Welcome to the Pregnancy Calculators API Free project, an uncomplicated and open-source API that grants you free access to a range of pregnancy-related calculators. These tools can be leveraged to develop your web/mobile applications and more. These APIs have been implemented also in this website: https://do-calculate.com/en
This calculator calculates the due date of pregnancy and estimates the current week of pregnancy.
This calculator calculates the conception date during the pregnancy period.
This calculator estimates the expected due date based on the start date of pregnancy.
This calculator helps estimate the ovulation date and the best fertility period.
This calculator calculates the conception date based on the menstrual cycle date and the length of your menstrual cycle.
To use Pregnancy Calculators APIs Free, simply send a POST request to the following 4 endpoints :
example request in Body JSON request : {"firstDayOfLastPeriod": "2023-06-18" ,"cycleLength" : 28}
yourhost/api/calculate-pregnancy-weight-gain example { "week": 20 , "height" : 165, "weightBforePregnancy" : 50, "currentWeight" : 55, "twin": "false"
This project is always seeking ways to improve and welcomes feedback and contributions from its users. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.