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Autumn edited this page Jul 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Argumentation Scripting

Here is an (incomplete) list of the scriptable elements for the Argumentation module.


Name ArgueLoad(id)
Purpose Loads the player's argumentation data for the given argumentation id.
Arguments id (identifier): Arbitrary unique identifier for this argumentation.
Name ArgueIsComplete(id?)
Purpose Returns if the argumentation specified by the given identifier has been marked as completed.
Arguments (Optional) id (identifier): Arbitrary unique identifier for the argumentation. If empty, the currently loaded argumentation is used.
Returns boolean
Name ArgueComplete()
Purpose Marks the currently loaded argumentation as completed. Returns true if the argumentation was not marked completed prior to this call.
Returns boolean
Name ArgueUnload()
Purpose Unloads the currently loaded argumentation data.
Notes This will automatically be called when the thread that called ArgueLoad stops.
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