For a detailed, Please see the paper. Paper Link : Preparing.
I plan to provide my space dataset which is pre-made Gaussian Splats asset : Completed. Please see the links here.
- This repository is code for paper "Enhancing the Experience Sharing through User Attention HeatMaps and 3D Gaussian Splatting in Virtual Reality".
- It aims to enhance communication between users by constructing immersive VR spaces using 3D reconstruction and visualizing shared gaze data through heatmaps.
- OpenXR & XR Interaction Toolkit
- DataBase : Firebase Realtime Database
- Unity 2022.3.7f1
Compared to the previous project.
- Updated gaze data collection.
- Transfer and Receive Data from FireBase RealTimeBase.
- Visualize a heatmap based on the data you've been sent.
- Gaze Reticle instead of Ray.
- Change Transparent Material.
- Add HandMenu UI
- GazeInteractor.cs
- HeadGazeHeatMap.cs
- FireBaseHeatMapVisualization.cs
- AnimateHandOnInput.cs
- TransparentHeatMap.shader
For Gaussian visualization, Clone the original
and Copy the package file inside it to the location where the error was found. UnityGaussianProject -
To use the FireBase database, Get your google-services.json and Put it in StreamingAssets, and Don't forget to download the FireBase Unity SDK. FIREBASE TUTORIAL
If you want the Demo-like environment, Please download the Gaussian Dataset from the link above.