did |
str |
The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the VASP. |
name |
str |
The name of the VASP. |
verification_status |
str |
The current verification status of the VASP. |
address_line1 |
str |
The first line of the VASP's address. |
address_line2 |
str |
The second line of the VASP's address (if applicable). |
[optional] |
city |
str |
The city where the VASP is located. |
country |
str |
The country where the VASP is registered (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). |
email_domains |
str |
Comma-separated list of email domains associated with the VASP. |
website |
str |
The official website of the VASP. |
logo |
str |
URL to the logo of the VASP. |
[optional] |
legal_structure |
str |
The legal structure of the VASP (e.g., Corporation, LLC). |
legal_name |
str |
The legal name of the VASP. |
year_founded |
str |
The year the VASP was founded. |
incorporation_country |
str |
The country where the VASP is incorporated (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). |
is_regulated |
str |
Indicates whether the VASP is regulated. |
other_names |
str |
Other names the VASP is known by. |
[optional] |
identification_type |
str |
The type of identification used by the VASP. |
[optional] |
identification_country |
str |
The country of identification for the VASP (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). |
[optional] |
business_number |
str |
The business registration number of the VASP. |
[optional] |
regulatory_authorities |
str |
The regulatory authorities overseeing the VASP. |
[optional] |
jurisdictions |
str |
The jurisdictions where the VASP operates. |
street |
str |
The street name where the VASP is located. |
[optional] |
number |
str |
The building number of the VASP's address. |
[optional] |
unit |
str |
The unit or suite number of the VASP's address. |
[optional] |
post_code |
str |
The postal code of the VASP's location. |
[optional] |
state |
str |
The state or region where the VASP is located. |
[optional] |
certificates |
str |
Certificates or licenses held by the VASP. |
[optional] |
description |
str |
A brief description of the VASP. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_openvasp |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for OpenVASP. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_sygna |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for Sygna. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_trisa |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for TRISA. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_trlight |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for TRLight. |
travel_rule_email |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for EMAIL. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_trp |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for TRP. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_shyft |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for Shyft. |
[optional] |
travel_rule_ustravelrulewg |
str |
Travel rule compliance status for US Travel Rule WG. |
[optional] |
created_at |
str |
Timestamp when the VASP record was created. |
created_by |
str |
User or system that created the VASP record. |
[optional] |
updated_at |
str |
Timestamp of the last update to the VASP record. |
[optional] |
updated_by |
str |
User or system that last updated the VASP record. |
[optional] |
last_sent_date |
str |
The last date a transaction was sent by the VASP. |
[optional] |
last_received_date |
str |
The last date a transaction was received by the VASP. |
[optional] |
documents |
str |
Documents associated with the VASP. |
[optional] |
has_admin |
bool |
Indicates if the VASP has an admin. |
is_notifiable |
bool |
Indicates if the VASP is notifiable for compliance reasons. |
issuers |
TravelRuleIssuers |