Custom card to display one or more world clocks in Lovelace. In the example below, several instances of world-clock are arranged with horizontal-stack
v1.0 (2019.02.21) First version
Remember to increment the version number every time you update world clock to a new version (V=1.002, 1.003, etc.). After incrementing the version number, reload the page where you display your Home Assistant page (usually by holding down command/control and reloading the page - might differ from browser to browser).
- Copy the script (world-clock.js) to your local directory (I suggest to place all plugins in a directory "plugins" inside your www-folder - if not: adjust the path to world-clock.js). The file world-clock.png is not necessary - it's just there so I can display the picture of the card above.
- Add this to your ui-lovelace.yaml:
- url: /local/plugins/world-clock.js?v=1.001
type: js
Place the card in your ui-lovelace.yaml like this:
- title: "Example"
- type: "custom:world-clock"
title: "Portugal"
tz: "-01:00"
mode: "12h"
daylight_saving_time: true
separator: ":"
(or add it as a card to an existing view)
(requiered) The name that will be displayed above the time.
(optional) Time zone - must be written in the format "+xx:xx" / "-xx:xx" where all x'es are numbers OR "UTC" for UTC/GMT (defaults to local time if no time zone is given).
(optional) If set to "12h" the time will be displayed in 12 hour mode (defaults to 24 hour).
(optional) true OR false (dafaults to false). A ‡ symbol is displayed behind the time if daylight saving time is turned on.
(optional) Set another separator to be displayed between hours and minutes (defaults to a point ".").