Welcome to the ECSE 321 Group 2 GitHub repository!
Katie Younge
Sharon Kattar
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi
William Bouchard
The goal of our project is to create the Tutor's perspective of a tutoring application. This will be accessible via an app on any Android device as well as on a website. The application will allow tutors to select the courses they want to teach, set their hourly rates, set their availabilities, view past sessions and session requests and post reviews about students.
The roles of the members can be found below:
Katie Younge | Database Manager | 20 hours | 26 hours | 35 hours | 30 hours |
Kyjauna Marshall | Systems Analyst | 19 hours | 23 hours | 45 hours | 30 hours |
Sharon Kattar | Software Consulting Lead | 18 hours | 20 hours | 30 hours | 30 hours |
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi | Software Developer | 16 hours | 20 hours | 33 hours | 30 hours |
William Bouchard | Software Architecture Lead | 21 hours | 30 hours | 45 hours | 30 hours |
Deliverable 1-Individual Roles
The contributions of the members for this deliverable can be found below:
NAME | Contributions |
Katie Younge | Gradle build system, Travis CI, domain model, persistence testing |
Kyjauna Marshall | First draft of use case diagrams, persistence testing |
Sharon Kattar | Second draft of use case diagrams, persistence testing |
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi | Textual descriptions including user stories, second drafts of Use Case diagrams, documentation, system requirements |
William Bouchard | Heroku application, domain model, CRUD repositories, service class, persistence test adjustments |
Deliverable 2-Individual Roles
The contributions of the members for this deliverable can be found below:
NAME | Contributions |
Katie Younge | Tutor business methods, and RESTful methods, Availability service tests, test report documentaion |
Kyjauna Marshall | Testing documentation, Issue Tracking, Session service methods, RESTful method, Session service tests |
Sharon Kattar | Documentation, Textual testing for interface business methods |
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi | Subject serivce tests, Documentation |
William Bouchard | Availability/Review service methods, Subject/Review/Tutor/Course service tests, RESTful services test, controller test, test coverage |
Deliverable 3-Individual Roles
The contributions of the members for this deliverable can be found below:
NAME | Contributions |
Katie Younge | Coding the availabilities page and linking it with the backend. Issue tracking, Documentation, Worked on the build system |
Kyjauna Marshall | Coding the sessions page and dealing with session requests, integrating frontend components with the backend, worked on the build system. |
Sharon Kattar | Coded the view tutors page and integrating it with the backend, Designed the architecture model for the system |
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi | Wrote the Student Review components for the UI, as well as the mock up of a Courses page pertaining to hypothetical courses offered by the tutoring system. Designed the architecture model for our system. |
William Bouchard | Coded the login/register page UI, Linking components to pages, linking frontend to backend, Worked on travis CI continous integration |
Deliverable 4-Individual Roles
The contributions of the members for this deliverable can be found below:
NAME | Contributions |
Katie Younge | Coded the Login activity for the Android app. Also holds the lead for fixing the major bug with tutor email. Collaborated with Hadi and Sharon to integrate the Android app. |
Kyjauna Marshall | Finishing of the web-app frontend for it to be ready for the presentation |
Sharon Kattar | Coded the Availability, My Availability, and Set Availability activities for the Android app. Also wrote key decisions in the wiki. Collaborated with Hadi and Katie to integrate the Android app. |
Syed Hadi Zia Rizvi | Coded the Dashboard and Sessions activities for the Android app. Also wrote the user documentation for the Android app in the project wiki. Collaborated with Sharon and Katie to integrate the Android app. |
William Bouchard | Finishing of the web-app frontend for it to be ready for the presentation |
In this team, we value gender equity. This is the reason why we wanted this team to be gender neutral.
We also embrace differences and we strongly believe those different backgrounds that we all have will contribute to the awesomeness of our project.
To read our user documentation, head over to our User Support page.
To see our meeting minutes, key design decisions and architecture
framework, head over to our Wiki page.
For instructions concerning the Wiki, head over to our How-to page.