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CodeHub is an open-source browser extension that automatically pushes your Codewars submissions to GitHub.


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An open-source browser extension that automatically pushes your Codewars submissions to GitHub

Example of extension interface

How To Use / Demo

1. Install the Extension

Download CodeHub from the Chrome Web Store or Mozilla Add-ons.

2. Authenticate with GitHub

Click the CodeHub extension icon, then click the "Authenticate" button to connect your GitHub account.

3. Link a Repository

Choose whether to connect CodeHub to an existing repository or create a new one. Enter the repository name and click "Get Started."

4. Start Coding

You're all set! Solve problems on Codewars, and your solutions will automatically sync to the linked GitHub repository after a successful submission.

For a detailed walkthrough, check out the demo video below:


Why CodeHub?

Showcase Your Problem-Solving Skills

Having a GitHub repository with your Codewars solutions highlights your dedication to learning and improving as a developer. It serves as a portfolio that recruiters and hiring managers can easily review to see your coding abilities and consistency in action. 

Track Your Progress

CodeHub organizes all of your Codewars solutions in your repository by difficulty level (6-kyu, 5-kyu, etc.). You can compare your past work with your current abilities, making it easier to see how much you've improved over time.

Save Time

CodeHub automates the process of committing and pushing your solutions to GitHub. Once set up, this extension will save you the time and hassle of manually copying, pasting, and uploading each solution to your repository.

Developing Locally

  1. Fork this repo and git clone it to your local machine
  2. In Chrome, go to the extensions page (chrome://extensions)
  3. Ensure that the "Developer Mode" switch at the top-right corner of the screen is enabled
  4. Click on the "Load unpacked" button on the top-left corner of the screen
  5. Navigate to the cloned “CodeHub” folder and click "Select"
  6. Enjoy!


We appreciate your feedback and contributions! Here’s how you can help:

Code of Conduct

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. More details can be found at this project's code of conduct.



After manually pushing hundreds of my Codewars solutions to GitHub, I searched for a tool to automate the process and came across LeetHub - an extension that does this for LeetCode solutions. While LeetHub wasn’t compatible with Codewars, its core functionality and UI served as an inspiration for the development of CodeHub.

Frances Coronel

A big thank you to Frances Coronel for her README template - it was a great starting point for structuring the README for this project.

Learning Resources

The resources below helped me learn how to build a browser extension: