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felixroos committed Feb 14, 2025
1 parent 255ef74 commit aa0ce8f
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 70 deletions.
227 changes: 157 additions & 70 deletions kabelsalat/lispykabel.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,72 +72,102 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
as a target.
<div><a id="play">play</a> | <a id="stop">stop</a></div>
<textarea rows="16" id="code" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<textarea rows="24" id="code" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<small>💡 hit ctrl+enter to update the code.</small>
inspired by common lisp, i've added some more goodies to the language:
<li>defun: a function definition</li>
<li>defparameter: a global variable definition</li>
<li>lambda: an anonymous function</li>
<li>fn: an anonymous function</li>
<li>def: a global variable definition</li>
<li>x: y shortcut for setting variables</li>
<li>:x shortcut for gettin variables</li>
<!-- <pre>
poly 55 110 220 330
(poly 55 110 220 330
> saw
> lpf ( sine .25 > range .3 .7 )
> mix 2
> mul ( impulse 4 > perc .1 > lag .05 )
> fold > mul .6 > out
> add (fn (x) (x > delay (zaw .01 > range .005 .02) > mul .9))
> add (fn (x) (x > delay .3 > mul .7))
> fold > mul .6 > out)
</pre> -->

<!-- impulse 4 > seq 100 200 300 > mul (impulse 1 > seq .5 1)
(impulse 4 > seq 100 200 300 > mul (impulse 1 > seq .5 1)
> saw (sine .2 > range .1 .5)
> lpf (sine .5 > range .3 .6) (sine .4 > range 0 .1)
> mul (impulse 8 > ad .01 .1)
> mul (zaw 1 > range 1 0 > lag .1)
> out -->
> out)

<!-- (defun lfo (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(lfo: fn (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(pulse 220 .2
> lpf (sine .5 > range .2 .8)
> fold
> out)

<!-- (defun lfo (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(defparameter imp (impulse 4))
(seq imp 0 3 7 12 > add 42 > midinote
> pulse .2
> mul (ad imp .01 .15)
> out) -->
(lfo: fn (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(imp: impulse 4)
(imp > seq 0 3 7 12 > add 42 > midinote
> pulse .2
> mul (imp > ad .01 .15)
> out)

(defun lfo (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(defparameter imp (impulse 1))
(lfo: fn (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(imp: impulse 1)
(seq imp 0 3 7 12 > add 42 > midinote
> pulse .5
> mul (ad imp .01 .15)
> add (lambda (x) (delay x .3 > mul .8))
> out)
> mul (imp > ad .01 .15)
> add (fn (x) (x > delay .3 > mul .8))
> out)

fm2: fn (freq fmh fmi)
(modfreq: freq > mul fmh)
(modgain: modfreq > mul fmi)
(sine modfreq > mul modgain > sine)
impulse 6
> apply (fn (imp) (
imp > seq 50 50 100 50 300
> fm2 1.005 (sine .5 > range 4 20)
> mul (imp > ad 1 1)
> add (fn (x) (x > delay .3 > mul .7))
> mul .5 > clip > out

<script type="module">
class LispParser {
// these are the tokens we expect
token_types = {
open_list: /^\(/,
close_list: /^\)/,
plain: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\#\>\+\-\*\/]+/,
pipe: /^\>/,
set_var: /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\:/, // imp: impulse 2
// todo: change ":" to "=" and allow arbitrary spaces
//assignment: /^\=/, // <- use this and do pattern matching later
number: /^[0-9\.\/]+/, // not super accurate..
word: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\#\=\+\-\*\/]+/,
// matches next token
next_token(code) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,49 +197,82 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
while (this.tokens.length) {
return this.make_list(expressions);

// do we have multiple top level expressions or a single non list?
/* if (expressions.length > 1 || expressions[0].type !== "list") {
return this.make_list(expressions);
return expressions[0]; */
//return expressions[0];
return expressions;
// parses any valid expression see
parse_expr() {
let next = this.tokens[0]?.type;
if (!this.tokens[0]) {
throw new Error(`unexpected end of file`);
let next = this.tokens[0].type;
if (next === "open_list") {
return this.parse_list();
if (next === "plain") {
return this.consume(next);
return this.consume(next);
// makes sure given elements are a non nested list
reify_list(elements) {
// if it's a single list element, take it as is
if (elements.length === 1 && elements[0].type === "list") {
return elements[0];
if (!this.tokens[0]) {
throw new Error(`unexpected end of file`);
if (elements.length === 1 && elements[0].type === "number") {
return this.wrap_n(elements[0].value);
throw new Error(
`unexpected token "${this.tokens[0].value}" of type ${this.tokens[0].type}`
// it's not a single list element -> wrap as list
return { type: "list", children: elements };
resolve_pipes(children) {
// saw 55 > lpf .5 = lpf (saw 55) .5
while (true) {
let pipeIndex = children.findIndex((child) => child.value === ">");
let pipeIndex = children.findIndex(
(child) => child.type === "pipe"
if (pipeIndex === -1) break;
const leftSide = children.slice(0, pipeIndex);
let leftSide = children.slice(0, pipeIndex);
if (leftSide.length === 1) {
leftSide = leftSide[0];
} else {
leftSide = this.reify_list(leftSide);
const callee = children[pipeIndex + 1];
const rightSide = children.slice(pipeIndex + 2);
children = [
{ type: "list", children: leftSide },
children = [callee, leftSide, ...rightSide];
return children;
wrap_n(value) {
return {
type: "list",
children: [
{ type: "word", value: "n" }, // this is very kabelsalat specific...
{ type: "word", value },
resolve_set_var(children) {
const varIndex = children.findIndex(
(child) => child.type === "set_var"
if (varIndex === -1) return children;
if (varIndex !== 0) {
throw new Error('assignments need to be of format "x = ..."');
const name = children[0].value.slice(0, -1); // cut off :

let rightSide = children.slice(1);
rightSide = this.make_list(rightSide);

return [
{ type: "word", value: "def" },
{ type: "word", value: name },

make_list(children) {
// children = this.reify_list(children).children; // (imp: (impulse 2)) = (imp: impulse 2)
children = this.resolve_set_var(children);
children = this.resolve_pipes(children);
return { type: "list", children };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,9 +309,8 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
run(code) {
const ast = this.parser.parse(code);
// interpret top level ast as list of expressions
return => this.evaluate(exp));
const expressions = this.parser.parse(code);
return => this.evaluate(exp));
process_args(args) {
return => {
Expand All @@ -261,7 +323,7 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
evaluate(ast) {
// console.log("call", ast);
// for a node to be callable, it needs to be a list
if (ast.type === "plain") {
if (ast.type === "word") {
// non-lists evaluate to their value
return ast.value;
Expand All @@ -271,28 +333,36 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
// the first element is expected to be the function name
ast.children[0]?.type === "plain",
`function call: expected first child to be plain, got ${ast.type}`
ast.children[0]?.type === "word",
`function call: expected first child to be word, got ${ast.type}`
// look up function in lib
const name = ast.children[0].value;

// defun macro
if (name === "defun") {
const fnName = ast.children[1].value;
const fnArgs = ast.children[2] => arg.value);
const fnBody = this.evaluate(ast.children[3]);
return `let ${fnName} = (${fnArgs.join(",")}) => ${fnBody}`;
if (name === "lambda") {
// lambda function
if (name === "fn") {
const fnArgs = ast.children[1] => arg.value);
const fnBody = this.evaluate(ast.children[2]);
let lines = [];
const statements = ast.children.slice(2);
let fnBody;
// multiple statements
for (let i in statements) {
let evaluated = this.evaluate(statements[i]);
if (i == statements.length - 1) {
evaluated = `return ${evaluated}`;
fnBody = `{${lines.join(";")}}`;
console.log("fnBody", fnBody);
//const fnBody = this.evaluate(ast.children[2]);
return `(${fnArgs.join(",")}) => ${fnBody}`;
if (name === "defparameter") {
if (name === "def") {
const pName = ast.children[1].value;
const pBody = this.evaluate(ast.children[2]);
return `let ${pName} = ${pBody};`;
//return `let ${pName} = ${pBody};`;
return `let ${pName} = ${pBody}`;

// process args
Expand All @@ -305,22 +375,39 @@ <h2>🌱 lispy modular synth</h2>
// wire everything together
import { SalatRepl } from "./@kabelsalat/web/index.mjs";

window.apply = (node, fn) => node.apply(fn);
const zilp = new Zilp();
const input = document.querySelector("#code");
input.value = `(defun lfo (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(defparameter imp (impulse 2))
/* input.value = `(lfo: fn (f a b) (sine f > range a b))
(imp: impulse 2)
(seq imp 0 3 7 12
> add (seq (clockdiv imp 8) 0 5)
> add (:imp > clockdiv 8 > seq 0 5)
> add 42
> midinote
> saw (lfo .3 .1 .5)
> lpf (lfo .2 .3 .8) .2
> mul (ad imp .01 .1)
> add (lambda (x) (delay x .3 > mul .9))
> add (fn (x) (:x > delay .3 > mul .9))
> out)
`; */
input.value = `(
fm2: fn (freq fmh fmi)
(modfreq: freq > mul fmh)
(modgain: modfreq > mul fmi)
(sine modfreq > mul modgain > sine)
impulse 6
> apply (fn (imp) (
imp > seq 50 50 100 50 300
> fm2 1.005 (sine .5 > range 4 20)
> mul (imp > ad 1 1)
> add (fn (x) (x > delay .3 > mul .7))
> mul .5 > clip > out

const repl = new SalatRepl();

Expand Down

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