- tfenv : https://github.com/tfutils/tfenv
- jq : https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
- awscli: https://aws.amazon.com/cli/
- aws-vault : https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault
Each env has its own main.tf with the minimal required terraform version and minal required terraform providers (keycloak and aws)
More info: about the keycloak provider:
- https://registry.terraform.io/providers/mrparkers/keycloak/latest/docs
- https://github.com/mrparkers/terraform-provider-keycloak/
The correct AWS env variables are needed to fetch passwords and secret from aws secretsmanager In the examples below AWS-vault is used to easily switch between AWS accounts. https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault
Use the run scripts to apply the configs to the specified environments:
aws-vault exec iam-devel -- ./run-devel.sh
aws-vault exec iam-uat -- ./run-uat.sh
Underlying the run scripts will with "terraform" user on the admin-cli client:
- 'terraform init'
- 'terraform plan'
- 'terraform apply' if answered 'y'
For the "devel", "uat" and "prod" environments, the master terraform state already exists and is saved and used from within a specified s3 bucket. Please do not use this import script on those environments
When intialising a complete new environment, it is good idea to import the master realm in terraform before starting with planning and applying terraform configuration.
you can execute following commands terraform init
and terraform import
within your environment directory.
example for master realm:
terraform init
terraform import \
-var="project=${PROJECT}" \
-var="subproject=${SUBPROJECT}" \
-var="env=${ENV}" \
-var="keycloak_url=${KEYCLOAK_URL}" \
-var="keycloak_client_id=${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID}" \
-var="keycloak_user=${KEYCLOAK_USER}" \
keycloak_realm.master master
There is a terraform-import-master.sh script that does the above steps with a aws-vault context. Only use when you know what you are doing. Run from the env folder example devel
cd devel
aws-vault exec iam-devel -- ../scripts/terraform-import-master.sh devel https://iam.devel.unifiedpost.com admin
It might be needed to do a refresh of the terraform state.
cd devel
aws-vault exec iam-devel -- terraform refresh
after importing you can call ./run-my-env.sh and changes defined in ./'env'/realm-master.tf will be applied on the master realm of the 'my-env' environment.
Find more info in README.md in the ./local/ directory.