Releases: fhstp/easynwk-web
Releases · fhstp/easynwk-web
- (feature) optionally set qualities of relationships between ego and alteri
- (feature) mark relationships conflicting
- (feature) document support in 5 categories and 3 possible directions
- (feature) panel for overview of support and for filtering by support
What's Changed
- Relationship quality by @julia221501 in #140
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
- (feature) clique detection using Bron-Kerbosch algorithm
- (feature) size of alteri icons or emoji can be changed
- (feature) connection lines between alteri can be hidden indepently from lines to ego
- (accessibility) improve color contrast for highlighted marks and dashed connection lines based on user testing
- (accessibility) increase contrast around input fields
- (security) various updates of libraries (path-to-regexp, nanoid)
What's Changed
- log für Testen by @julia221501 in #152
- Emoji Checkbox zu Button geändert, borders dunkler gemacht, Prof. Hil… by @julia221501 in #155
- Emoji and mark size by @julia221501 in #154
- Clique analysis by @julia221501 in #153
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
- (feature) optionally set emoji for ego and each alter
- (usability) version slider always on as soon as more than 1 version
- (usability) filename of PDF with date in YYYY-MM-dd
What's Changed
- New slider by @alex-rind in #151
- Emoji chooser by @julia221501 in #148
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.5.0
version 2.4.0, released 28 Aug 2024
- (feature) opening and importing .nwk files created with easyNWK 1.5
- (feature) revised simple statistics for practicioneers (incl. Nähe, stdev, counts by gender and horizon)
- (feature) revised statistics export (one line per versions and column of the statistics panel)
- (usability) better feedback on opening unsuitable files
- (security) various updates of libraries
What's Changed
- Import nwk3 by @alex-rind in #146
- fixed alteri import with no position by @alex-rind in #149
- Stat simple3 by @alex-rind in #147
- New csv export by @Eliasboss2006 in #150
New Contributors
- @Eliasboss2006 made their first contribution in #150
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
- (feature) font-size of alteri labels can be changed
- (feature) view option settings are presisted in local storage
- (usability) view options panel redesigned using checkboxes
- (bugfix) save anoynimized to JSON in the data structure for multiple maps
- (bugfix) anoynimize alteri list in export/print view
- (security) various updates of libraries
What's Changed
- Save anonym nwk by @julia221501 in #141
- View Options Redesign & Persistence by @alex-rind in #142
- Pdf anonymous2 by @alex-rind in #143
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
- (feature) make the web app multi-linugal #83
What's Changed
- Multilingual new by @alex-rind in #139
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- multi_nwk_basic #118 by @julia221501 and @alex-rind in #138
Full Changelog: v2.0.6...v2.1.0
easyNWK v2.0.6
- (feature) zoom with brushbox, mouse wheel, and sector labels #103
- (feature) toggle fullscreen mode #137
- (bugfix) layout on mobile devices not calculating height of address bar
What's Changed
- Zoom custom scale by @alex-rind in #136
Full Changelog: v2.0.5...v2.0.6
easyNWK v2.0.5
- (usability) sort alters in connectionlist form by name alphabethically #110
- (usability) show border of outer horizon even in no_horizon mode to indicate border of network #130
- (bugfix) support 4:3 landscape in fullscreen and normal mode using additional media queries #104
- (bugfix) prevent scrolling in landscape mode
- (security) various updates of libraries
What's Changed
- prevent scrolling in landscape mode by @alex-rind in #134
- additional media queries to support 4:3 landscape in fullscreen and n… by @alex-rind in #133
- show border of outer horizon even in no_horizon mode to indicate bord… by @alex-rind in #132
- sort contect in connectionlist form by name alphabethically #110 by @alex-rind in #131
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
easyNWK v2.0.4
- (feature) display ego name and age on top of network map
- (feature) add roles "Ex-Partnerin", "Mitbewohnerin", change abbreviation for "Schwager/Schwägerin"
- (usability) do not show horizons by default
- (usability) enforce that age of ego and alteri is a non-negative number
- (bugfix) change link to PDF view to relative url #128
- (security) various updates of libraries
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4