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webapp/components/testing: testing tutorial
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JulienVig committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent cf4c823 commit aac64c6
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 12 deletions.
180 changes: 168 additions & 12 deletions webapp/src/components/testing/Testing.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<div v-show="validationStore.step === 0">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-8">
<div v-if="!models.infos.isEmpty()">
<div v-if="!models.infos.isEmpty()" class="model-library">
<IconCard title-placement="center">
<template #title>
Model Library —
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
<div v-else>
<div v-else class="model-library">
<template #title> Empty Model Library </template>

Expand All @@ -69,12 +69,13 @@

<div id="model-repository">
<IconCard title-placement="center">
<template #title>
<span><DISCO /> Model Repository — <span class="italic">Download and Test</span></span>

><DISCO /> Model Repository —
<span class="italic">Download and Test</span></span

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +125,6 @@

<div v-if="selection !== undefined">
<div v-if="validationStore.step !== 0">

v-if="selection.mode === 'test'"
Expand All @@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import createDebug from "debug";
import { List } from "immutable";
import { computed, ref, onActivated } from "vue";
import { RouterLink } from "vue-router";
import { computed, ref, onActivated, watch, nextTick } from "vue";
import { RouterLink, useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { VueSpinner } from "vue3-spinners";
import type { DataType, Model, Task } from "@epfml/discojs";
Expand All @@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ import Bin2Icon from "@/assets/svg/Bin2Icon.vue";
import { useToaster } from "@/composables/toaster";
import { CONFIG } from "@/config";
import type { ModelID } from "@/store";
import { useModelsStore } from "@/store";
import { useTasksStore } from "@/store";
import { useValidationStore } from "@/store";
import {
useModelsStore, useTasksStore, useValidationStore, useTutorialStore
} from "@/store";
import ButtonsCard from "@/components/containers/ButtonsCard.vue";
import IconCard from "@/components/containers/IconCard.vue";
Expand All @@ -167,12 +167,19 @@ import DISCOllaboratives from "@/components/simple/DISCOllaboratives.vue";
import TestSteps from "./TestSteps.vue";
import PredictSteps from "./PredictSteps.vue";
import { driver, type DriveStep } from "driver.js";
import "driver.js/dist/driver.css";
const debug = createDebug("webapp:Testing");
const validationStore = useValidationStore();
const models = useModelsStore();
const tasksStore = useTasksStore();
const toaster = useToaster();
const tutorialStore = useTutorialStore();
const router = useRouter();
const driverTesting = driver({
showProgress: false,
type Selection<D extends DataType> = {
mode: "predict" | "test";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,4 +295,153 @@ function taskTitle(taskID: string): string | undefined {
return titled.displayInformation.taskTitle;
//Define the steps for the guide when no user's models are available
const modelEmptySteps: DriveStep[] = [
popover: {
title: "Model Evaluation",
"This page allows you to test and validate models stored locally or download new models from the DISCO Model Repository for further testing and evaluation.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: ".model-library",
popover: {
title: "Model Library",
"Test any locally stored model against a validation dataset to evaluate its performance.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: "#model-repository",
popover: {
title: "DISCO Model Repository",
"Download additional models from the repository for testing or federated training tasks.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
// Define the steps for the guide when user's models are available
const modelSteps: DriveStep[] = [
popover: {
title: "Model Evaluation",
"This page allows you to test and validate models stored locally or download new models from the DISCO Model Repository for further testing and evaluation.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: ".model-library",
popover: {
title: "Model Library",
"Test any locally stored model against a validation dataset to evaluate its performance.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: ".mb-1:nth-child(1)",
popover: {
"Run the model on a validation dataset to assess its accuracy.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: ".mb-1:nth-child(2)",
popover: {
"Use the selected model to make predictions on new data inputs.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: "#model-repository",
popover: {
title: "DISCO Model Repository",
"Download additional models from the repository for testing or federated training tasks.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
// Define the steps for the guide related to data handling
const dataSteps: DriveStep[] = [
popover: {
title: "Expected Data Format",
"Testing your model on unseen data is crucial. Make sure the dataset you select was not part of the training process to ensure accurate evaluation.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: "#data-link-download",
popover: {
title: "Test",
"Click here to download a sample dataset if you don't have your own. Perfect for testing and experimenting!",
side: "top",
align: "center",
element: "#select-data-bttn",
popover: {
title: "Upload Your Dataset",
"Click here to upload your dataset for model training. Your data stays secure and never leaves your device.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
// Define the steps for the guide related to model evaluation
const evaluationSteps: DriveStep[] = [
popover: {
title: "Model Evaluation",
"This page is intended for testing or validating the selected model. After the testing is complete, the results can be saved in CSV file format for further analysis or use.",
side: "top",
align: "center",
() => tutorialStore.showGuide,
async (_) => {
if (driverTesting.isActive()) {
await driverTesting.destroy();
if (router.currentRoute.value.path === "/evaluate") {
const stepsMap: Record<number, DriveStep[]> = {
0: models.infos.isEmpty() ? modelEmptySteps : modelSteps,
1: dataSteps,
2: evaluationSteps,
const steps = stepsMap[validationStore.step] || [];
if (steps.length) {
await nextTick();;

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