Author: Emily Quinn Finney Version: 2.0
In this package I implemented an asynchronous breadth first search based web crawler/scraper as part of my time at the Recurse Center ( The package relies primarily on Python's asyncio and Beautiful Soup libraries.
While writing this code, I tested two different methods of object-oriented software design.
- Creates a page loading object (URLoader) and uses this object within another object that scrapes a web page (PageScraper).
- Creates a page loading object (URLoader) and a page scraping object (PageScraper) and integrates both objects into a main class (MainScraper) that controls all high-level logic.
Version 1.0 was written recursively, and was not implemented asynchronously.
To test the code, you will need pytest installed. Then type the following into the terminal:
pytest -v -s test_web_crawler_{$TEST_MODULE}.py
Last edited 04/05/2017