- Module Summary
- Learning Objectives
- Week 1
- Isolate - snippets and exercises
- Integrate - projects to study
- Class Recordings
- Study Links (external)
- Homework Submission (external)
fullstack! client/server!
- Comfortably work with the file system
- Explain "persistence"
- Build basic fullstack projects (SPA/API) that save to the file system
- Write RESTful APIs for simple data relationships
- Using NPM Packages in your projects
- Using Postman to develop APIs without a frontend
- Running and writing tests for API routes
- Documenting your code with JSDoc
- Node.js CLI scripts
- argsv - Use command line arguments in Node
- Native Node.js modules
- assert - Test values in Node.js
- fs - Read & write form the file system
- path - Manipulate file paths
- util.promisify - Convert functions that take callbacks into Promises
- for fun:
- cowsay - make cows say things
- for serious:
- node-fetch - Make API requests from Node
- express - Minimalist web framework for node
- body-parser - Parse HTTP request body into JS object
- cors - Cross Origin Resource Sharing for Express
- morgan - logging for Express
- joi - JSON schemas & validation
- Example Projects
- In-Class Exercises
- Study Links (external)
- Homework Submission (external)
- Curriculum (external)