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fix ag grid header style (#11891) #29847

fix ag grid header style (#11891)

fix ag grid header style (#11891) #29847

GitHub Actions / Standard Library Tests Report (GraalVM CE, windows, amd64) succeeded Dec 17, 2024 in 0s

8386 passed, 0 failed and 227 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/AWS_Tests/JUnit.xml 98✅ 19⚪ 282s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml 26✅ 1s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Tests/JUnit.xml 3022✅ 40⚪ 99s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Examples_Tests/JUnit.xml 32✅ 1⚪ 8s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Geo_Tests/JUnit.xml 5✅ 427ms
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Image_Tests/JUnit.xml 174✅ 1⚪ 3s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Microsoft_Tests/JUnit.xml 1⚪ 0ms
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Snowflake_Tests/JUnit.xml 1⚪ 0ms
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Table_Tests/JUnit.xml 4939✅ 163⚪ 226s
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Tableau_Tests/JUnit.xml 13✅ 813ms
C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Visualization_Tests/JUnit.xml 77✅ 1⚪ 4s

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/AWS_Tests/JUnit.xml

117 tests were completed in 282s with 98 passed, 0 failed and 19 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
(Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Local) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> S3) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Local) copying/moving 5✅ 139ms
(Local -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 1s
(Local -> S3) copying/moving 5✅ 12s
(Local -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 9s
(S3 -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(S3 -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(S3 -> Local) copying/moving 5✅ 12s
(S3 -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 12s
(S3 -> S3) copying/moving 5✅ 21s
(S3 -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 21s
[Redshift] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms
AWS_Credential 4✅ 7s
DataLinks to S3_File 9✅ 8⚪ 36s
S3 Path handling 7✅ 282ms
S3_File reading 7✅ 9s
S3_File writing 21✅ 62s
S3.get_object 2✅ 16s
S3.head (bucket) 1✅ 9s
S3.head (object) 2✅ 8s
S3.list_buckets 4✅ 30s
S3.list_objects 4✅ 8s
S3.read_bucket 5✅ 9s

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml

26 tests were completed in 1s with 26 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
(Decimal_Constructor_Spec) conversions 1✅ 62ms
Host File values behaviour in Enso 2✅ 22ms
I/O Checks 2✅ 639ms
Object Comparator 9✅ 239ms
Test Reporter running on GitHub 3✅ 211ms
Text_Utils 4✅ 149ms
to_display_text 5✅ 59ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Tests/JUnit.xml

3062 tests were completed in 99s with 3022 passed, 0 failed and 40 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
(Decimal_Spec) arithmetic 9✅ 265ms
(Decimal_Spec) BigDecimal internal representation methods 1✅ 0ms
(Decimal_Spec) comparison 12✅ 1s
(Decimal_Spec) construction 21✅ 100ms
(Decimal_Spec) conversions 14✅ 69ms
(Decimal_Spec) Decimal.set_scale 2✅ 1ms
(Decimal_Spec) div 1✅ 3ms
(Decimal_Spec) edge cases 2✅ 28ms
(Decimal_Spec) floor, ceil, truncate 4✅ 28ms
(Decimal_Spec) Integer/Float .to_decimal 2✅ 1ms
(Decimal_Spec) min/max 3✅ 34ms
(Decimal_Spec) pow 2✅ 10ms
(Decimal_Spec) remainder 3✅ 6ms
(Decimal_Spec) Rounding 19✅ 190ms
(Decimal_Spec) signs 3✅ 3ms
(Decimal_Spec) text conversion 4✅ 19ms
(Decimal_Spec) Text.to_decimal 3✅ 3ms
Any.map_nothing 2✅ 31ms
Any's methods 3✅ 39ms
arithmetic 1✅ 29ms
Array_Proxy 5✅ 29ms
ArrayOverBuffer 1⚪ 0ms
ASCII 4✅ 72ms
Asserts 5✅ 13ms
at/get 7✅ 125ms
Atom Constructors 4✅ 8ms
Atom with holes 9✅ 26ms
Auto_Detect 3✅ 42ms
Autoscoped Constructors 20✅ 91ms
Base_64 3✅ 93ms
BigInts 26✅ 872ms
Booleans 6✅ 22ms
Bound 3✅ 5ms 11✅ 181ms
Bytes 3✅ 19ms
caching 1✅ 61ms
Callables 5✅ 13ms
Chain Multi Value 13✅ 24ms
Check Nothing and NaN 3✅ 1ms
children 2✅ 2ms
codepoints 2✅ 1ms
Compare functionality with Vector 1✅ 16ms
Compile 6✅ 23ms
Complex Multi Value 2✅ 6ms
const 1✅ 0ms
Contexts and Execution Environment 3✅ 9ms
Conversion 33✅ 163ms
Convert Multi Value 5✅ 20ms
Correlation Statistics 6✅ 86ms
curry 1✅ 3ms / File_Format 2✅ 721ms
Data.read_many 7✅ 219ms
Dataflow Errors 11✅ 45ms
Dataflow Warnings 34✅ 2s
DataLinks in Enso Cloud 1⚪ 0ms
DataLinks to Enso Cloud 1⚪ 0ms
Date 42✅ 10s
Date date part tests 8✅ 109ms
Date_Range 11✅ 1s
Date_Time 46✅ 2⚪ 857ms
Date_Time date part tests 8✅ 43ms
Date_Time equality 2✅ 8ms
Day_Of_Week conversions 9✅ 22ms
Debug 1✅ 15ms
Default comparator 5✅ 22ms
Default Encoding 10✅ 287ms
display text 1✅ 2ms
Duration 15✅ 245ms
Empty errors 4✅ 2ms
Encoding object 4✅ 103ms
Enso Arrays 7✅ 60ms
Enso Cloud Audit Log 5✅ 451ms
Enso Cloud Authentication 5✅ 635ms
Enso Cloud Files 1⚪ 0ms
Enso Cloud Secrets 13✅ 3⚪ 2s
Enso Dictionaries 26✅ 412ms
Enso Hashset 7✅ 36ms
Enso_User 2✅ 1⚪ 149ms
Enso_User - local mock integration tests 2✅ 147ms
Enso_User - offline logic tests 1✅ 18ms
Enso: Common polyglot Dictionary operations 29✅ 4s
Environment 1✅ 12ms
Equals and hash 1✅ 22ms
Escape 1✅ 1ms
fetch 11✅ 478ms
File Format 1✅ 18ms
File Operations 21✅ 340ms
flip 2✅ 2ms
Float.truncate 1✅ 30ms
Floats 6✅ 68ms
folder operations 8✅ 206ms
Format Detection in HTTP Fetch 3✅ 140ms
Formatting date/time values 6✅ 221ms
Fully Qualified Names 1✅ 1ms
Function Ascribed Parameters 12✅ 10ms
Functions 2✅ 8ms
Get by tag name 3✅ 37ms
Header 1✅ 5ms
Header resolution 7✅ 56ms
Headers 8✅ 278ms
Http Auth 2✅ 4s
HTTP client 4✅ 1s
HTTP DataLink 11✅ 648ms
Http Error handling 5✅ 936ms
HTTP in 5✅ 183ms
HTTP_Method parse 3✅ 8ms
HTTP_Status_Code 1✅ 7ms
identity 3✅ 2ms
Inlining Helpers 2✅ 38ms
inner / outer xml 2✅ 37ms
Input Stream 5✅ 72ms
Instrument @Tail_Call fibonacci 6✅ 1s
Instrument fibonacci 3✅ 701ms
Integer.truncate 1✅ 2ms
Integers 26✅ 197ms
Interval 7✅ 74ms
Java case of 3✅ 5ms
Java FFI 6✅ 1⚪ 23ms
Java: Common polyglot Dictionary operations 29✅ 79ms
Java/Enso Date 2✅ 19ms
JavaDate 42✅ 3s
JavaDate date part tests 8✅ 5ms
JavaLocalTime 29✅ 75ms
JavaScript Objects, Arrays & Functions 8✅ 660ms
JavaScript: Common polyglot Dictionary operations 29✅ 194ms
JavaScriptArrayWithADate 42✅ 3s
JavaScriptArrayWithADate date part tests 8✅ 37ms
JavascriptDataInArray 44✅ 4⚪ 403ms
JavascriptDataInArray date part tests 8✅ 88ms
JavascriptDate 44✅ 4⚪ 380ms
JavaScriptDate 42✅ 4s
JavascriptDate date part tests 8✅ 20ms
JavaScriptDate date part tests 8✅ 110ms
JavaZonedDateTime 46✅ 2⚪ 303ms
JavaZonedDateTime date part tests 8✅ 14ms
JavaZoneId 7✅ 42ms
JS_Object 5✅ 173ms
JSON 5✅ 37ms
JSON 1✅ 41ms
JSON Deserialization 10✅ 292ms
JSON Serialization 5✅ 111ms
JSON_Format 2✅ 95ms
Lazy 6✅ 22ms
Lazy Generator 1✅ 2ms
Lexicographic Order on Vectors 2✅ 7ms
List 32✅ 743ms
Locale 13✅ 74ms
Looping Imports 1✅ 4ms
Lowercase Methods 5✅ 7ms
Managed_Resource 5✅ 3s
Match.end 4✅ 22ms
Match.groups 2✅ 9ms
Match.named_groups 3✅ 36ms
Match.span 4✅ 23ms
Match.start 4✅ 23ms
Match.text 6✅ 66ms
Match.to_display_text 1✅ 7ms
Match.utf_16_end 4✅ 19ms
Match.utf_16_span 4✅ 22ms
Match.utf_16_start 4✅ 29ms
Maybe 5✅ 9ms
Meta-Value Inspection 5✅ 1⚪ 11ms
Meta-Value Manipulation 30✅ 144ms
Meta.Type.find 4✅ 26ms
Methods 1✅ 1⚪ 2ms
Missing_Argument 3✅ 31ms
MultiValue Conversions 11✅ 141ms
Natural Order 4✅ 98ms
No Method Errors 1✅ 8ms
No_Such_Method 4✅ 50ms
non-linear inserts 11✅ 152ms
Number Conversions 10✅ 118ms
Numbers 15✅ 232ms
Operator == 17✅ 87ms
Ordering 6✅ 20ms
Pair 1✅ 0ms
Pair - from 2-Item JavaScript Array 14✅ 294ms
Pair - from 2-Item List 14✅ 156ms
Pair - from 2-Item Vector 14✅ 199ms
Pair - from 14✅ 112ms
Pair - from Pair.Value 14✅ 15ms
Panics 22✅ 180ms
parse 8✅ 230ms
Parsing date/time values 26✅ 1⚪ 509ms
Parsing formats 4✅ 314ms
Path Operations 9✅ 1⚪ 77ms
Pattern Matches 19✅ 79ms
Pattern.find and .find_all 8✅ 79ms
Pattern.match and .match_all 8✅ 49ms
Pattern.matches 5✅ 12ms
Pattern.replace 8✅ 116ms
Pattern.split 6✅ 26ms
Pattern.tokenize 7✅ 215ms
Period 8✅ 28ms
Plain_Text 3✅ 107ms
Polyglot 12✅ 34ms
Polyglot Argument 7✅ 14ms
Polyglot Argument with Inheritance 3✅ 7ms
Polyglot Conversion 14✅ 16ms
Polyglot hash maps 8✅ 222ms
Polyglot JS 21✅ 249ms
Polyglot keys and values 5✅ 71ms
Polyglot Operator == 7✅ 53ms
Polyglot Python 18✅ 135ms
Polyglot R 1⚪ 0ms
post 25✅ 2s
Private constructors 11✅ 26ms
Private methods 5✅ 6ms
Problem_Behavior 2✅ 25ms
Process 5✅ 7s
Python: Common polyglot Dictionary operations 29✅ 129ms
PythonDate 1⚪ 0ms
PythonDate 43✅ 5⚪ 2s
PythonDate date part tests 8✅ 92ms
PythonLocalTime 29✅ 973ms
Qualified Names 3✅ 4ms
Random 14✅ 1s
Range 37✅ 982ms
Rank Data 7✅ 48ms
Read XML 7✅ 89ms
read_bytes 5✅ 58ms
read_text 6✅ 106ms
Refs 6✅ 10ms
Regression 12✅ 128ms
ReportingStreamDecoder 6✅ 2s
ReportingStreamEncoder 8✅ 303ms
Request 10✅ 47ms
rounding 4✅ 43ms
Rounding 16✅ 324ms
should correctly evaluate documentation examples 8✅ 42ms
Sorting with multiple comparators 4✅ 2⚪ 48ms
Sorting with the default comparator 7✅ 3⚪ 107ms
Stack size 1⚪ 0ms
Stack traces 2✅ 25ms
State 5✅ 6ms
Statistics 16✅ 556ms
Statistics - empty Vector 3✅ 9ms
Statistics - invalid input 5✅ 88ms
Statistics - invalid input 1✅ 1ms
Statistics - NaN Vector 3✅ 15ms
Statistics - Nothing Vector 3✅ 17ms
System 1✅ 0ms
tag name 1✅ 1ms
take/drop Sample non-determinism 2✅ 23ms
take/drop Sample non-determinism 2✅ 16ms
take/drop Sample non-determinism 2✅ 9ms
take/drop Sample non-determinism 2✅ 8ms
take/drop Sample non-determinism 2✅ 6ms
Temporary_File facility 6✅ 1⚪ 4s
Text - general 85✅ 8s
text contents 1✅ 0ms
Text_Sub_Range_Data 2✅ 27ms
Text.cleanse 14✅ 62ms
Text.match 6✅ 19ms
Text.Regex splitting 3✅ 11ms
Text.Regex tokenizing 2✅ 29ms
Text.Regex: find and find_all 20✅ 1⚪ 210ms
Text.replace 28✅ 282ms
Text.Span 3✅ 12ms
Text.substring 4✅ 12ms
the Self construct 6✅ 8ms
Time_Of_Day 29✅ 341ms
Type Errors 11✅ 71ms
uncurry 1✅ 1ms
Unix epoch conversion 4✅ 21ms
Unresolved symbol 1✅ 2ms
URI 22✅ 957ms
Use a slice of an array as vectors 104✅ 315ms
Use Array as vectors 104✅ 671ms
Use Array_Proxy as vectors 104✅ 303ms
Use Java ArrayList as vectors 104✅ 426ms
Use Vector as vectors 104✅ 1s
UTF_16 BigEndian 5✅ 56ms
UTF_16 LittleEndian 5✅ 67ms
UTF_8 11✅ 153ms
Vector Slicing Helpers 1✅ 8ms 13✅ 128ms
Vector/Array equality 9✅ 23ms
Windows 1252 4✅ 35ms
Wrapped dataflow errors 8✅ 20ms
Wrapped errors 8✅ 72ms
write operations 23✅ 1s
Write XML 4✅ 194ms
Zone 9✅ 32ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Examples_Tests/JUnit.xml

33 tests were completed in 8s with 32 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Examples 32✅ 8s
Python Examples 1⚪ 0ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Geo_Tests/JUnit.xml

5 tests were completed in 427ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Geo Points 2✅ 69ms
GeoJSON to Table 3✅ 358ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Image_Tests/JUnit.xml

175 tests were completed in 3s with 174 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Data Links to Images 1⚪ 0ms
Image File_Format 2✅ 125ms
Image with 1 channel 19✅ 354ms
Image with 2 channels 19✅ 334ms
Image with 3 channels 19✅ 272ms
Image with 4 channels 19✅ 361ms
Image Write 2✅ 80ms 9✅ 325ms
Matrix with 1 channel 21✅ 323ms
Matrix with 2 channels 21✅ 408ms
Matrix with 3 channels 21✅ 303ms
Matrix with 4 channels 21✅ 277ms
Matrix_Error 1✅ 2ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Microsoft_Tests/JUnit.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
[SQLServer] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Snowflake_Tests/JUnit.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
[Snowflake] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Table_Tests/JUnit.xml

5102 tests were completed in 226s with 4939 passed, 0 failed and 163 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
[Codegen] Aggregation 2✅ 186ms
[Codegen] Basic Select 3✅ 191ms
[Codegen] Handling Missing Values 2✅ 221ms
[Codegen] JSON serialization 1✅ 208ms
[Codegen] Masking Tables and Columns 2✅ 253ms
[Codegen] Sorting 4✅ 147ms
[In-Memory-specific] Table.join 1✅ 57ms
[In-Memory-specific] Table.set 2✅ 33ms
[In-Memory] Interactions Between various operations 12✅ 749ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Arithmetic Column Operations 13✅ 1⚪ 2s
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Boolean Column Operations 8✅ 1s
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Colum Operations - Names 10✅ 636ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Comparisons 6✅ 1⚪ 5s
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Equality & Null Handling 4✅ 3⚪ 150ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Text Replace (in-memory only) 8✅ 552ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Text Trim 3✅ 284ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.const 3✅ 41ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.fill_nothing/empty 4✅ 108ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.rename 1✅ 21ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Date truncation 1✅ 12ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Decimal 5✅ 645ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Min/Max Operations 3✅ 502ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Other Column Operations 1✅ 17ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: empty table and nothings 2✅ 14ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal regex pattern and replacement 5✅ 35ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal text pattern and replacement 4✅ 63ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: Named_Pattern and replacement 1✅ 9ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: pattern and replacement columns 4✅ 42ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding numeric tests 17✅ 589ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding-like operations 27✅ 313ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.fill_nothing/empty 14✅ 515ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.make_constant_column 5✅ 262ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.text_replace 7✅ 261ms
[In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Text Column Operations 13✅ 979ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Simple variant of Table/Column.parse in all backends 5✅ 43ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column auto value type 14✅ 160ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - checking invariants 12✅ 116ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - date/time 3✅ 21ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - numeric 14✅ 169ms
[In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - to text 11✅ 58ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) 3✅ 50ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.column_count 1✅ 1ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.column_names 2✅ 18ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.get 3✅ 25ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) 5✅ 86ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.rows 5✅ 83ms
[In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.set 8✅ 1s
[In-Memory] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Table.set with Simple_Expression 9✅ 2s
[In-Memory] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Unique derived column names 8✅ 280ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) between 55✅ 324ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) Comparisons 198✅ 216ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) distinct 11✅ 55ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_in 99✅ 328ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_in: Boolean+Nothing edge cases 192✅ 270ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_nothing 11✅ 12ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) not 1✅ 1ms
[In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) sort 16✅ 37ms
[In-Memory] Boolean Column operations 3✅ 1s
[In-Memory] Column Naming edge cases 7✅ 451ms
[In-Memory] Column operation Integer Overflow handling 6✅ 194ms
[In-Memory] 6✅ 51ms
[In-Memory] Column.take/drop 8✅ 221ms
[In-Memory] 6✅ 25ms
[In-Memory] Date-Time operations 22✅ 1⚪ 361ms
[In-Memory] Date-Time support 3✅ 52ms
[In-Memory] Dropping Missing Values 9✅ 389ms
[In-Memory] Expression Arithmetic 3✅ 171ms
[In-Memory] Expression Boolean literals 1✅ 35ms
[In-Memory] Expression Boolean Operators 4✅ 178ms
[In-Memory] Expression Column Arithmetic 2✅ 124ms
[In-Memory] Expression Comparison Operators 6✅ 173ms
[In-Memory] Expression Date and Time literals 5✅ 88ms
[In-Memory] Expression Errors should be handled 4✅ 22ms
[In-Memory] Expression Float literals 1✅ 28ms
[In-Memory] Expression Integer literals 1✅ 17ms
[In-Memory] Expression Nothing literals 3✅ 31ms
[In-Memory] Expression Text literals 1✅ 22ms
[In-Memory] Expression Text literals 2✅ 9ms
[In-Memory] Expression Text Operators 2✅ 53ms
[In-Memory] Expression Warnings should be reported 4✅ 186ms
[In-Memory] Filling Missing Values 9✅ 131ms
[In-Memory] Function invocation 5✅ 90ms
[In-Memory] Handling of Big Integer values 10✅ 269ms
[In-Memory] Loss_Of_Integer_Precision (large integers not being exactly representable in Float) 5✅ 123ms
[In-Memory] Storage Builders 2✅ 142ms
[In-Memory] Table Text Cleanse 4✅ 106ms
[In-Memory] Table.add_row_number (common) 7✅ 188ms
[In-Memory] Table.add_row_number (in-memory specific) 7✅ 59ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate 4✅ 35ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate 3✅ 44ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Average 1✅ 9ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Concatenate 6✅ 35ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Count_Distinct 4✅ 53ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate First and Last 4✅ 37ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Mode 1✅ 6ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Shortest 1✅ 8ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should be able to group on multiple fields 13✅ 230ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should be able to group on single field 13✅ 238ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly handle infinities 4✅ 52ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly handle NaN 5✅ 17ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly select result types 4✅ 28ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should merge warnings when issues computing aggregation 2✅ 24ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should not summarize empty table when grouped 11✅ 54ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues 7✅ 164ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues computing aggregation 3✅ 118ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should report warnings and errors based on types 4✅ 68ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should summarize empty table 11✅ 40ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate should summarize whole table 16✅ 265ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Standard_Deviation 1✅ 7ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate Sum 3✅ 50ms
[In-Memory] Table.aggregate+Expressions 2✅ 54ms
[In-Memory] Table.coalesce 8✅ 39ms
[In-Memory] Table.cross_join 9✅ 76ms
[In-Memory] Table.cross_tab 23✅ 498ms
[In-Memory] Table.distinct 7✅ 55ms
[In-Memory] Table.distinct 6✅ 26ms
[In-Memory] Table.duplicates 6✅ 71ms
[In-Memory] Table.filter 28✅ 1⚪ 517ms
[In-Memory] Table.filter 4✅ 357ms
[In-Memory] Table.filter by an expression 5✅ 653ms
[In-Memory] Table.from_union 31✅ 2⚪ 373ms
[In-Memory] Table.join 42✅ 710ms
[In-Memory] Table.make_table_from_dictionary/vectors 8✅ 39ms
[In-Memory] Table.merge 20✅ 657ms
[In-Memory] Table.remove_columns 13✅ 243ms
[In-Memory] Table.rename_columns 25✅ 901ms
[In-Memory] Table.reorder_columns 11✅ 251ms
[In-Memory] Table.reorder_columns by type 1✅ 21ms
[In-Memory] Table.replace 22✅ 382ms
[In-Memory] Table.select_columns 16✅ 689ms
[In-Memory] Table.select_columns By_Type and Table.remove_columns By_Type 2✅ 121ms
[In-Memory] Table.sort 22✅ 200ms
[In-Memory] Table.sort_columns 4✅ 123ms
[In-Memory] Table.take/drop 11✅ 327ms
[In-Memory] Table.transpose 8✅ 60ms
[In-Memory] Table.union 30✅ 2⚪ 590ms
[In-Memory] 12✅ 145ms
[In-Memory] Temp column 2✅ 2ms
[PostgreSQL] .pgpass 2✅ 466ms
[PostgreSQL] Audit Logs 1⚪ 0ms
[PostgreSQL] Connection setup 3✅ 686ms
[PostgreSQL] Data Link 1⚪ 0ms
[PostgreSQL] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms
[PostgreSQL] Saving to Data Link 1⚪ 0ms
[PostgreSQL] SSL connectivity tests 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Interactions Between various operations 10✅ 1s
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Arithmetic Column Operations 11✅ 2⚪ 505ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Boolean Column Operations 7✅ 1⚪ 510ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Colum Operations - Names 8✅ 95ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Comparisons 5✅ 1⚪ 5s
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Equality & Null Handling 4✅ 3⚪ 100ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Text Trim 3✅ 92ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.const 3✅ 165ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.fill_nothing/empty 4✅ 53ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.let 1✅ 104ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.rename 1✅ 15ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Date truncation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Decimal 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Min/Max Operations 2✅ 1⚪ 93ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Other Column Operations 1✅ 15ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: DB specific edge-cases 2✅ 8ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: empty table and nothings 2✅ 15ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal regex pattern and replacement 5✅ 34ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal text pattern and replacement 4✅ 85ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: Named_Pattern and replacement 1✅ 3ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: pattern and replacement columns 4✅ 22ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding numeric tests 17✅ 15s
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding-like operations 16✅ 2s
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.fill_nothing/empty 14✅ 624ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.make_constant_column 3✅ 1⚪ 154ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.text_replace 7✅ 163ms
[SQLite File] (Column_Operations_Spec) Text Column Operations 13✅ 458ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Simple variant of Table/Column.parse in all backends 5✅ 121ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table.expand_column 1✅ 14ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table.expand_to_rows 1✅ 15ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column auto value type 1✅ 14ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - checking invariants 7✅ 163ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - numeric 3✅ 72ms
[SQLite File] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - to text 2✅ 47ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) 3✅ 93ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) Table.column_count 1✅ 0ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) Table.column_names 2✅ 235ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) Table.get 3✅ 32ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) 6✅ 568ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) Table.rows 5✅ 190ms
[SQLite File] (Core_Spec) Table.set 8✅ 427ms
[SQLite File] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Table.set with Simple_Expression 8✅ 1⚪ 1s
[SQLite File] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Unique derived column names 8✅ 121ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) between 30✅ 462ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) Comparisons 108✅ 2s
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) distinct 6✅ 57ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) is_in 54✅ 958ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) is_in: Boolean+Nothing edge cases 192✅ 4s
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) is_nothing 6✅ 104ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) not 1✅ 6ms
[SQLite File] (Nothing_Spec) sort 12✅ 114ms
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Appending a Database table to a Database table 30✅ 2s
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Appending an in-memory table to a Database table 31✅ 3s
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Creating an empty table 19✅ 2s
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table 4✅ 168ms
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table (source=Database) 11✅ 869ms
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table (source=in-memory) 11✅ 929ms
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Output Execution Context for Database operations 12✅ 1⚪ 1s
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Persisting a Database Table (query) 9✅ 2s
[SQLite File] (Upload_Spec) Uploading an in-memory Table 12✅ 2s
[SQLite File] Aggregation 2✅ 466ms
[SQLite File] Basic Table Access 6✅ 1s
[SQLite File] Column Naming edge cases 7✅ 1s
[SQLite File] Column.const 1✅ 39ms
[SQLite File] 1✅ 2ms
[SQLite File] Column.take/drop 6✅ 2s
[SQLite File] 1✅ 3ms
[SQLite File] Connection.query 7✅ 636ms
[SQLite File] Date-Time operations 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Date-Time support 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Dialect-specific codegen 1✅ 132ms
[SQLite File] Dropping Missing Values 8✅ 681ms
[SQLite File] Error Handling 2✅ 57ms
[SQLite File] Expression Arithmetic 3✅ 318ms
[SQLite File] Expression Boolean literals 1✅ 54ms
[SQLite File] Expression Boolean Operators 4✅ 134ms
[SQLite File] Expression Column Arithmetic 2✅ 460ms
[SQLite File] Expression Comparison Operators 6✅ 603ms
[SQLite File] Expression Date and Time literals 4⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Expression Errors should be handled 4✅ 36ms
[SQLite File] Expression Float literals 1✅ 27ms
[SQLite File] Expression Integer literals 1✅ 46ms
[SQLite File] Expression Nothing literals 3✅ 258ms
[SQLite File] Expression Text literals 1✅ 59ms
[SQLite File] Expression Text literals 2✅ 36ms
[SQLite File] Expression Text Operators 2✅ 99ms
[SQLite File] Expression Warnings should be reported 2✅ 2⚪ 211ms
[SQLite File] Filling Missing Values 5✅ 2⚪ 173ms
[SQLite File] Function invocation 5✅ 149ms
[SQLite File] Internals 1✅ 9ms
[SQLite File] IR Traversal 4✅ 4s
[SQLite File] Masking Tables 1✅ 355ms
[SQLite File] math functions 6✅ 5s
[SQLite File] Metadata 2✅ 153ms
[SQLite File] Missing Values 2✅ 163ms
[SQLite File] partial Date-Time support 2⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Schemas and Databases 3✅ 9ms
[SQLite File] Sorting 5✅ 281ms
[SQLite File] Table Text Cleanse 4✅ 37ms
[SQLite File] Table.add_row_number (common) 7✅ 188ms
[SQLite File] Table.add_row_number (Database specific) 1✅ 110ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate 4✅ 237ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate Concatenate 6✅ 388ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate Count_Distinct 2✅ 2⚪ 304ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate First and Last 2✅ 2⚪ 147ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate Mode 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate Shortest 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should be able to group on multiple fields 8✅ 5⚪ 237ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should be able to group on single field 9✅ 4⚪ 289ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should correctly handle infinities 2✅ 2⚪ 129ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should correctly handle NaN 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should correctly select result types 2✅ 2⚪ 78ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should merge warnings when issues computing aggregation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should not summarize empty table when grouped 8✅ 3⚪ 127ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues 7✅ 575ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues computing aggregation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should report unsupported operations but not block other aggregations in warning mode 5✅ 159ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should report warnings and errors based on types 4✅ 136ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should summarize empty table 8✅ 3⚪ 150ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate should summarize whole table 10✅ 6⚪ 697ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate Standard_Deviation 1✅ 30ms
[SQLite File] Table.aggregate+Expressions 2✅ 127ms
[SQLite File] Table.coalesce 8✅ 170ms
[SQLite File] Table.cross_join 9✅ 457ms
[SQLite File] Table.cross_tab 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.default_ordering 5✅ 291ms
[SQLite File] Table.distinct 7✅ 242ms
[SQLite File] Table.duplicates 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.filter 1✅ 267ms
[SQLite File] Table.filter 27✅ 1s
[SQLite File] Table.filter by an expression 4✅ 1⚪ 168ms
[SQLite File] Table.from_union 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.join 38✅ 2s
[SQLite File] Table.make_table_from_dictionary/vectors 8✅ 282ms
[SQLite File] Table.merge 19✅ 3s
[SQLite File] Table.remove_columns 13✅ 369ms
[SQLite File] Table.rename_columns 26✅ 525ms
[SQLite File] Table.reorder_columns 11✅ 194ms
[SQLite File] Table.reorder_columns by type 1✅ 40ms
[SQLite File] Table.replace 21✅ 1s
[SQLite File] Table.select_columns 16✅ 449ms
[SQLite File] Table.select_columns By_Type and Table.remove_columns By_Type 2✅ 102ms
[SQLite File] Table.sort 20✅ 399ms
[SQLite File] Table.sort_columns 4✅ 65ms
[SQLite File] Table.take/drop 7✅ 2s
[SQLite File] Table.transpose 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Table.union 25✅ 4⚪ 1s
[SQLite File] 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite File] Tables and Table Types 4✅ 139ms
[SQLite File] Temp column 2✅ 77ms
[SQLite File] Transaction Support 4✅ 106ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Interactions Between various operations 10✅ 396ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Arithmetic Column Operations 11✅ 2⚪ 271ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Boolean Column Operations 7✅ 1⚪ 464ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Colum Operations - Names 8✅ 81ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Comparisons 5✅ 1⚪ 3s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Equality & Null Handling 4✅ 3⚪ 56ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column Operations - Text Trim 3✅ 60ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.const 3✅ 34ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.fill_nothing/empty 4✅ 41ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.let 1✅ 57ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Column.rename 1✅ 8ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Date truncation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Decimal 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Min/Max Operations 2✅ 1⚪ 61ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Other Column Operations 1✅ 16ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: DB specific edge-cases 2✅ 9ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: empty table and nothings 2✅ 21ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal regex pattern and replacement 5✅ 12ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: literal text pattern and replacement 4✅ 77ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: Named_Pattern and replacement 1✅ 1ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) replace: pattern and replacement columns 4✅ 15ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding numeric tests 17✅ 11s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Rounding-like operations 16✅ 379ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.fill_nothing/empty 14✅ 241ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.make_constant_column 3✅ 1⚪ 50ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Table.text_replace 7✅ 362ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Column_Operations_Spec) Text Column Operations 13✅ 353ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Simple variant of Table/Column.parse in all backends 5✅ 76ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table.expand_column 1✅ 7ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table.expand_to_rows 1✅ 8ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column auto value type 1✅ 7ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - checking invariants 7✅ 102ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - numeric 3✅ 67ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Conversion_Spec) Table/Column.cast - to text 2✅ 25ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) 3✅ 23ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.column_count 1✅ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.column_names 2✅ 122ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.get 3✅ 6ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) 6✅ 176ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.rows 5✅ 35ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Core_Spec) Table.set 8✅ 240ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Table.set with Simple_Expression 8✅ 1⚪ 494ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Derived_Columns_Spec) Unique derived column names 8✅ 81ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) between 30✅ 374ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) Comparisons 108✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) distinct 6✅ 53ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_in 54✅ 758ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_in: Boolean+Nothing edge cases 192✅ 2s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) is_nothing 6✅ 61ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) not 1✅ 4ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Nothing_Spec) sort 12✅ 115ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Appending a Database table to a Database table 30✅ 2s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Appending an in-memory table to a Database table 31✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Creating an empty table 17✅ 508ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table 4✅ 106ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table (source=Database) 11✅ 690ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Deleting rows from a Database table (source=in-memory) 11✅ 626ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Output Execution Context for Database operations 9✅ 1⚪ 423ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Persisting a Database Table (query) 9✅ 834ms
[SQLite In-Memory] (Upload_Spec) Uploading an in-memory Table 10✅ 580ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Aggregation 2✅ 80ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Basic Table Access 6✅ 160ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Column Naming edge cases 7✅ 147ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Column.const 1✅ 20ms
[SQLite In-Memory] 1✅ 1ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Column.take/drop 6✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] 1✅ 1ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Connection.query 7✅ 168ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Date-Time operations 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Date-Time support 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Dialect-specific codegen 1✅ 26ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Dropping Missing Values 8✅ 446ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Error Handling 2✅ 19ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Arithmetic 3✅ 194ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Boolean literals 1✅ 39ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Boolean Operators 4✅ 91ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Column Arithmetic 2✅ 96ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Comparison Operators 6✅ 207ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Date and Time literals 4⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Errors should be handled 4✅ 10ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Float literals 1✅ 18ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Integer literals 1✅ 39ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Nothing literals 3✅ 42ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Text literals 1✅ 43ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Text literals 2✅ 14ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Text Operators 2✅ 62ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Expression Warnings should be reported 2✅ 2⚪ 100ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Filling Missing Values 5✅ 2⚪ 123ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Function invocation 5✅ 115ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Internals 1✅ 5ms
[SQLite In-Memory] IR Traversal 4✅ 3s
[SQLite In-Memory] Masking Tables 1✅ 84ms
[SQLite In-Memory] math functions 6✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] Metadata 2✅ 30ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Missing Values 2✅ 33ms
[SQLite In-Memory] partial Date-Time support 2⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Schemas and Databases 3✅ 1ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Sorting 5✅ 58ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table Text Cleanse 4✅ 17ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.add_row_number (common) 7✅ 144ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.add_row_number (Database specific) 1✅ 26ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate 4✅ 101ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate Concatenate 6✅ 338ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate Count_Distinct 2✅ 2⚪ 156ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate First and Last 2✅ 2⚪ 65ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate Mode 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate Shortest 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should be able to group on multiple fields 8✅ 5⚪ 172ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should be able to group on single field 9✅ 4⚪ 198ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly handle infinities 2✅ 2⚪ 63ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly handle NaN 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should correctly select result types 2✅ 2⚪ 41ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should merge warnings when issues computing aggregation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should not summarize empty table when grouped 8✅ 3⚪ 102ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues 7✅ 491ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should raise warnings when there are issues computing aggregation 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should report unsupported operations but not block other aggregations in warning mode 5✅ 123ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should report warnings and errors based on types 4✅ 101ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should summarize empty table 8✅ 3⚪ 92ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate should summarize whole table 10✅ 6⚪ 423ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate Standard_Deviation 1✅ 20ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.aggregate+Expressions 2✅ 56ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.coalesce 8✅ 109ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.cross_join 9✅ 518ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.cross_tab 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.default_ordering 5✅ 53ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.distinct 7✅ 136ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.duplicates 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.filter 1✅ 104ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.filter 27✅ 933ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.filter by an expression 4✅ 1⚪ 133ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.from_union 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.join 38✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.make_table_from_dictionary/vectors 8✅ 86ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.merge 19✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.remove_columns 13✅ 163ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.rename_columns 26✅ 385ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.reorder_columns 11✅ 82ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.reorder_columns by type 1✅ 15ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.replace 21✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.select_columns 16✅ 152ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.select_columns By_Type and Table.remove_columns By_Type 2✅ 66ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.sort 20✅ 244ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.sort_columns 4✅ 100ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.take/drop 7✅ 1s
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.transpose 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Table.union 25✅ 4⚪ 740ms
[SQLite In-Memory] 1⚪ 0ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Tables and Table Types 4✅ 57ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Temp column 2✅ 19ms
[SQLite In-Memory] Transaction Support 4✅ 34ms
[SQLite] Type Mapping 8✅ 189ms
Aggregate Columns 23✅ 459ms
All types 1✅ 20ms
Autoconstructor Instrumentation 1✅ 2s
Boolean 4✅ 70ms
Boolean Column.format, with format Column 3✅ 43ms
Boolean Column.format, with format string 3✅ 50ms
ceil 3✅ 25ms
Column selectors 2✅ 32ms
Column should_equal 8✅ 33ms
Column Text Cleanse 15✅ 241ms
Column Text Cleanse 15✅ 96ms
Column Text Cleanse 15✅ 58ms
Column.parse 15✅ 144ms
Columns 18✅ 834ms
Counting Values 1✅ 0ms
Data.read_many 17✅ 1⚪ 2s
DataFormatter builders 3✅ 81ms
DataFormatter.format 10✅ 115ms
DataFormatter.parse 13✅ 807ms
Date Column.format, with format Column 6✅ 68ms
Date Column.format, with format string 4✅ 142ms
Date_Time Column.format, with format Column 6✅ 88ms
Date_Time Column.format, with format string 5✅ 150ms
Date_Time truncate 1✅ 21ms
Dates 9✅ 177ms
Delimited File Parsing 34✅ 3⚪ 2s
Delimited File Writing 35✅ 3s
different types 2✅ 7ms
Dropping Missing Values 1✅ 34ms
Edge cases 1✅ 11ms
Errors 2✅ 13ms
Errors 4✅ 90ms
Excel Range 9✅ 62ms
expand_column 21✅ 354ms
expand_to_rows 16✅ 238ms
Fan_Out 2✅ 77ms
fetching files using HTTP 5✅ 1s (Delimited) 3✅ 45ms (Delimited) should work with Date_Time 3✅ 47ms (Delimited) should work with Dates 3✅ 63ms (Delimited) should work with Time_Of_Days 3✅ 26ms
fill 8✅ 53ms
Float 3✅ 22ms
Float, with format Column 3✅ 21ms
floor 3✅ 24ms
from_objects with Array 1✅ 16ms
from_objects with JSON (single values) 2✅ 46ms
from_objects with mixed vector of single and JSON objects 5✅ 47ms
from_objects with non-uniform JSON vector 6✅ 47ms
from_objects with single values 5✅ 183ms
from_objects with uniform JSON vector 5✅ 36ms
InferredIntegerBuilder 2✅ 43ms
Info 1✅ 3ms
Integer 3✅ 40ms
Integer 1✅ 8ms
Integer, with format Column 3✅ 32ms
Integration 1✅ 116ms
IO operations on Enso Cloud files 1⚪ 0ms
JSON conversion 2✅ 61ms
Locales 2✅ 41ms
Mapping Operations 7✅ 552ms
Masking Tables 3✅ 44ms
NaN handling 7✅ 37ms
nothing handling 7✅ 69ms
Numeric 4✅ 67ms
Numeric format, empty 4✅ 48ms
parsing Table formats in DataLinks 8✅ 2s
Problems 12✅ 2⚪ 449ms
Read XLSX / XLS Files 16✅ 3s
Reading single cells correctly 7✅ 533ms
Response caching 36✅ 7s
round/truncate/ceil/floor 3✅ 66ms
Rounding 8✅ 82ms
running count 9✅ 53ms
running kurtosis 1✅ 7ms
running max 3✅ 37ms
running mean 2✅ 12ms
running min 3✅ 12ms
running product 2✅ 10ms
running skew 2✅ 13ms
running standard deviation 2✅ 12ms
running sum 8✅ 53ms
running variance 2✅ 17ms
Should be able to serialise a table with Dates to Text 2✅ 87ms
Should be able to serialise a table with DateTimes to Text 2✅ 32ms
Should be able to serialise a table with Time_Of_Days to Text 2✅ 14ms
Slicing Tables 4✅ 47ms
SortedListIndex (used for SortJoin) 6✅ 14ms
Sorting Columns 4✅ 21ms
Sorting Tables 2✅ 25ms
SQL_Statement serialization 2✅ 124ms
SQLite_Format should allow connecting to SQLite files 5✅ 113ms
Table Construction 12✅ 7s
Table Display 1✅ 41ms
Table should_equal 6✅ 131ms
Table.from Text 1✅ 14ms
Table.parse 22✅ 515ms
Table.parse_to_columns 15✅ 427ms
Table.split 10✅ 97ms
Table.split/tokenize column count 8✅ 255ms
Table.split/tokenize column order 1✅ 7ms
Table.split/tokenize errors 4✅ 8ms
Table.split/tokenize name conflicts 2✅ 75ms
Table.tokenize 14✅ 440ms
Text.parse_to_table 2✅ 52ms
Text.parse_to_table errors 3✅ 36ms
Text.parse_to_table parsing 3✅ 110ms
Text.parse_to_table with case-insensitivity 1✅ 18ms
Text.parse_to_table with groups 2✅ 81ms
Time_Of_Day Column.format, with format Column 6✅ 88ms
Time_Of_Day Column.format, with format string 5✅ 80ms
to_xml 28✅ 2⚪ 293ms
truncate 3✅ 29ms
Unique_Name_Strategy Helper 12✅ 514ms
Unique_Name_Strategy.combine_with_prefix 6✅ 10ms
Unsupported statistics 4✅ 5ms
Use First Row As Names 5✅ 84ms
Value_Type 2✅ 7ms
Various File Format support on Table 6✅ 228ms
Vector conversion 1✅ 6ms
Write xls Files 47✅ 3s
Write xlsx Files 47✅ 5s
Writing 4✅ 113ms
Writing to csv files 3✅ 164ms
Writing to json files 3✅ 950ms
XLS reading 13✅ 256ms
XLSX reading 13✅ 795ms
XML 7✅ 192ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Tableau_Tests/JUnit.xml

13 tests were completed in 813ms with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Read Tables 6✅ 556ms
Structure 7✅ 257ms

✅ C:/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Visualization_Tests/JUnit.xml

78 tests were completed in 4s with 77 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Dataflow Error Visualization 2✅ 73ms
File uploads 2✅ 10ms
Geo_Map 3✅ 317ms
Histogram Visualization 6✅ 93ms
Lazy Table Visualization 12✅ 396ms
Lazy Text Visualization 3✅ 50ms
Scatter Plot Visualization 12✅ 436ms
Serializable Visualization Identifiers 6✅ 77ms
SQL Visualization 1✅ 274ms
Table Visualization 12✅ 1s
Table.lookup_ignore_case 1✅ 16ms
Table.rows 1✅ 167ms
Type Names of Visualization Defaults 1✅ 36ms
Vector and Arrays 2✅ 1⚪ 45ms
Widget_Helpers run 2✅ 12ms
Widgets for 2✅ 175ms
Widgets for Database 1✅ 22ms
Widgets for In-Database Connection with table name sets 1✅ 147ms
Widgets for In-Database Connection with table types 1✅ 14ms
Widgets for In-Database Table with column name sets 2✅ 27ms
Widgets for In-Memory with column name sets 3✅ 101ms
Widgets for the Text type 1✅ 99ms