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Automated reporting for FFRD HEC-RAS models


This README provides crucial information for setting up and contributing to the auto_report project. It covers essential topics such as the dev-container setup, Python APIs, CLIs, authentication, running tests, linting, CI/CD, and formatting guidelines. If you haven't already, please read this document in it's entirety. It is necessary to ensure a smooth development process and maintain consistency across the project. If you do not understand something, reach out to someone who does!

How to contribute

Review the following best practices for information on how to get your code merged! All code should follow the coding standards in the Coding Standards. Please also review the GitHub and Version Control wiki page. Please set up branch protection rules to enforce pull request reviews prior to merging into protected branches (especially if CI/CD is configured to run on some branches). If you require a staging branch, it may be helpful to set it as the default branch so pull request target that branch by default.

Be sure your code is formatted with black and all linting and pytest checks pass before requesting a review of your code (see Formatting Linting and Testing below)


Before you can start developing, please make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:

Setting up the Development Environment

  • Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open the project folder in VSCode.
  • When prompted, click on "Reopen in Container" to open the project inside the devcontainer.
  • If you don't see the prompt, you can manually open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P) and select "Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container".
  • Wait for the devcontainer to build and start. This may take a few minutes if it is the first time you have opened the project in a container.

Adding dependencies

Use the env.yaml file at the project root directory to keep pinned dependencies up-to-date and version controlled.

Only include top level dependencies in this file (i.e. only packages you explicity want installed and use in your code) and Only inlcude the major.minor version (this allows all patches to automatically be applied when the project is rebuilt)

If your dependencies are more complex (i.e cannot be installed / managed with micromamba alone) you may need to update the .devcontainer/Dockerfile and apply similar modification to the production Dockerfile.

Project Organization

This repository contains the source code for the various tools available through the auto_report package, cli, and Boathouse toolkit. This repository provides a Python API, CLI, and Boathouse interface to each tool.

Python APIs

The Python API is accessed through the auto_report Python package. You will find the following in the src/ folder related to the Python API:

  • auto_report Python package
    • This is the main package in this repository
    • This package contains the Python APIs for each tool


In order to run the tools or tests, you must be authenticated with an AWS profile that has access to develop on this repository. You can request access keys from a project developer (preferred), or sign in on the CLI with your AWS SSO credentials for the DAA AWS account.

If you are not authenticated, all tools and tests will fail to run and report Unauthorized to standard output.

If using project keys for authentication. Make a new file .env file in the root of the project directory (this file should not be commited to source control and is ignored in the .gitignore). Copy the format of the variables present in the .env.template file and fill in the necessary keys.

Formatting Linting and Testing

This project uses black as the Python formatter. Before you merge your code into staging or main, you should make sure all your code is formatted by running the following command from the root of the project.

black .

This project includes a linter for Python called pylint. Your source code will be linted in the editor. To run the linter manually, run the following command from the root directory

pylint --fail-under=9 src*

To run the project tests, open a python file and click the tests button on the extensions panel of VSCode. You may need to configure the tests with the GUI. To do this, select Configure Tests and choose pytest as the testing framework and tests as the testing directory.

Once the tests are loaded, you can run them with the play button in the tests extension.

Alternatively, you can run the following command from the root directory to run all tests


Notes on running standalone files / scripts

Normally, it is best to make a testing file under the tests folder to test functionality, but it is occasionally helpful to be able to run the scripts directly. In this case, you can change directories to the src/ directory which will allow you to import files from the package or run standalone scripts that import files from the package:

cd src
python <- will open a python shell where "import my_package" will work


cd src
python <- the script can import code from my_package

Building Dev Image

To test this image in Boathouse without pushing to staging or production branches, you can build it locally on Windows using the build-dev-image.ps1 script. First, you may need to set the execution policy

In powershell:

  1. Set Execution Policy (If Needed): If you encounter an issue running scripts due to the execution policy, you can temporarily set it to unrestricted. Run the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  1. Run the Script: Once you are in the correct directory, run your PowerShell script using the following command:

This will create a local docker image for auto_report tagged dev that will be available in Boathouse.

Project File Structure

├──                <- The top-level README for developers using this project.  
├── .devcontainer
│   ├── devcontainer.json    <- Dev Container specifications  
│   ├── Dockerfile           <- Container definition for dev environment  
│   └──            <- Documentation for devcontainer  
├── .github  
│   └── workflows
│       ├── build_and_push_production.yml    <- CI/CD instructions for merges into main branch (copy from another repo)
│       ├── build_and_push_staging.yml       <- CI/CD instructions for merges into staging branch (copy from another repo)
|       └── lint_and_test.yml                <- CI/CD instructions to lint and test code on PR
├── data
│   ├── 0_source       <- Source data, minimally altered from source
│   ├── 1_interim      <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│   └── 2_production   <- Fully transformed, clean datasets for next steps
├── models             <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
├── notebooks          <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a number (for ordering),
│                         the creator's initials, and a short `-` delimited description, e.g.
│                         `1.0-jqp-initial-data-exploration`.
├── env.yml    <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment
├── src                 
│   ├── *repo_name                              <- Python source code for use in this project.
│   │       ├──                     <- Package indicator, various uses
│   │       ├──                   <- Boathouse utility to perform user authentication
│   │       ├──         <- Example of how to structure functional programming scripts
│   │       └──  <- Example of how to store project specific parameters
│   │         
│   └── *         <- The command line interface definition that is called by Boathouse
├── test
│   ├──                 <- Package indicator, various uses
│   └──     <- Example of how to test functions in src folder
├── .gitattributes      <- Handles consistent line endings in source control across multiple operating systems
├── .gitignore          <- Handles which directories to keep out of version control
├── .dockerignore       <- Which files to ignore when building docker image for production
├── .gitconfig          <- Handles consistent file permissions in source control across multiple operating systems
├── .pylintrc           <- Customizations to pylint default settings
├── pytest.ini           <- Customizations to pytest
├── Dockerfile          <- The production Dockerfile used for Boathouse tools
├── interface.json      <- Defines the Boathouse GUI for each tool
├── LICENSE             <- MBI license (copyright to MBI)
├──           <- Template information
├── .env.template       <- Template env file (used to create a new .env file with your environment variables for authentication)
├── build-dev-image.ps1 <- Build a dev image for Boathouse Staging / Dev local testing
└── tox.ini             <- Alternative method to store project parameters (currently not used)

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience


Automated report generation for FFRD HecRas Models







No releases published


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Contributors 3
