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Master thesis spring 2019. Template to be futher used by the department of chemical engineering at NTNU,


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Reinforcement Learning in Process Control .

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The project was to see if the RL method from machine learning could be of use as control model for industrial systems. Replacing traditional controllers like P-controller and MPC. So this is more of a POC to see if its viable to throw a RL algorithm on a industrial system which needs to be controlled.

The motivation is that some large complex industrial systems have have model sequations which need to be solved in order to have a control-model. And the solution is based on the system equations. Sometime the solution is hard to converge and solve. So this project was to figure out if one could give the system to the Machine, without any knowledge about the system and see if it could learn to control the systemstate given an disturbance to the system.

Abstraction from the thesis

Using reinforcement learning as controllers in the process industries was ex- plored as an alternate path of doing control compared to the regular controllers. Methods such as value-based and policy-based methods were used as controllers for three different cases of tank level regulation. The controllers were compared to a traditional P-controller for evaluation of the controller performance. The reinforcement learning controllers showed promising results as they managed to control the liquid level between the predetermined constraints. However, the P-controllers proved a better performance with smaller input changes com- pared to the reinforcement learning controllers which had large input changes that resulted in oscillatory liquid level. This thesis shows that the creation of reinforcement learning controllers is complicated and time-consuming and a well-tuned controller would most likely perform better. However, with more re- search and standardized approaches, there is a huge potential of including this field into the process industries due to its ability to handle nonlinearity and long term evaluations.

Install requirements

Python 3.6.7 was used, not sure which versions are supported To use python 2.7 minor tweeks to the code have to be made.

Create a virtual environment with Python 3.6+.

Run the following to install requirements for the project.

pip install -r requirements.txt

requirements.txt does not include pytorch version. Go to ( and install your correct pytorch version

The different projects

Off policy value method (DQN):

Off policy method of Deep Q networks which trains a neural network to approximate the value of beeing in different states based on series of 1 Tank, 2 Tanks or 6 Tanks. All Q-learning methods uses a batch learning method. For 2_Tank and 6_Tank, multiple agents are implemented where each agent have included the the action of the previous tanks agent as state input.

Policy gradint method (REINFORCE):

REINFORCE Monte Carlo option of using baseline. 1 Tank, 2 Tanks or 6 Tanks. All methods uses a batch learning method. For 2_Tank and 6_Tank, multiple agents are implemented where each agent have included the the action of the previous tanks agent as state input.

Actor critic method (A2C)

Q Actor Critic implemented by combining REINFORCE with Q-learning. The method is not fully optimized so it may have some errors. Only implemented for 1 Tank

How to run the different project and update parameters

Run in each project. The different project are independent on each other. To alter parameters change the values in python file and Tank_params for the 6 tank project. The script is a one episode run using the predetermined disturbance_200.csv and plots the history of the valve position, liquid level and disturbance to be used for comparison of different controllers


Master thesis spring 2019. Template to be futher used by the department of chemical engineering at NTNU,







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