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crypto: add tless-jwt and rabe-aes #281

crypto: add tless-jwt and rabe-aes

crypto: add tless-jwt and rabe-aes #281

Workflow file for this run

name: Test example applications
branches: [main]
branches: [main]
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
# Cancel previous running actions for the same PR
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }}
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# --- Update code ---
- name: "Checkout code"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
# --- Formatting ---
- name: "Format code"
run: ./bin/ format-code --check
# Work-out whether we need to re-build the examples. We need to re-build the
# examples if either _any_ fo the examples has changed, or the WASM cache
# has expired, or the ./funcs folder have changed
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs-wasm: ${{ (steps.wasm-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true') || (steps.filter.outputs.funcs-changed == 'true') }}
- name: "Checkout code"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
# Check if we have a WASM cache hit
- name: "Get digest of all submodules"
id: submodule-commit
run: |
sudo apt install -y zstd
git config --global --add "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"
echo "digest=$(git submodule status | awk '{ print $1; }' | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: wasm-cache
path: ./wasm
key: wasm-${{ steps.submodule-commit.outputs.digest }}
lookup-only: true
# Check if any of the submodules have been modified
- uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
id: filter
filters: |
- 'func/**'
needs: needs-build
if: ${{ needs.needs-build.outputs.needs-wasm == 'true' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
username: ${{ secrets.ACR_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID }}
password: ${{ secrets.ACR_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD }}
- name: "Checkout code"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: "Build Rabe and JWT"
run: |
export PATH=$PATH:/root/.cargo/env
rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-wasip1
./bin/ rabe jwt
- name: "Build OpenCV"
run: ./bin/ opencv
- name: "Build FFmpeg"
run: ./bin/ ffmpeg
- name: "Build ImageMagick"
run: ./bin/ libpng imagemagick
- name: "Build Kernels"
run: ./bin/ kernels kernels --native
- name: "Build Elastic Kernels"
run: ./bin/ kernels --elastic kernels --elastic --native
- name: "Build LAMMPS"
run: ./bin/ lammps lammps --native
- name: "Build LAMMPS with migration"
run: ./bin/ lammps --migration lammps --native --migration
- name: "Build LAMMPS with migration and network phase"
run: ./bin/ lammps --migration-net lammps --native --migration-net
- name: "Build Lulesh"
run: ./bin/ lulesh lulesh --native
- name: "Build TensorFlow"
run: ./bin/ tensorflow
- name: "Build PolyBench/C"
run: ./bin/ polybench polybench --native
- name: "Manually re-compile libz (the sysroot has a version with atomics)"
run: |
git submodule update --init
./bin/ zlib
working-directory: ./cpp
- name: "Build functions used in the tests"
run: ./bin/ func.tests
- name: "Get CPP/Python commits"
id: submodule-commit
run: |
apt install -y zstd
git config --global --add "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"
submodule_digest=$(git submodule status | awk '{ print $1; }' | md5sum | awk '{ print $1}')
func_digest=$(find 'func' -type f -exec md5sum {} + | sort | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')
echo "${submodule_digest}-${func_digest}"
echo "digest=$(echo -n '${submodule_digest}-${func_digest}' | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Also move to a different path to restore from
mv /usr/local/faasm/wasm ./wasm
# If we are here we _always_ want to overwrite the cache
- name: "Prepare WASM cache"
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
if: always()
path: ./wasm
key: wasm-${{ steps.submodule-commit.outputs.digest }}
needs: [build-examples]
always() &&
!cancelled() &&
github.event.pull_request.draft == false &&
( == 'success' || == 'skipped')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
faasm_wasm_vm: [wavm, wamr]
shell: bash
FAASM_INI_FILE: ./faasm.ini
FAASM_WASM_VM: ${{ matrix.faasm_wasm_vm }}
- uses: csegarragonz/set-compose-version-action@main
compose-version: "2.22.0"
# A regular `faasmctl` deployment pulls a lot of docker images, so we
# may run out of disk space
- name: "Maximize build space"
uses: easimon/maximize-build-space@master
# Leave 25 GB for the / partition for docker images (stored under
# /var/lib/docker)
root-reserve-mb: 25600
remove-android: 'true'
remove-codeql: 'true'
remove-docker-images: 'true'
remove-dotnet: 'true'
remove-haskell: 'true'
- name: "Checkout code"
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
- name: "Install faasmctl"
run: pip3 install $(cat ./requirements.txt | grep faasmctl | tr -d '\n')
- name: "Start a Faasm cluster to run the examples"
run: faasmctl deploy.compose --workers=2
# This can fail when the container isn't ready, so we want to retry
- name: "Wait for upload server to be available"
run: |
(echo "Attempt 1" && faasmctl cli.faasm --cmd "./deploy/local/ upload 8002") || \
(echo "Attempt 2" && faasmctl cli.faasm --cmd "./deploy/local/ upload 8002") || \
(echo "Attempt 3" && faasmctl cli.faasm --cmd "./deploy/local/ upload 8002") || \
(echo "Wait for upload failed after retries" && faasmctl logs -s upload && exit 1)
- name: "Get CPP/Python commits"
id: submodule-commit
run: |
sudo apt install -y zstd
git config --global --add "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"
submodule_digest=$(git submodule status | awk '{ print $1; }' | md5sum | awk '{ print $1}')
func_digest=$(find 'func' -type f -exec md5sum {} + | sort | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')
echo "${submodule_digest}-${func_digest}"
echo "digest=$(echo -n '${submodule_digest}-${func_digest}' | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo "digest=$(git submodule status | awk '{ print $1; }' | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: "Get WASM cache"
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
id: cpp-wasm-cache
path: ./wasm
key: wasm-${{ steps.submodule-commit.outputs.digest }}
fail-on-cache-miss: true
- name: "Upload all WASM files to the cluster"
id: wasm-upload
run: ./bin/ wasm.upload
- name: "Print logs if wasm-upload fails"
if: failure() && (steps.wasm-upload.outcome == 'failure')
run: faasmctl logs -s upload
- name: "Run OpenCV check"
if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
timeout-minutes: 2
run: faasmctl invoke opencv pca --cmdline "faasm://opencv/composers"
- name: "Run OpenCV k-NN Inference"
if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
timeout-minutes: 2
run: faasmctl invoke opencv check --cmdline "faasm://opencv/bus_photo.bmp faasm://opencv/out.bmp"
- name: "Run MPI kernels"
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
# We order MPI kernels according to their compilation order defined
# in tasks/
# amr: does not work because we are missing MPI_Comm_split
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi amr --cmdline '10 1024 16 16 16 8 4 HIGH_WATER' --mpi-world-size 4
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi branch --cmdline '10 10 vector_go' --mpi-world-size 4
# dgemm: does not work because we are missing MPI_Comm_group, MPI_Group_incl, and MPI_Comm_create
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi dgemm --cmdline '10 1024 32 1' --mpi-world-size 4
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi nstream --cmdline '10 1024 32' --mpi-world-size 4
# pic: does not work due to what looks like an integer overflow
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi pic --cmdline "10 10 10 2 5 SINUSOIDAL" --mpi-world-size 4
# random: does not work due to some memory size error (likely an overflow too)
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi random --cmdline '32 20' --mpi-world-size 4
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi reduce --cmdline '10 1024' --mpi-world-size 4
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi sparse --cmdline '10 10 5' --mpi-world-size 4
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi stencil --cmdline '10 1000' --mpi-world-size 4
# global: fails sometime during execution
# faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi global --cmdline '10 1024'
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi p2p --cmdline '10 1024 1024' --mpi-world-size 4
faasmctl invoke kernels-mpi transpose --cmdline '10 1024 32' --mpi-world-size 4
- name: "Run OpenMP kernels"
if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp global --cmdline '2 10 1024'
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp p2p --cmdline '2 10 1024 1024'
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp sparse --cmdline '2 10 10 5'
# The transpose OpenMP kernel can not be cross-compiled due to problems
# with the static_for signature and symbol definition
# faasmctl invoke kernels-omp transpose --cmdline '10 1024 32'
# The stencil OpenMP kernel can not be cross-compiled due to a problem
# with the faasm_sm_reduce signature
# faasmctl invoke kernels-omp stencil --cmdline '10 1000'
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp dgemm --cmdline '2 2 1024 32'
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp nstream --cmdline '2 10 1024 32'
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp reduce --cmdline '2 10 1024'
# The random OpenMP kernel can not be cross-compiled due to a problem
# with the faasm_sm_reduce signature
# faasmctl invoke kernels-omp random --cmdline '32 20'
- name: "Run elastic OpenMP kernels"
if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
timeout-minutes: 2
run: |
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp p2p --cmdline '2 10 1024 1024' --input-data "2"
faasmctl invoke kernels-omp sparse --cmdline '2 10 10 5' --input-data "2"
- name: "Run PolyBench/C"
timeout-minutes: 2
# We deliberately enumerate all the supported functions here and
# execute them individually, rather than using the microbench runner.
# This is so that we can more easily track what functions are supported
# and what functions are not
run: |
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_covariance
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_correlation
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_2mm
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_3mm
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_atax
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_bicg
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_doitgen
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_mvt
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_cholesky
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_durbin
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_gramschmidt
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_lu
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_ludcmp
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_trisolv
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_deriche
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_floyd-warshall
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_nussinov
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_adi
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_fdtd-2d
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_heat-3d
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_jacobi-1d
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_jacobi-2d
faasmctl invoke polybench poly_seidel-2d
# TODO(wamr-tf): TF Check broken with WAVM, uncomment when WAMR supports it
# - name: "Run ImageMagick"
# if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
# timeout-minutes: 1
# run: faasmctl invoke imagemagick main --cmdline 'faasm://im/sample_image.png -flip faasm://im/image_out.png'
- name: "Run LAMMPS"
timeout-minutes: 1
run: faasmctl invoke lammps main --cmdline '-in faasm://lammps-data/in.controller.wall' --mpi-world-size 4
# Note that the migration experiment does not migrate, it just checks the binary
- name: "Run LAMMPS migration binary"
timeout-minutes: 1
run: faasmctl invoke lammps migration --cmdline '-in faasm://lammps-data/in.controller.wall' --mpi-world-size 4 --input-data '1 2'
- name: "Run LAMMPS migration-net binary"
timeout-minutes: 1
run: faasmctl invoke lammps migration-net --cmdline '-in faasm://lammps-data/in.controller.wall' --mpi-world-size 4 --input-data '1 2 10 2'
- name: "Run LULESH"
timeout-minutes: 1
if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
run: faasmctl invoke lulesh main --cmdline '-i 5 -s 20 -r 11 -c 1 -b 1' --input-data '4'
# TODO(wamr-tf): TF Check broken with WAVM, uncomment when WAMR supports it
# - name: "Run TFlite check"
# timeout-minutes: 1
# if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
# run: faasmctl invoke tf check
- name: "Run FFmpeg check"
timeout-minutes: 1
run: faasmctl invoke ffmpeg check
# TODO(faasm-bump): this is working, but we need to cut a new faasm release, uncomment
# when we do
# - name: "Run Rabe test"
# if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
# timeout-minutes: 1
# run: faasmctl invoke rabe test
# TODO(faasm-bump): this is working, but we need to cut a new faasm release, uncomment
# when we do
# - name: "Run Rabe test"
# if: "contains(env.FAASM_WASM_VM, 'wamr')"
# timeout-minutes: 1
# run: faasmctl invoke jwt test
- name: "Print logs in case of failure"
if: failure()
run: faasmctl logs -s worker