The goal here isn’t to produce an exact replica of the YouTube video page, but to focus on making the media elements show up. That means two things – embedding the YouTube video player into the page so it actually plays and showing little thumbnail images along the right side.
Additional description about the project and its features.
Built With HTML5, CSS.
Getting Started First, visit this website There, you will see an empty input where you can paste the link of our Github repositorie's html file. This is going to give you a link right below a text "Use this URL in production"; please copy that link and paste it on your browser. ¡You will see our webpage once the browser finishes loading.
Authors 👤 Author1 Gabriel Sliveira Github: @Stricks1 Twitter: @gandhinomethor Linkedin: 👤 Author2
Github: @emiliocm9
Twitter: @emiliocm31
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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Acknowledgments Hat tip to anyone whose code was used Inspiration etc 📝 License This project is Microverse licensed.