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Fabien edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 10 revisions

Default configuration

  "language": "en",
  "database": {
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "database": "minecraft",
    "port": 3306,
    "username": "minecraft",
    "password": "",
    "type": "MYSQL"
  "expiration": {
    "playerToListings": 604800,
    "listingsToMails": 604800,
    "listingsToMailsNotifCommand": [
      "mail send {{playerPseudo}} your item {{quantity}}x{{itemStack}} has expired from listings and its in your mailbox."
    "mailsToDeleteNotifCommand": [
      "mail send {{playerPseudo}} your item {{quantity}}x{{itemStack}} has expired from mailbox and has been deleted."
  "sellerItemNotifCommand": [
    "mail send {{playerPseudo}} your item {{quantity}}x{{itemStack}} has been sell for {{price}}."
  "maxDecimalMoney": 2,
  "maxMoneyToSellItem": 1000000000000,
  "inventoryLoreMaterial": {
    "filter": "COMPARATOR"
  "inventoryValidItem": "GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE",
  "inventoryCancelItem": "RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"

Details about keys / values

Keys Description Variables
language Choose default language for translation - Available now : en, fr - This is used to find file with this format translation-language.json
database MySQL configuration is required here - type could be MYSQL, MARIADB or SQLITE (in uppercase)
expiration > playerToListings Expiration time in seconds when player add item in listings
expiration > listingsToMails Expiration time in seconds set on items for deletion when items is moved (expired) from listings to mails
expiration > listingsToMailsNotifCommand Commands who are executed when items is moved (expired) from listings to mails {{playerPseudo}} : Player pseudo
{{playerUUID}} : Player UUID
{{quantity}} : Item quantity
{{itemStack}} : Item type
{{price}} : Item unit price
expiration > mailsToDeleteNotifCommand Commands who are executed when items is deleted when is expired from mails {{playerPseudo}} : Player pseudo
{{playerUUID}} : Player UUID
{{quantity}} : Item quantity
{{itemStack}} : Item type
sellerItemNotifCommand Commands who are executed when items are selled {{playerPseudo}} : Seller player pseudo
{{playerUUID}} : Seller player UUID
{{quantity}} : Item quantity
{{itemStack}} : Item type
{{price}} : Item price
maxDecimalMoney Max decimal allowed in unit price of marketplace add command
maxMoneyToSellItem Max unit price allowed of marketplace add command
inventoryLoreMaterial > empty Material used on empty inventory slot - In 1.12.2, you need to use old format like MATERIAL_TYPE:DATA - Example : STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7
inventoryLoreMaterial > filter Material used on filter inventory slot - In 1.12.2, you need to use old format like MATERIAL_TYPE:DATA
inventoryValidItem Material used on confirm inventory to validate - In 1.12.2, you need to use old format like MATERIAL_TYPE:DATA
inventoryCancelItem Material used on confirm inventory to cancel - In 1.12.2, you need to use old format like MATERIAL_TYPE:DATA
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