2 by @nya-elimu in #1287
- build(deps): bump commons-io from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0 by @dependabot in #1292
- feat: #1255 Add Web3 Authentication for Crypto-Newbies by @nya-elimu in #1282
- #1094 add rest api for crowdsourcing words by @UmenR in #1289
- Feat #1255 add web3 authentication for crypto newbies by @nya-elimu in #1300
- feat: #1255 Add Web3 Authentication for Crypto-Newbies by @nya-elimu in #1301
- build(deps): bump core from 4.8.4 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #1299
- build(deps): bump model from model-2.0.38 to model-2.0.39 by @dependabot in #1304
- feat: #1255 Add Web3 Authentication for Crypto-Newbies by @nya-elimu in #1302
- feat #1277 auto generate audios using text to speech (tts) by @nya-elimu in #1298
- Feat #1277 auto generate audios using text to speech (tts) by @nya-elimu in #1307
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in #1306
- Feat #1277 auto generate audios using text to speech (tts) by @nya-elimu in #1308
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 by @dependabot in #1310
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.7 to 5.3.8 by @dependabot in #1313
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.4.31.Final to 5.5.0.Final by @dependabot in #1314
- build(deps): bump commons-io from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0 by @dependabot in #1318
- #1320 Simplify the steps for donating cryptocurrency by @nya-elimu in #1321
- #1320 Simplify the steps for donating cryptocurrency by @nya-elimu in #1322
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 by @dependabot in #1325
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.0.Final to 5.5.2.Final by @dependabot in #1328
- Feat #1324 add list of words pending peer review by @nya-elimu in #1327
- Feat #1324 add list of words pending peer review by @nya-elimu in #1330
- Fix #1339 handle data integrity violation exception during storybook review by @nya-elimu in #1331
- feat: #1326 Add list of storybooks pending peer-review by @nya-elimu in #1332
- build(deps): bump aspectjweaver from 1.9.6 to 1.9.7 by @dependabot in #1336
- feat: #1334 Include line breaks in peer-review comments by @nya-elimu in #1343
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.2.Final to 5.5.3.Final by @dependabot in #1347
- feat: #1323 Integrate with the community token by @nya-elimu in #1346
- build(deps): bump antisamy from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 by @dependabot in #1351
- refactor: #1094 Rename Letter-to-Allophone mappings REST controller by @nya-elimu in #1348
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 by @dependabot in #1352
- build(deps): bump commons-io from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 by @dependabot in #1354
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.8 to 5.3.9 by @dependabot in #1356
- build(deps): bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.25 to 8.0.26 by @dependabot in #1359
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.3.Final to 5.5.4.Final by @dependabot in #1360
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.4.Final to 5.5.5.Final by @dependabot in #1363
- build(deps): bump commons-csv from 1.8 to 1.9.0 by @dependabot in #1364
- Update StoryBookParagraph.java by @watr-sheep in #1358
- Feat #1349 create page for summarizing contributions by @nya-elimu in #1365
- feat: #1375 Fetch list of storybooks where a word is used by @nya-elimu in #1376
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1377
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1378
- refactor: #1373 Rename to "Letter-sound correspondence" by @nya-elimu in #1379
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1380
- 1368 Add QR code by @Bender-22 in #1369
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1381
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1382
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1384
- refactor: #1373 Rename to "Letter-sound correspondence" by @nya-elimu in #1385
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1386
- Refactor #1373 rename to letter sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1387
- build(deps): bump maven-scm-provider-gitexe from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 by @dependabot in #1389
- build(deps): bump maven-scm-api from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 by @dependabot in #1390
- build(deps): bump model from model-2.0.40 to model-2.0.41 by @dependabot in #1392
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 1.5.2 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #1391
- #1094 add word peer reviews rest controller for fetching wordContributionEvents by @UmenR in #1355
- #1393 Closes Delete allphones from Letter by @Shubham-Vishwakarma in #1394
- Remove Audio Heading from Letter Edit page by @Shubham-Vishwakarma in #1399
- #1366 Increased comment length by @arvind-1 in #1400
- Feat #1397 post content events on slack by @nya-elimu in #1402
- feat: #1397 Move URL to context file by @nya-elimu in #1403
- Feat #1397 post content events on slack by @nya-elimu in #1404
- build(deps): bump spring.security.version from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 by @dependabot in #1405
- build(deps): bump maven-scm-provider-gitexe from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 by @dependabot in #1406
- build(deps): bump maven-scm-api from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 by @dependabot in #1408
- build(deps): bump model from model-2.0.42 to model-2.0.43 by @dependabot in #1407
- #1341 Upgrade to jQuery 3.6.0 by @Shubham-Vishwakarma in #1395
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.5.Final to 5.5.6.Final by @dependabot in #1412
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #1413
- build(deps): bump model from model-2.0.43 to model-2.0.44 by @dependabot in #1414
- Refactor Code to use getOrDeafult by @Shubham-Vishwakarma in #1416
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.6.Final to 5.5.7.Final by @dependabot in #1421
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #1422
- Increase length of comment from 255 to 1000 by @Shubham-Vishwakarma in #1415
- #420 Do not allow words with spaces by @watr-sheep in #1410
- feat: #1372 Add LetterSoundCorrespondence contribution event by @nya-elimu in #1419
- build(deps): bump hibernate.version from 5.5.6.Final to 5.5.7.Final by @dependabot in #1428
- build(deps): bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1429
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #1430
- refactor: #1424 Add parent class to contribution events by @nya-elimu in #1425
- Refactor 1424 add parent class to contribution events by @nya-elimu in #1431
- build(deps): bump maven-war-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 by @dependabot in #1433
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #1437
- build(deps): bump spring.version from 5.3.9 to 5.3.10 by @dependabot in #1439
- #1345 Add list of most recent donations by @johnmgrimm in #1436
- chore: #1447 Point Aragon URL to Govern instead of Voice by @nya-elimu in #1448
- Extract APK version code on upload by @JairoFra in #1446
- build(deps): bump google-cloud-texttospeech from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 by @dependabot in #1450
- refactor: #1423 Reduce the length of the contract ABI used by the get… by @nya-elimu in #1432
- #1094 add word peer review events create rest endpoint by @UmenR in #1449
- fix issue with importing PeerReviewStatus by @UmenR in #1454
- #1420 refactor move peer review status to content superclass #1420 by @watr-sheep in #1452
- build(deps): bump log4j-api from 2.14.1 to 2.15.0 by @dependabot in #1459
- build(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.14.1 to 2.15.0 by @dependabot in #1460
- build(deps): bump log4j-api from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 by @dependabot in #1461
- build(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 by @dependabot in #1462
- chore: #1463 Add Discord integration by @nya-elimu in #1464
- build(deps): bump log4j-api from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 by @dependabot in #1466
- build(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 by @dependabot in #1467
- Feat #1463 add discord integration by @nya-elimu in #1475
- feat: #1463 Add Discord integration by @nya-elimu in #1476
- feat: #1479 List the usages of a letter-sound correspondence by @nya-elimu in #1480
- feat: #1481 Add ImageContributionEvent by @nya-elimu in #1483
- refactor: #1486 Refactor ContributionEvents by @nya-elimu in #1487
- Refactor #1488 add peer review event by @nya-elimu in #1489
- [#1401] Skip Edit Contribution Page for localhost development by @eymaal in #1494
- Refactor #1497 rename from allophone to sound by @nya-elimu in #1498
- refactor: #1497 Rename from Allophone to Sound by @nya-elimu in #1499
- Refactor #1497 rename from allophone to sound by @nya-elimu in #1500
- Refactor #1497 rename from allophone to sound by @nya-elimu in #1501
- feat: #1496 Add SoundContributionEvent by @nya-elimu in #1504
- feat: #1485 Add NumberPeerReviewEvent by @nya-elimu in #1505
- Verify matching package name during APK upload by @JairoFra in #1506
- feat: #1507 Make it possible to add Nuqta diacritic by @nya-elimu in #1508
- Feat #1507 make it possible to add nuqta diacritic by @nya-elimu in #1509
- feat: #1484 Add LetterSoundCorrespondencePeerReviewEvent by @nya-elimu in #1510
- fix: #1515 Prevent orphaned Word entities when editing/deleting a Sto… by @nya-elimu in #1516
- feat: #1518 List the letter-sound correspondences where a sound is used by @nya-elimu in #1519
- feat: #1196 Make diacritics clickable in the list of letter-sound cor… by @nya-elimu in #1520
- #1522 Replace True/False with Yes/No for Diacritic column for Letters by @eymaal in #1523
- fix: Fix incorrect URL for peer-reviewing letter-sound correspondence… by @nya-elimu in #1526
- fix: Incomplete import of ePUB from Let's Read #1527 by @nya-elimu in #1528
- chore(deps): bump spring-webmvc from 5.3.16 to 5.3.18 by @dependabot in #1530
- fix: Import of Hindi ePUBs from Global Digital Library fails #1533 by @nya-elimu in #1537
- Google fonts stopped loading by @Bender-22 in #1542
- chore: Configure Jetty server to use SSL certificate #1288 by @jo-elimu in #1540
- docs: Update references to old branch name by @nya-elimu in #1543
- feat: Extract versionCode from CSV filename #1546 by @nya-elimu in #1548
- refactor: Create a separate folder for each versionCode in CSV filena… by @nya-elimu in #1550
- chore(deps): bump antisamy from 1.6.5 to 1.6.8 by @dependabot in #1557
- Feat #1544 add rest api for signing in with web3 by @nya-elimu in #1560
- fix: #1561 Set e-mail address for new Web3 accounts automatically by @nya-elimu in #1562
- 1555 discord signon by @sshivaditya2019 in #1563
- feat: #1555 Configure Discord OAuth secret by @jo-elimu in #1564
- feat: #1555 Configure Discord OAuth secret by @jo-elimu in #1565
- chore: added GitHub action CI by @wkm97 in #1566
- add web3 providers using web3modal lib by @hhio618 in #1570
- Fix #1576: Web3 providers rejection bug by @hhio618 in #1578
- test: Add JaCoCo by @nya-elimu in #1584
- Feat #1577 add db migration by @nya-elimu in #1588
- test: Add MockMvc by @nya-elimu in #1587
- 1585 Fix broken logout functionality by @tomaszsmy in #1591
- #1396 add unit test for the csv content extraction helper by @vrudas in #1592
- Fix tests on windows by @tomaszsmy in #1599
- #1600 Include Windows OS in continuous integration by @jo-elimu in #1601
- 1191 Fix UnsupportedOperationException during startup by @tomaszsmy in #1580
- 1477 Database query fails when a word contains apostrophe by @tomaszsmy in #1581
- 1586 Improve code coverage by 4% by @tomaszsmy in #1602
- 1589 Problem with load data during startup application on windows by @tomaszsmy in #1590
- 1175 Make it possible to create multiple words with the same text by @tomaszsmy in #1582
- 1126 Request e-mail during GitHub authentication by @tomaszsmy in #1604
- #1606 context loader listener not initialized during controller tests by @nya-elimu in #1608
- docs: add windows installation instructions by @jo-elimu in #1621
- feat: Add letter-sound learning events by @jo-elimu in #1625
- refactor: Upgrade to model-2.0.62 by @jo-elimu in #1628
- feat: Store images during localhost development by @jo-elimu in #1631
- Upgrade to Java 11 by @jo-elimu in #1635
- Update README.md by @jo-elimu in #1626
- Change content language to Hindi by @jo-elimu in #1637
- Add missing revisionNumber property to REST API by @jo-elimu in #1639
- Switch back to ENG for faster server launch by @jo-elimu in #1641
- Update README.md by @jo-elimu in #1644
- Add link to missing library by @tomaszsmy in #1643
- Update Maven config by @jo-elimu in #1642
- 1636 upgrade to jetty 100x by @vrudas in #1640
- docs: Sunset Crowdsource app by @jo-elimu in #1648
- chore(deps): bump maven-scm-provider-gitexe from 1.11.3 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot in #1568
- chore(deps): bump maven-scm-api from 1.11.3 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot in #1567
- Error while signing on using Discord if no avatar #1649 by @venkatesh2k3 in #1650
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1657
- chore(deps): bump org.json:json from 20220320 to 20231013 by @dependabot in #1652
- chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1658
- Sunset crowdsource app #1623 by @venkatesh2k3 in #1665
- Removed Google as sign-in option #1651 by @venkatesh2k3 in #1662
- ci(codecov): disable "patch" status check by @jo-elimu in #1664
- docs(jpa): add code syntax by @jo-elimu in #1670
- test(codecov): adjust color range by @jo-elimu in #1673
- build(model): bump to model-2.0.68 by @jo-elimu in #1669
- chore(deps): bump org.hsqldb:hsqldb from 2.6.1 to 2.7.3 by @dependabot in #1668
- ci(java): try java 21 by @jo-elimu in #1671
- 1645 fix read most recent per word by @jo-elimu in #1666
- chore(deps): bump com.github.scribejava:scribejava-apis from 8.3.1 to 8.3.3 by @dependabot in #1680
- docs(db): clarify db migration by @jo-elimu in #1685
- Identicons by @Bender-22 in #1688
- ci(github): release workflow by @jo-elimu in #1690
New Contributors
- @georgekaranja made their first contribution in #502
- @urosht made their first contribution in #522
- @aschworer made their first contribution in #578
- @JakubRuzicka made their first contribution in #691
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #951
- @cebr76 made their first contribution in #1182
- @UmenR made their first contribution in #1253
- @watr-sheep made their first contribution in #1358
- @Bender-22 made their first contribution in #1369
- @Shubham-Vishwakarma made their first contribution in #1394
- @arvind-1 made their first contribution in #1400
- @johnmgrimm made their first contribution in #1436
- @JairoFra made their first contribution in #1446
- @eymaal made their first contribution in #1494
- @sshivaditya2019 made their first contribution in #1563
- @wkm97 made their first contribution in #1566
- @hhio618 made their first contribution in #1570
- @tomaszsmy made their first contribution in #1591
- @vrudas made their first contribution in #1592
- @venkatesh2k3 made their first contribution in #1650
Full Changelog: https://github.com/elimu-ai/webapp/commits/webapp-2.2.133