A mash-up of Haskell News and Luite Stegeman's hdiff site.
These are alternate versions of the Haskell News page which adds a few convenience features:
Hackage news items have an (hdiff) link to Luite Stegman's hdiff Hackage mirror so you can see what changed in a package
index2.html has controls to toggle viewing of news items by category -- e.g. Reddit, Haskell Cafe, Hackage, etc.
If you are using Safari, you can simply run:
$ open site/haskellnews-hdiff/index.html
Otherwise you'll have to run the included proxy server hn-proxy
$ pip install requests
$ python2.7 ./hn-proxy -p 8000
$ open http://localhost:8000/
If you not running hn-proxy
from the repository root, use -d ...
to specify the location of the site