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Twitter: @KauseFx

The unofficial documentation of the iTunes Connect JSON API

Project Status

As there was a bigger change on iTunes Connect in September 2015 I don't find the time maintaining the docs. Instead I focus on keeping spaceship (GitHub) up to date. Take a look at what was necessary to update from the old iTunes Connect API to the new one in this pull request.


This document describes the iTunes Connect JSON API and how to use it. The API is used by the AngularJS based iTunes Connect front-end to update app metadata. It is public once you have a valid session.

To test your requests, I recommend the awesome Paw HTTP Client for Mac OS.

fastlane and some of the fastlane tools make use of the iTunes Connect API. Using this git repository it's easy to keep the documentation up to date.


All requests (except for the login action) require you to pass cookies. If you're using a HTTP client, you'll get this for free.

Testing/Using the API

Download the pre-filled PAW file and open it with Paw.

Next, you can enter your iTunes Connect credentials in the Default Domain settings.

The app_id is the ID of your app. You only need to fill that in, if you want to fetch the metadata for one of your apps.

Switch back to the list of requests on the left side and select Login. Click CMD + R to send the request to login.

Ruby Wrapper for iTunes Connect

Part of fastlane: spaceship is a nice Ruby wrapper that takes care of all the heavy lifting for you 🚀 Check out the available methods here.

API Docs


For all requests listed below, you'll need a valid cookie which you have to pass for each request.


The login URL changes from time to time. To get the latest one, check out login_url.rb.

require 'open-uri'
host = ""
url = host + open(host).read.match(/action="(\/WebObjects\/iTunesConnect.woa\/wo\/.*)"/)[1]
puts url

Call ruby login_url.rb to get the latest URL printed out.

Available parameters

  • theAccountName (POST): Your Apple ID
  • theAccountPW (POST): Your password

The response HTTP status codes are confusing:

  • 302 Moved Temporarily: Login successful
  • 200 OK: Login unsuccessful, wrong credentials

If you get 200 and your credentials are correct, try deleting the cookies.

List Apps

List all your apps with the most basic app metadata:


If you get 401, try deleting the cookies and sending a new login request.

Fetch App Information

Receive all metadata information available for this app, including app description, screenshots, review status and much more.


Available parameters

  • App ID (GET): The ID of your app (e.g. 903020700)
  • v (GET): Defines if the app metadata of the version currently available in the App Store or the new version should be used.


This will fetch the app metadata from the version, that is currently available in the App Store. If you don't define this parameter, you receive the metadata from the version that is currently being edited. Usually you don't need this parameter.

Update App Information

You can update the app metadata using this request. It's not very easy to build the request, as there are many parameters required.

To upload screenshots it's recommended to use the iTMSTransporter, which is also used by deliver.


Available parameters

See example POST Request (quite complex)

Create a new App Version

Create a new version of your existing app.


Available parameters

  • App ID (GET): The ID of your app (e.g. 903020700) GET
  • JSON (POST): {"version": "2.0"}

Create a new App

Creates a new app on iTunes Connect


Available parameters

See example POST Request

The response HTTP status codes are not correctly used:

  • 200 OK: An error occurred, check the response JSON to read the error message
  • 200 OK: Successfully created a new app

You have to read the response["data"]["sectionErrorKeys"] to be sure the request was successful.

Upload a new Binary

Uploading a new binary is only possible using the iTMSTransporter. You can take a look at deliver how this is implemented.

List uploaded Builds

This request will show information about all uploaded builds:


Get/Set Build Test Information

Based on the list command, you can also get and set information about a certain build, like the release notes, contact email:


The [train] value is the version number (e.g. 2.0) while the [build] value is the build number.

To set information, use the same URL and provide everything contained inside data as a JSON value in the request.

Get Binary Details

You can receive more details for a specific build and its binary


The [train] value is the version number (e.g. 2.0) while the [build] value is the build number.

Get List of Testers of a Build

Receive a list of all testers who have access to the given build.


The [train] value is the version number (e.g. 2.0) while the [build] value is the build number.

Register new external beta tester

Add a new external beta tester for Apple TestFlight


Available parameters

Provide the following JSON data in your POST request:

  "testers": [{
    "emailAddress": {
      "value": "",
      "errorKeys": []
    "firstName": {
      "value": "Felix"
    "lastName": {
      "value": "Krause"
    "testing": {
      "value": true
    "groups": []

Submit for Review

Submit a new version for Review:


See example POST Request

Cancel "Waiting for Review"

Reject an app that is waiting for review.


The response only contains the general app information - no additional information.

Resolution Center - Rejection Reasons

Receive the app review notes with the reason why your app version got rejected.



This documentation is part of the fastlane toolchain.

Checkout spaceship for a Ruby wrapper around the iTunes Connect API.

Code of Conduct

Help us keep fastlane open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


Special thanks to this GitHub Issue in particular @spidfire and Christian Beer.


The unofficial documentation of the iTunes Connect JSON API







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Contributors 9
