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A streamlit application designed for interacting with probabilistic flood hazards modeling data


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A streamlit application designed for interacting with probabilistic flood hazards modeling data

Stormlit Development Environment

The development container provides a consistent environment for Stormlit development with Python (via Micromamba), Node.js, AWS CLI, CDKTF, PgStac API, and PostgreSQL.

Prerequisites Installation

  1. Install Docker Desktop:

  2. Install VS Code:

  3. Install VS Code Extensions:

    • Open VS Code
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+X (Mac)
    • Search and install "Dev Containers"

Setup Steps

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd stormlit

VS Code Dev Container Setup

If not using dev containers, skip to Docker Compose Setup below. 2. Open in VS Code:

code .
  1. Start Dev Container:
    • Press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P
    • Type "Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container"
    • Select your project folder
    • Wait for container build (~5-10 minutes first time)

Continue to Verify Services.

Docker Compose Setup

  1. Build Docker images for the environment.
docker compose build
  1. Start the application and services.
docker compose up

Verify Services

  1. Verify services:

    • Open browser: http://localhost:8080 (PgStac API)
    • Open browser: http://localhost:55050 (pgAdmin)
      • Login: [email protected]/admin
      • Add server:
        1. Right click "Servers" → "Register" → "Server"
        2. Name: "Stormlit DB"
        3. Connection tab:
          • Host: stormlit-pgstac
          • Port: 5432
          • Database: postgis
          • Username: postgres
          • Password: password
  2. Start developing:

    • Code is synced between your machine and container
    • Python environment is pre-configured
    • Terminal in VS Code uses the container environment

Setup Troubleshooting: SSL Errors in VPN Environments

If encountering SSL errors while building the dev container environment, check if you are on a corporate VPN which does man-in-the-middle SSL inspection with certificate replacement (e.g., Zscaler). Programs running within the dev container need to "trust" the Root Certificate Authority of your VPN.

Obtain the Root CA in PEM format, put it in a text file with the extension .crt, and place it in the ./devcontainer/ folder. Then, rebuild the dev container environment. This will allow the dev container to build without SSL errors.

Additonal configuration may be necessary to allow the Stormlit app container to connect to online resources without SSL errors. First, create a CA bundle by concatenating the Root CA with, e.g., the Mozilla certificate bundle distributed with the Python certifi library, and name it with a .crt extension. Then, modify your ./app/.env file with environment variables to ensure that Stormlit uses the Root CA:


Base Image and Features

  • Base image:
  • Python environment managed by Micromamba
  • Node.js LTS
  • CDKTF v0.20.10


PgStac API

  • Container: stormlit-stac-api
  • URL: http://localhost:8080
  • Backed by PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension and PgStac Schema


  • Container: stormlit-pgstac
  • Port: 55432
  • Database: postgis
  • Credentials: postgres/password
  • Volume: stormlit-pgstac-data

pgAdmin (Database Management)

Environment Configurations

  • Python path: /opt/conda/envs/stormlit/bin/python
  • Workspace mounted at: /workspace
  • Environment file: /workspace/env.yml

Included VS Code Extensions

  • Python
  • Ruff
  • GitHub Copilot

Post-Creation Commands

The container automatically:

  • Sets workspace ownership to vscode user
  • Initializes Micromamba shell
  • Activates stormlit environment
  • Configures Git safe directory


All services are connected via stormlit-network for internal communication.

Data Persistence

  • PostgreSQL data: stormlit-pgstac-data volume
  • Project files: Mounted from host at /workspace

Running Streamlit

Local Development

# In VS Code terminal
streamlit run app/

Access at http://localhost:8501

Environment Variables

  1. Copy the template:
cd app
cp .env.template .env
  1. Update .env with development values:

The .env.template file in the project root contains all required environment variables with descriptions.

Linting, Testing, and Formatting

# In VS Code terminal
cd app
# Linting
ruff check
# Testing
# Formatting
ruff format

CI/CD Pipeline

Stormlit uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment, with separate workflows for pull requests, development, and production environments.

Pull Request Workflow

When a pull request is opened against the main or dev branches, the following checks run automatically:

  • Unit tests for both the Streamlit application and infrastructure code
  • CDKTF synthesis to validate infrastructure changes
  • Docker image build verification (without registry push)
  • Code formatting and linting with Ruff

All checks must pass before the PR can be merged.

Development Deployment

Pushes to the dev branch trigger:

  1. Complete test suite execution
  2. CDKTF infrastructure synthesis
  3. Docker image build and push to GitHub Container Registry with the dev tag
  4. Deployment to the development environment via CDKTF

Production Deployment

Pushes to the main branch trigger:

  1. Complete test suite execution
  2. CDKTF infrastructure synthesis
  3. Docker image build and push to GitHub Container Registry with the latest tag
  4. Deployment to the production environment via CDKTF

Environment Variables

The CI/CD pipeline uses the following environment variables:

  • AWS_REGION: Set to us-east-1 for all deployments
  • TF_VAR_stormlit_tag: Docker image tag for stormlit image (latest or dev)

Infrastructure Deployment Order

The CI/CD pipeline maintains the correct deployment order for infrastructure components:

  1. Network infrastructure
  2. Database resources
  3. Application deployment

There are no secrets or environment variables stored in the repository. Authentication with AWS is performed using OpenID Connect.


The IaC for this repository is inside the iac/ directory. This projects used the CDK for terraform with Python.

cd iac
pipenv install -d

The cdktf command is available in the devcontainer. Once provider bindings have been installed, activate the pipenv inside the iac directory:

pipenv shell

In order for VSCode to properly run intellisense on this code, you must change your python interpreter to this environment. To change your Python interpreter:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette.
  • Type "Python: Select Interpreter" and select it.
  • VSCode will then display a list of available Python interpreters. Look for the one that corresponds to the virtual environment. It should be located within the virtual environment directory.
  • Select the interpreter associated with your virtual environment.

If you need to manually specify the interpreter path, you can get the correct path by running the which python command with the pipenv environment activated.

There is only a single environment defined. This is the test environment deployed in the PTS's shared AWS account in commercial cloud. The infrastructure is deploy with the following command from the iac directory (only in CI/CD):

cdktf deploy <stack names>

There are currently 3 stacks defined in the file:

  • stormlit-<environment>-network: The base network infrastructure for the environment. This includes the VPC, subnets, internet gateway, NAT gateway, elastic IPs, and security groups.
  • stormlit-<environment>-database: The database infrastructure for the environment. This includes the RDS instance and secrets manager for the database credentials.
  • stormlit-<environment>-application: The application infrastructure for the environment. This includes the ECS cluster, IAM Roles, task definitions, services, and load balancer.

To deploy this infrastructure, you must deploy the stacks in the following order:

  1. stormlit-<environment>-network

  2. stormlit-<environment>-database

    • After deploying the database stack, you must manually run the migration script to initialize the database. This can be done by running the following command:


      Note that this script must be run from within the VPC that the database is deployed in. This can be done by SSHing into the bastion host.

      Note that you will need to modify this script to include the correct database endpoint, username, password, etc. Uncomment the commented out lines and replace the values with the correct values.

  3. stormlit-<environment>-application

You can also test a deployment with synth during development:

cdktf synth

And destroy the environment with destroy:

cdktf destroy <stack names>

Linting, Testing, and Formatting

# In VS Code terminal
cd iac
# Linting
ruff check
# Testing
# Formatting
ruff format

Cloud Architecture Diagram

The following diagram shows the architecture of the Stormlit application as deployed in the development environment. Note that production deployments will have different configurations (DNS, WAF, etc.).

Stormlit Arch


A streamlit application designed for interacting with probabilistic flood hazards modeling data








Contributors 4

