This is the sdr-app C++ software receiving sampled data from EBAZ4205 and displaying spectrum (TODO: waterfall) in its User Interface. It lets you to send commands to EBA4205 also to:
- switch between the ADC input and a local RF test generator
- change the local RF test generator frequency in the range 100 KHz - 32 MHz
- tune radio stations
- Set IF bandwith and IF gain
- main.cpp is the classical main for qt5 applications
- mainwindow.cpp and mainwindow.ui are ... the mainwindow!
- spchartview.cpp is the spectrum window. It handles the sampled data, make the FFT and show it on a chart. It also intercepts the mouse events to change the tuned frequency on mousewheel event and so on
- mysettings.cpp save and restore settings in /home/ebaz/.config/sdr-app/sdr-app.ini
- crosshairs.cpp creates the red vert/horiz pointer
- freqvline.cpp creates the vertical lines:
- green for the tuned frequency
- black for the lower and higher bandwidth boundaries
- uio.cpp contains all the classes to interface the hardware components by /dev/uiox. For instance:
- the switch to set the ADC input or the test generator is handled by the class ADCTestSwitch which maps /dev/uio0
- the local oscillator is handled by the class DDS which maps /dev/uio3
- ...
- IF Gain: it acts as an audio volume (there's no AGC)
- FFT_Window: you can choose the FFT Windowing you prefer
- IF BW (KHz): choose low values for AM demodulation and the lowest values 4 and 2 KHZ for LSB/USB demodulation
- BFO (Hz): of course it is used on LSB/USB demodulation only. It must be manually set to the same value of IF BW
- ADC in: select the ADC input
- Test Gen In: select the Internal Test Generator
- Test Gen (Hz): select the desired test frequency
- Time Samples (for debugging only)
- Spectrum (leave it set
- Span View (KHz): it's automatically calculated by sdr-app (when you change the spectrum zoom) in the range 2MHz - 1KHz and set into the CIC_FT_IQ_4 filter to change the decimation of the output filter samples, obtaining the needed zoom effect. The table to convert from span view and decimation is here.,about%20CIC%3A,-the%20number%20of
- Waterfall: not implemented
- To change the spectrum zoom position the mouse pointer on the x-axis and then rotate the mouse wheel
- To tune a radio station, you have to:
- place the mouse in chart area and click the desired frequency. You see the vertical green line appearing
- then rotate the mouse wheel. You see the vertical green line moving left and right
- to shift the y-axis, drag the y-axis up or down