GLPI Rocket.Chat Custom Slash Command for creating Tickets
Make sure the App has been installed, and then simply enter the following in any channel:
/glpi-novo <subject> | <body> (Optional: Subject and Body)
To Deploy a new Rocket.Chat App, you must first enable developer mode in order to upload custom Apps. This one is not in the Marketplace yet, unfortunately. This can be found under Administration -> General -> Apps.
Once that has been enabled, you can upload the App via the cli.
npm install -g
Then, clone this repo and install the dependencies
git clone
cd rocketchat-glpi
npm install
Finally, you can use the following commands to install / update the app:
rc-apps deploy --url --username user_username --password user_password
rc-apps deploy --url --username user_username --password user_password --update
Then make sure to go back into Administration -> Apps and set the required settings for this application.
They include:
- GLPI: URL do servideo GLPI, por exemplo - servidorglpi
- GLPI: Token Usuário - Token para atenticação da API no GLPI
- GLPI: Token Aplicação - Token de aplicação no GLPI
- GLPI: Fuso Horário - Fuso Horário para trancrição do Chat. Ex America/Sao_Paulo. (Senão informado será utilizado o UTC)
Baseado no APP OTRS (Nico Domino) -