Releases: evgeniy-kolmak/salary-calculator-v2.0
Salary Calculator 2.0
Great solution for small businesses. Salary calculator for employees. It is quite easy to use, as well as all this complements a nice laconic design.
To start, you need the number of hours worked and the tariff. Almost everything else counts from this amount. Percentage of bonus, experience, professional skills.
Harmfulness is considered separately, at a standard rate.
Night hours and a one-time bonus are also calculated in their own way.
All information is displayed in one list. Tax deductions are at the bottom.
Input fields are optional. But if left blank, the data may not be accurate.
Emotional fone
When choosing:
Emotional background will be displayed.
The first version (v1.0) was written in native JavaScript.
The second version (v2.0) is written in Typescript, more complete and modified.
Project Cell Search is distributed under the MIT license.