The Fireblocks SDK allows developers to seamlessly integrate with the Fireblocks platform and perform a variety of operations, including managing vault accounts and executing transactions securely.
For detailed API documentation please refer to the Fireblocks API Reference.
Python 3.8+
To use the Fireblocks SDK, follow these steps:
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install fireblocks
Then import the package:
import fireblocks
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import fireblocks
Please follow the installation procedure first.
You can initialize the Fireblocks SDK in two ways, either by setting environment variables or providing the parameters directly:
Using Environment Variables
You can initialize the SDK using environment variables from your .env file or by setting them programmatically:
use bash commands to set environment variables:
export FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY="my-api-key"
export FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY="my-secret-key"
from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks() as fireblocks:
Providing Local Variables
from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
# load the secret key content from a file
with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
secret_key_value =
# build the configuration
configuration = ClientConfiguration(
base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
Creating a Vault Account
To create a new vault account, you can use the following function:
from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
from fireblocks.models.create_vault_account_request import CreateVaultAccountRequest
from pprint import pprint
# load the secret key content from a file
with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
secret_key_value =
# build the configuration
configuration = ClientConfiguration(
base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
create_vault_account_request: CreateVaultAccountRequest = CreateVaultAccountRequest(
name='My First Vault Account',
# Create a new vault account
future = fireblocks.vaults.create_vault_account(create_vault_account_request=create_vault_account_request)
api_response = future.result() # Wait for the response
print("The response of VaultsApi->create_vault_account:\n")
# to print just the data: pprint(
# to print just the data in json format: pprint(
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling VaultsApi->create_vault_account: %s\n" % e)
Retrieving Vault Accounts
To get a list of vault accounts, you can use the following function:
from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
from pprint import pprint
# load the secret key content from a file
with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
secret_key_value =
# build the configuration
configuration = ClientConfiguration(
base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
# List vault accounts (Paginated)
future = fireblocks.vaults.get_paged_vault_accounts()
api_response = future.result() # Wait for the response
print("The response of VaultsApi->get_paged_vault_accounts:\n")
# to print just the data: pprint(
# to print just the data in json format: pprint(
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling VaultsApi->get_paged_vault_accounts: %s\n" % e)
Creating a Transaction
To make a transaction between vault accounts, you can use the following function:
from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
from fireblocks.models.transaction_request import TransactionRequest
from fireblocks.models.destination_transfer_peer_path import DestinationTransferPeerPath
from fireblocks.models.source_transfer_peer_path import SourceTransferPeerPath
from fireblocks.models.transfer_peer_path_type import TransferPeerPathType
from fireblocks.models.transaction_request_amount import TransactionRequestAmount
from pprint import pprint
# load the secret key content from a file
with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
secret_key_value =
# build the configuration
configuration = ClientConfiguration(
base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
transaction_request: TransactionRequest = TransactionRequest(
note="Your first transaction!"
# or you can use JSON approach:
# transaction_request: TransactionRequest = TransactionRequest.from_json(
# '{"note": "Your first transaction!", '
# '"assetId": "ETH", '
# '"source": {"type": "VAULT_ACCOUNT", "id": "0"}, '
# '"destination": {"type": "VAULT_ACCOUNT", "id": "1"}, '
# '"amount": "0.1"}'
# )
# Create a new transaction
future = fireblocks.transactions.create_transaction(transaction_request=transaction_request)
api_response = future.result() # Wait for the response
print("The response of TransactionsApi->create_transaction:\n")
# to print just the data: pprint(
# to print just the data in json format: pprint(
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling TransactionsApi->create_transaction: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApiUserApi | create_api_user | POST /management/api_users | Create Api user |
ApiUserApi | get_api_users | GET /management/api_users | Get Api users |
AssetsApi | create_assets_bulk | POST /vault/assets/bulk | Bulk creation of wallets |
AuditLogsApi | get_audit_logs | GET /management/audit_logs | Get audit logs |
BlockchainsAssetsApi | get_supported_assets | GET /supported_assets | List all asset types supported by Fireblocks |
BlockchainsAssetsApi | register_new_asset | POST /assets | Register an asset |
BlockchainsAssetsApi | set_asset_price | POST /assets/prices/{id} | Set asset price |
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi | get_asset_by_id | GET /assets/{id} | Get an asset |
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi | get_blockchain_by_id | GET /blockchains/{id} | Get an blockchain |
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi | list_assets | GET /assets | List assets |
BlockchainsAssetsBetaApi | list_blockchains | GET /blockchains | List blockchains |
ComplianceApi | get_aml_post_screening_policy | GET /screening/aml/post_screening_policy | AML - View Post-Screening Policy |
ComplianceApi | get_aml_screening_policy | GET /screening/aml/screening_policy | AML - View Screening Policy |
ComplianceApi | get_post_screening_policy | GET /screening/travel_rule/post_screening_policy | Travel Rule - View Post-Screening Policy |
ComplianceApi | get_screening_full_details | GET /screening/transaction/{txId} | Provides all the compliance details for the given screened transaction. |
ComplianceApi | get_screening_policy | GET /screening/travel_rule/screening_policy | Travel Rule - View Screening Policy |
ComplianceApi | retry_rejected_transaction_bypass_screening_checks | POST /screening/transaction/{txId}/bypass_screening_policy | Calling the "Bypass Screening Policy" API endpoint triggers a new transaction, with the API user as the initiator, bypassing the screening policy check |
ComplianceApi | update_aml_screening_configuration | PUT /screening/aml/policy_configuration | Update AML Configuration |
ComplianceApi | update_screening_configuration | PUT /screening/configurations | Tenant - Screening Configuration |
ComplianceApi | update_travel_rule_config | PUT /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration | Update Travel Rule Configuration |
ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi | get_aml_screening_configuration | GET /screening/aml/policy_configuration | Get AML Screening Policy Configuration |
ComplianceScreeningConfigurationApi | get_screening_configuration | GET /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration | Get Travel Rule Screening Policy Configuration |
ConsoleUserApi | create_console_user | POST /management/users | Create console user |
ConsoleUserApi | get_console_users | GET /management/users | Get console users |
ContractInteractionsApi | get_deployed_contract_abi | GET /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions | Return deployed contract's ABI |
ContractInteractionsApi | get_transaction_receipt | GET /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/tx_hash/{txHash}/receipt | Get transaction receipt |
ContractInteractionsApi | read_call_function | POST /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/read | Call a read function on a deployed contract |
ContractInteractionsApi | write_call_function | POST /contract_interactions/base_asset_id/{baseAssetId}/contract_address/{contractAddress}/functions/write | Call a write function on a deployed contract |
ContractTemplatesApi | delete_contract_template_by_id | DELETE /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} | Delete a contract template by id |
ContractTemplatesApi | deploy_contract | POST /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/deploy | Deploy contract |
ContractTemplatesApi | get_constructor_by_contract_template_id | GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/constructor | Return contract template's constructor |
ContractTemplatesApi | get_contract_template_by_id | GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId} | Return contract template by id |
ContractTemplatesApi | get_contract_templates | GET /tokenization/templates | List all contract templates |
ContractTemplatesApi | get_function_abi_by_contract_template_id | GET /tokenization/templates/{contractTemplateId}/function | Return contract template's function |
ContractTemplatesApi | upload_contract_template | POST /tokenization/templates | Upload contract template |
ContractsApi | add_contract_asset | POST /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} | Add an asset to a contract |
ContractsApi | create_contract | POST /contracts | Create a contract |
ContractsApi | delete_contract | DELETE /contracts/{contractId} | Delete a contract |
ContractsApi | delete_contract_asset | DELETE /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} | Delete a contract asset |
ContractsApi | get_contract | GET /contracts/{contractId} | Find a specific contract |
ContractsApi | get_contract_asset | GET /contracts/{contractId}/{assetId} | Find a contract asset |
ContractsApi | get_contracts | GET /contracts | List contracts |
CosignersBetaApi | add_cosigner | POST /cosigners | Add cosigner |
CosignersBetaApi | get_api_key | GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} | Get API key |
CosignersBetaApi | get_api_keys | GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys | Get all API keys |
CosignersBetaApi | get_cosigner | GET /cosigners/{cosignerId} | Get cosigner |
CosignersBetaApi | get_cosigners | GET /cosigners | Get all cosigners |
CosignersBetaApi | get_request_status | GET /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId}/{requestId} | Get request status |
CosignersBetaApi | pair_api_key | PUT /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} | Pair API key |
CosignersBetaApi | rename_cosigner | PATCH /cosigners/{cosignerId} | Rename cosigner |
CosignersBetaApi | unpair_api_key | DELETE /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} | Unpair API key |
CosignersBetaApi | update_callback_handler | PATCH /cosigners/{cosignerId}/api_keys/{apiKeyId} | Update API key callback handler |
DeployedContractsApi | add_contract_abi | POST /tokenization/contracts/abi | Save contract ABI |
DeployedContractsApi | fetch_contract_abi | POST /tokenization/contracts/fetch_abi | Fetch the contract ABI |
DeployedContractsApi | get_deployed_contract_by_address | GET /tokenization/contracts/{assetId}/{contractAddress} | Return deployed contract data |
DeployedContractsApi | get_deployed_contract_by_id | GET /tokenization/contracts/{id} | Return deployed contract data by id |
DeployedContractsApi | get_deployed_contracts | GET /tokenization/contracts | List deployed contracts data |
EmbeddedWalletsApi | get_public_key_info_for_address_ncw | GET /ncw/{walletId}/accounts/{accountId}/{assetId}/{change}/{addressIndex}/public_key_info | Get the public key of an asset |
EmbeddedWalletsApi | get_public_key_info_ncw | GET /ncw/{walletId}/public_key_info | Get the public key for a derivation path |
ExchangeAccountsApi | add_exchange_account | POST /exchange_accounts | Add an exchange account |
ExchangeAccountsApi | convert_assets | POST /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/convert | Convert exchange account funds from the source asset to the destination asset. |
ExchangeAccountsApi | get_exchange_account | GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId} | Find a specific exchange account |
ExchangeAccountsApi | get_exchange_account_asset | GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/{assetId} | Find an asset for an exchange account |
ExchangeAccountsApi | get_exchange_accounts_credentials_public_key | GET /exchange_accounts/credentials_public_key | Get public key to encrypt exchange credentials |
ExchangeAccountsApi | get_paged_exchange_accounts | GET /exchange_accounts/paged | Pagination list exchange accounts |
ExchangeAccountsApi | internal_transfer | POST /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/internal_transfer | Internal transfer for exchange accounts |
ExternalWalletsApi | add_asset_to_external_wallet | POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Add an asset to an external wallet. |
ExternalWalletsApi | create_external_wallet | POST /external_wallets | Create an external wallet |
ExternalWalletsApi | delete_external_wallet | DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId} | Delete an external wallet |
ExternalWalletsApi | get_external_wallet | GET /external_wallets/{walletId} | Find an external wallet |
ExternalWalletsApi | get_external_wallet_asset | GET /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Get an asset from an external wallet |
ExternalWalletsApi | get_external_wallets | GET /external_wallets | List external wallets |
ExternalWalletsApi | remove_asset_from_external_wallet | DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Delete an asset from an external wallet |
ExternalWalletsApi | set_external_wallet_customer_ref_id | POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id | Set an AML customer reference ID for an external wallet |
FiatAccountsApi | deposit_funds_from_linked_dda | POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda | Deposit funds from DDA |
FiatAccountsApi | get_fiat_account | GET /fiat_accounts/{accountId} | Find a specific fiat account |
FiatAccountsApi | get_fiat_accounts | GET /fiat_accounts | List fiat accounts |
FiatAccountsApi | redeem_funds_to_linked_dda | POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda | Redeem funds to DDA |
GasStationsApi | get_gas_station_by_asset_id | GET /gas_station/{assetId} | Get gas station settings by asset |
GasStationsApi | get_gas_station_info | GET /gas_station | Get gas station settings |
GasStationsApi | update_gas_station_configuration | PUT /gas_station/configuration | Edit gas station settings |
GasStationsApi | update_gas_station_configuration_by_asset_id | PUT /gas_station/configuration/{assetId} | Edit gas station settings for an asset |
InternalWalletsApi | create_internal_wallet | POST /internal_wallets | Create an internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | create_internal_wallet_asset | POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Add an asset to an internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | delete_internal_wallet | DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId} | Delete an internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | delete_internal_wallet_asset | DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Delete a whitelisted address from an internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | get_internal_wallet | GET /internal_wallets/{walletId} | Get assets for internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | get_internal_wallet_asset | GET /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Get an asset from an internal wallet |
InternalWalletsApi | get_internal_wallets | GET /internal_wallets | List internal wallets |
InternalWalletsApi | set_customer_ref_id_for_internal_wallet | POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id | Set an AML/KYT customer reference ID for an internal wallet |
JobManagementApi | cancel_job | POST /batch/{jobId}/cancel | Cancel a running job |
JobManagementApi | continue_job | POST /batch/{jobId}/continue | Continue a paused job |
JobManagementApi | get_job | GET /batch/{jobId} | Get job details |
JobManagementApi | get_job_tasks | GET /batch/{jobId}/tasks | Return a list of tasks for given job |
JobManagementApi | get_jobs | GET /batch/jobs | Return a list of jobs belonging to tenant |
JobManagementApi | pause_job | POST /batch/{jobId}/pause | Pause a job |
KeyLinkBetaApi | create_signing_key | POST /key_link/signing_keys | Add a new signing key |
KeyLinkBetaApi | create_validation_key | POST /key_link/validation_keys | Add a new validation key |
KeyLinkBetaApi | disable_validation_key | PATCH /key_link/validation_keys/{keyId} | Disables a validation key |
KeyLinkBetaApi | get_signing_key | GET /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId} | Get a signing key by `keyId` |
KeyLinkBetaApi | get_signing_keys_list | GET /key_link/signing_keys | Get list of signing keys |
KeyLinkBetaApi | get_validation_key | GET /key_link/validation_keys/{keyId} | Get a validation key by `keyId` |
KeyLinkBetaApi | get_validation_keys_list | GET /key_link/validation_keys | Get list of registered validation keys |
KeyLinkBetaApi | set_agent_id | PATCH /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId}/agent_user_id | Set agent user id that can sign with the signing key identified by the Fireblocks provided `keyId` |
KeyLinkBetaApi | update_signing_key | PATCH /key_link/signing_keys/{keyId} | Modify the signing by Fireblocks provided `keyId` |
KeysBetaApi | get_mpc_keys_list | GET /keys/mpc/list | Get list of mpc keys |
KeysBetaApi | get_mpc_keys_list_by_user | GET /keys/mpc/list/{userId} | Get list of mpc keys by `userId` |
NFTsApi | get_nft | GET /nfts/tokens/{id} | List token data by ID |
NFTsApi | get_nfts | GET /nfts/tokens | List tokens by IDs |
NFTsApi | get_ownership_tokens | GET /nfts/ownership/tokens | List all owned tokens (paginated) |
NFTsApi | list_owned_collections | GET /nfts/ownership/collections | List owned collections (paginated) |
NFTsApi | list_owned_tokens | GET /nfts/ownership/assets | List all distinct owned tokens (paginated) |
NFTsApi | refresh_nft_metadata | PUT /nfts/tokens/{id} | Refresh token metadata |
NFTsApi | update_ownership_tokens | PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens | Refresh vault account tokens |
NFTsApi | update_token_ownership_status | PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/{id}/status | Update token ownership status |
NFTsApi | update_tokens_ownership_spam | PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/spam | Update tokens ownership spam property |
NFTsApi | update_tokens_ownership_status | PUT /nfts/ownership/tokens/status | Update tokens ownership status |
NetworkConnectionsApi | check_third_party_routing | GET /network_connections/{connectionId}/is_third_party_routing/{assetType} | Retrieve third-party network routing validation by asset type. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | create_network_connection | POST /network_connections | Creates a new network connection |
NetworkConnectionsApi | create_network_id | POST /network_ids | Creates a new Network ID |
NetworkConnectionsApi | delete_network_connection | DELETE /network_connections/{connectionId} | Deletes a network connection by ID |
NetworkConnectionsApi | delete_network_id | DELETE /network_ids/{networkId} | Deletes specific network ID. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | get_network | GET /network_connections/{connectionId} | Get a network connection |
NetworkConnectionsApi | get_network_connections | GET /network_connections | List network connections |
NetworkConnectionsApi | get_network_id | GET /network_ids/{networkId} | Returns specific network ID. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | get_network_ids | GET /network_ids | Returns all network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs |
NetworkConnectionsApi | get_routing_policy_asset_groups | GET /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups | Returns all enabled routing policy asset groups |
NetworkConnectionsApi | search_network_ids | GET /network_ids/search | Search network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs |
NetworkConnectionsApi | set_network_id_discoverability | PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_discoverability | Update network ID's discoverability. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | set_network_id_name | PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_name | Update network ID's name. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | set_network_id_routing_policy | PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_routing_policy | Update network id routing policy. |
NetworkConnectionsApi | set_routing_policy | PATCH /network_connections/{connectionId}/set_routing_policy | Update network connection routing policy. |
OTABetaApi | get_ota_status | GET /management/ota | Returns current OTA status |
OTABetaApi | set_ota_status | PUT /management/ota | Enable or disable transactions to OTA |
OffExchangesApi | add_off_exchange | POST /off_exchange/add | add collateral |
OffExchangesApi | get_off_exchange_collateral_accounts | GET /off_exchange/collateral_accounts/{mainExchangeAccountId} | Find a specific collateral exchange account |
OffExchangesApi | get_off_exchange_settlement_transactions | GET /off_exchange/settlements/transactions | get settlements transactions from exchange |
OffExchangesApi | remove_off_exchange | POST /off_exchange/remove | remove collateral |
OffExchangesApi | settle_off_exchange_trades | POST /off_exchange/settlements/trader | create settlement for a trader |
PaymentsPayoutApi | create_payout | POST /payments/payout | Create a payout instruction set |
PaymentsPayoutApi | execute_payout_action | POST /payments/payout/{payoutId}/actions/execute | Execute a payout instruction set |
PaymentsPayoutApi | get_payout | GET /payments/payout/{payoutId} | Get the status of a payout instruction set |
PolicyEditorBetaApi | get_active_policy | GET /tap/active_policy | Get the active policy and its validation |
PolicyEditorBetaApi | get_draft | GET /tap/draft | Get the active draft |
PolicyEditorBetaApi | publish_draft | POST /tap/draft | Send publish request for a certain draft id |
PolicyEditorBetaApi | publish_policy_rules | POST /tap/publish | Send publish request for a set of policy rules |
PolicyEditorBetaApi | update_draft | PUT /tap/draft | Update the draft with a new set of rules |
ResetDeviceApi | reset_device | POST /management/users/{id}/reset_device | Resets device |
SmartTransferApi | approve_dv_p_ticket_term | PUT /smart_transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/dvp/approve | Define funding source and give approve to contract to transfer asset |
SmartTransferApi | cancel_ticket | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/cancel | Cancel Ticket |
SmartTransferApi | create_ticket | POST /smart-transfers | Create Ticket |
SmartTransferApi | create_ticket_term | POST /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms | Create leg (term) |
SmartTransferApi | find_ticket_by_id | GET /smart-transfers/{ticketId} | Search Tickets by ID |
SmartTransferApi | find_ticket_term_by_id | GET /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} | Search ticket by leg (term) ID |
SmartTransferApi | fulfill_ticket | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/fulfill | Fund ticket manually |
SmartTransferApi | fund_dvp_ticket | PUT /smart_transfers/{ticketId}/dvp/fund | Fund dvp ticket |
SmartTransferApi | fund_ticket_term | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/fund | Define funding source |
SmartTransferApi | get_smart_transfer_statistic | GET /smart_transfers/statistic | Get smart transfers statistic |
SmartTransferApi | get_smart_transfer_user_groups | GET /smart-transfers/settings/user-groups | Get user group |
SmartTransferApi | manually_fund_ticket_term | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId}/manually-fund | Manually add term transaction |
SmartTransferApi | remove_ticket_term | DELETE /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} | Delete ticket leg (term) |
SmartTransferApi | search_tickets | GET /smart-transfers | Find Ticket |
SmartTransferApi | set_external_ref_id | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/external-id | Add external ref. ID |
SmartTransferApi | set_ticket_expiration | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/expires-in | Set expiration |
SmartTransferApi | set_user_groups | POST /smart-transfers/settings/user-groups | Set user group |
SmartTransferApi | submit_ticket | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/submit | Submit ticket |
SmartTransferApi | update_ticket_term | PUT /smart-transfers/{ticketId}/terms/{termId} | Update ticket leg (term) |
StakingApi | approve_terms_of_service_by_provider_id | POST /staking/providers/{providerId}/approveTermsOfService | Approve staking terms of service |
StakingApi | claim_rewards | POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/claim_rewards | Execute a Claim Rewards operation |
StakingApi | get_all_delegations | GET /staking/positions | List staking positions details |
StakingApi | get_chain_info | GET /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/chainInfo | Get chain-specific staking summary |
StakingApi | get_chains | GET /staking/chains | List staking supported chains |
StakingApi | get_delegation_by_id | GET /staking/positions/{id} | Get staking position details |
StakingApi | get_providers | GET /staking/providers | List staking providers details |
StakingApi | get_summary | GET /staking/positions/summary | Get staking summary details |
StakingApi | get_summary_by_vault | GET /staking/positions/summary/vaults | Get staking summary details by vault |
StakingApi | split | POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/split | Execute a Split operation on SOL/SOL_TEST stake account |
StakingApi | stake | POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/stake | Initiate Stake Operation |
StakingApi | unstake | POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/unstake | Execute an Unstake operation |
StakingApi | withdraw | POST /staking/chains/{chainDescriptor}/withdraw | Execute a Withdraw operation |
TokenizationApi | burn_collection_token | POST /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/burn | Burn tokens |
TokenizationApi | create_new_collection | POST /tokenization/collections | Create a new collection |
TokenizationApi | fetch_collection_token_details | GET /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/{tokenId} | Get collection token details |
TokenizationApi | get_collection_by_id | GET /tokenization/collections/{id} | Get a collection by id |
TokenizationApi | get_linked_collections | GET /tokenization/collections | Get collections |
TokenizationApi | get_linked_token | GET /tokenization/tokens/{id} | Return a linked token |
TokenizationApi | get_linked_tokens | GET /tokenization/tokens | List all linked tokens |
TokenizationApi | issue_new_token | POST /tokenization/tokens | Issue a new token |
TokenizationApi | link | POST /tokenization/tokens/link | Link a contract |
TokenizationApi | mint_collection_token | POST /tokenization/collections/{id}/tokens/mint | Mint tokens |
TokenizationApi | unlink | DELETE /tokenization/tokens/{id} | Unlink a token |
TokenizationApi | unlink_collection | DELETE /tokenization/collections/{id} | Delete a collection link |
TransactionsApi | cancel_transaction | POST /transactions/{txId}/cancel | Cancel a transaction |
TransactionsApi | create_transaction | POST /transactions | Create a new transaction |
TransactionsApi | drop_transaction | POST /transactions/{txId}/drop | Drop ETH transaction by ID |
TransactionsApi | estimate_network_fee | GET /estimate_network_fee | Estimate the required fee for an asset |
TransactionsApi | estimate_transaction_fee | POST /transactions/estimate_fee | Estimate transaction fee |
TransactionsApi | freeze_transaction | POST /transactions/{txId}/freeze | Freeze a transaction |
TransactionsApi | get_transaction | GET /transactions/{txId} | Find a specific transaction by Fireblocks transaction ID |
TransactionsApi | get_transaction_by_external_id | GET /transactions/external_tx_id/{externalTxId} | Find a specific transaction by external transaction ID |
TransactionsApi | get_transactions | GET /transactions | List transaction history |
TransactionsApi | rescan_transactions_beta | POST /transactions/rescan | rescan array of transactions |
TransactionsApi | set_confirmation_threshold_by_transaction_hash | POST /txHash/{txHash}/set_confirmation_threshold | Set confirmation threshold by transaction hash |
TransactionsApi | set_transaction_confirmation_threshold | POST /transactions/{txId}/set_confirmation_threshold | Set confirmation threshold by transaction ID |
TransactionsApi | unfreeze_transaction | POST /transactions/{txId}/unfreeze | Unfreeze a transaction |
TransactionsApi | validate_address | GET /transactions/validate_address/{assetId}/{address} | Validate destination address |
TravelRuleApi | get_vasp_for_vault | GET /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Get assigned VASP to vault |
TravelRuleApi | get_vaspby_did | GET /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} | Get VASP details |
TravelRuleApi | get_vasps | GET /screening/travel_rule/vasp | Get All VASPs |
TravelRuleApi | set_vasp_for_vault | POST /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Assign VASP to vault |
TravelRuleApi | update_vasp | PUT /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update | Add jsonDidKey to VASP details |
TravelRuleApi | validate_full_travel_rule_transaction | POST /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full | Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction |
UserGroupsBetaApi | create_user_group | POST /management/user_groups | Create user group |
UserGroupsBetaApi | delete_user_group | DELETE /management/user_groups/{groupId} | Delete user group |
UserGroupsBetaApi | get_user_group | GET /management/user_groups/{groupId} | Get user group |
UserGroupsBetaApi | get_user_groups | GET /management/user_groups | List user groups |
UserGroupsBetaApi | update_user_group | PUT /management/user_groups/{groupId} | Update user group |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | List users |
VaultsApi | activate_asset_for_vault_account | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/activate | Activate a wallet in a vault account |
VaultsApi | create_legacy_address | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/create_legacy | Convert a segwit address to legacy format |
VaultsApi | create_multiple_accounts | POST /vault/accounts/bulk | Bulk creation of new vault accounts |
VaultsApi | create_vault_account | POST /vault/accounts | Create a new vault account |
VaultsApi | create_vault_account_asset | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} | Create a new wallet |
VaultsApi | create_vault_account_asset_address | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses | Create new asset deposit address |
VaultsApi | get_asset_wallets | GET /vault/asset_wallets | List asset wallets (Paginated) |
VaultsApi | get_max_spendable_amount | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/max_spendable_amount | Get the maximum spendable amount in a single transaction. |
VaultsApi | get_paged_vault_accounts | GET /vault/accounts_paged | List vault accounts (Paginated) |
VaultsApi | get_public_key_info | GET /vault/public_key_info | Get the public key information |
VaultsApi | get_public_key_info_for_address | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/{change}/{addressIndex}/public_key_info | Get the public key for a vault account |
VaultsApi | get_unspent_inputs | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/unspent_inputs | Get UTXO unspent inputs information |
VaultsApi | get_vault_account | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} | Find a vault account by ID |
VaultsApi | get_vault_account_asset | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} | Get the asset balance for a vault account |
VaultsApi | get_vault_account_asset_addresses_paginated | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses_paginated | List addresses (Paginated) |
VaultsApi | get_vault_assets | GET /vault/assets | Get asset balance for chosen assets |
VaultsApi | get_vault_balance_by_asset | GET /vault/assets/{assetId} | Get vault balance by asset |
VaultsApi | hide_vault_account | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/hide | Hide a vault account in the console |
VaultsApi | set_customer_ref_id_for_address | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/set_customer_ref_id | Assign AML customer reference ID |
VaultsApi | set_vault_account_auto_fuel | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_auto_fuel | Turn autofueling on or off |
VaultsApi | set_vault_account_customer_ref_id | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_customer_ref_id | Set an AML/KYT customer reference ID for a vault account |
VaultsApi | unhide_vault_account | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/unhide | Unhide a vault account in the console |
VaultsApi | update_vault_account | PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} | Rename a vault account |
VaultsApi | update_vault_account_asset_address | PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId} | Update address description |
VaultsApi | update_vault_account_asset_balance | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/balance | Refresh asset balance data |
Web3ConnectionsApi | create | POST /connections/wc | Create a new Web3 connection. |
Web3ConnectionsApi | get | GET /connections | List all open Web3 connections. |
Web3ConnectionsApi | remove | DELETE /connections/wc/{id} | Remove an existing Web3 connection. |
Web3ConnectionsApi | submit | PUT /connections/wc/{id} | Respond to a pending Web3 connection request. |
WebhooksApi | resend_transaction_webhooks | POST /webhooks/resend/{txId} | Resend failed webhooks for a transaction by ID |
WebhooksApi | resend_webhooks | POST /webhooks/resend | Resend failed webhooks |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Create new webhook |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete webhook |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | get_notification | GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId} | Get notification by id |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | get_notifications | GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications | Get all notifications by webhook id |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | get_webhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook by id |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | get_webhooks | GET /webhooks | Get all webhooks |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | resend_notification_by_id | POST /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId}/resend | Resend notification by id |
WebhooksV2BetaApi | update_webhook | PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update webhook |
WorkspaceStatusBetaApi | get_workspace_status | GET /management/workspace_status | Returns current workspace status |
WhitelistIpAddressesApi | get_whitelist_ip_addresses | GET /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses | Gets whitelisted ip addresses |
- APIUser
- AbiFunction
- Account
- AccountType
- AddAbiRequestDto
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequest
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf1
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf1AdditionalInfo
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf1AdditionalInfoOneOf
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf1AdditionalInfoOneOf1
- AddAssetToExternalWalletRequestOneOf1AdditionalInfoOneOf2
- AddCollateralRequestBody
- AddContractAssetRequest
- AddCosignerRequest
- AddCosignerResponse
- AddExchangeAccountRequest
- AddExchangeAccountResponse
- AdditionalInfo
- AmlRegistrationResult
- AmlRegistrationResultFullPayload
- AmlScreeningResult
- AmountAggregationTimePeriodMethod
- AmountAndChainDescriptor
- AmountInfo
- ApiKey
- ApiKeysPaginatedResponse
- AssetAlreadyExistHttpError
- AssetAmount
- AssetBadRequestErrorResponse
- AssetClassBeta
- AssetConflictErrorResponse
- AssetForbiddenErrorResponse
- AssetInternalServerErrorResponse
- AssetMedia
- AssetMediaAttributes
- AssetMetadata
- AssetMetadataBeta
- AssetMetadataDto
- AssetNotFoundErrorResponse
- AssetOnchain
- AssetOnchainBeta
- AssetPriceForbiddenErrorResponse
- AssetPriceNotFoundErrorResponse
- AssetPriceResponse
- AssetResponse
- AssetResponseBeta
- AssetTypeResponse
- AssetWallet
- AuditLogData
- AuditorData
- AuthorizationGroups
- AuthorizationInfo
- BlockInfo
- BlockchainExplorer
- BlockchainMedia
- BlockchainMetadata
- BlockchainNotFoundErrorResponse
- BlockchainOnchain
- BlockchainResponse
- CallbackHandler
- CallbackHandlerRequest
- CancelTransactionResponse
- ChainDescriptor
- ChainInfoResponse
- ClaimRewardsRequest
- CollectionBurnRequestDto
- CollectionBurnResponseDto
- CollectionDeployRequestDto
- CollectionLinkDto
- CollectionMetadataDto
- CollectionMintRequestDto
- CollectionMintResponseDto
- CollectionOwnershipResponse
- CollectionTokenMetadataAttributeDto
- CollectionTokenMetadataDto
- CollectionType
- ComplianceResult
- ComplianceResultFullPayload
- ComplianceScreeningResult
- ComplianceScreeningResultFullPayload
- ConfigChangeRequestStatus
- ConfigConversionOperationSnapshot
- ConfigDisbursementOperationSnapshot
- ConfigOperation
- ConfigOperationSnapshot
- ConfigOperationStatus
- ConfigTransferOperationSnapshot
- ConsoleUser
- ContractAbiResponseDto
- ContractAttributes
- ContractDeployRequest
- ContractDeployResponse
- ContractDoc
- ContractMetadataDto
- ContractTemplateDto
- ContractUploadRequest
- ContractWithAbiDto
- ConversionConfigOperation
- ConversionOperationConfigParams
- ConversionOperationExecution
- ConversionOperationExecutionOutput
- ConversionOperationExecutionParams
- ConversionOperationExecutionParamsExecutionParams
- ConversionOperationFailure
- ConversionOperationPreview
- ConversionOperationPreviewOutput
- ConversionOperationType
- ConversionValidationFailure
- ConvertAssetsRequest
- ConvertAssetsResponse
- Cosigner
- CosignersPaginatedResponse
- CreateAPIUser
- CreateAddressRequest
- CreateAddressResponse
- CreateAssetsBulkRequest
- CreateAssetsRequest
- CreateConfigOperationRequest
- CreateConnectionRequest
- CreateConnectionResponse
- CreateConsoleUser
- CreateContractRequest
- CreateConversionConfigOperationRequest
- CreateDisbursementConfigOperationRequest
- CreateInternalTransferRequest
- CreateInternalWalletAssetRequest
- CreateMultipleAccountsRequest
- CreateNcwConnectionRequest
- CreateNetworkIdRequest
- CreatePayoutRequest
- CreateSigningKeyDto
- CreateSigningKeyDtoProofOfOwnership
- CreateTokenRequestDto
- CreateTokenRequestDtoCreateParams
- CreateTransactionResponse
- CreateTransferConfigOperationRequest
- CreateUserGroupResponse
- CreateValidationKeyDto
- CreateValidationKeyResponseDto
- CreateVaultAccountConnectionRequest
- CreateVaultAccountRequest
- CreateVaultAssetResponse
- CreateWalletRequest
- CreateWebhookRequest
- CreateWorkflowExecutionRequestParamsInner
- CustomRoutingDest
- DefaultNetworkRoutingDest
- Delegation
- DelegationSummary
- DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse
- DeleteNetworkIdResponse
- DeployedContractResponseDto
- DeployedContractsPaginatedResponse
- DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse
- Destination
- DestinationTransferPeerPath
- DestinationTransferPeerPathResponse
- DisbursementAmountInstruction
- DisbursementConfigOperation
- DisbursementInstruction
- DisbursementInstructionOutput
- DisbursementOperationConfigParams
- DisbursementOperationExecution
- DisbursementOperationExecutionOutput
- DisbursementOperationExecutionParams
- DisbursementOperationExecutionParamsExecutionParams
- DisbursementOperationInput
- DisbursementOperationPreview
- DisbursementOperationPreviewOutput
- DisbursementOperationPreviewOutputInstructionSetInner
- DisbursementOperationType
- DisbursementPercentageInstruction
- DisbursementValidationFailure
- DispatchPayoutResponse
- DraftResponse
- DraftReviewAndValidationResponse
- DropTransactionRequest
- DropTransactionResponse
- EVMTokenCreateParamsDto
- EditGasStationConfigurationResponse
- ErrorResponse
- ErrorResponseError
- ErrorSchema
- EstimatedNetworkFeeResponse
- EstimatedTransactionFeeResponse
- ExchangeAccount
- ExchangeAccountsPaged
- ExchangeAccountsPagedPaging
- ExchangeAsset
- ExchangeSettlementTransactionsResponse
- ExchangeTradingAccount
- ExchangeType
- ExecutionConversionOperation
- ExecutionDisbursementOperation
- ExecutionOperationStatus
- ExecutionScreeningOperation
- ExecutionTransferOperation
- ExternalWalletAsset
- FeeInfo
- FeeLevel
- FetchAbiRequestDto
- FiatAccount
- FiatAccountType
- FiatAsset
- FreezeTransactionResponse
- FunctionDoc
- Funds
- GasStationConfiguration
- GasStationConfigurationResponse
- GasStationPropertiesResponse
- GetAPIUsersResponse
- GetAuditLogsResponse
- GetConnectionsResponse
- GetConsoleUsersResponse
- GetExchangeAccountsCredentialsPublicKeyResponse
- GetFilterParameter
- GetLinkedCollectionsPaginatedResponse
- GetMaxSpendableAmountResponse
- GetMpcKeysResponse
- GetNFTsResponse
- GetOtaStatusResponse
- GetOwnershipTokensResponse
- GetSigningKeyResponseDto
- GetTransactionOperation
- GetValidationKeyResponseDto
- GetWhitelistIpAddressesResponse
- GetWorkspaceStatusResponse
- HttpContractDoesNotExistError
- InstructionAmount
- InternalTransferResponse
- Job
- JobCreated
- LeanAbiFunction
- LeanContractDto
- LeanDeployedContractResponseDto
- ListAssetsResponse
- ListBlockchainsResponse
- ListOwnedCollectionsResponse
- ListOwnedTokensResponse
- MediaEntityResponse
- ModifySigningKeyAgentIdDto
- ModifySigningKeyDto
- ModifyValidationKeyDto
- MpcKey
- NetworkChannel
- NetworkConnection
- NetworkConnectionResponse
- NetworkConnectionRoutingPolicyValue
- NetworkConnectionStatus
- NetworkFee
- NetworkId
- NetworkIdResponse
- NetworkIdRoutingPolicyValue
- NetworkRecord
- NoneNetworkRoutingDest
- NotFoundException
- Notification
- NotificationAttempt
- NotificationPaginatedResponse
- NotificationStatus
- NotificationWithData
- OneTimeAddress
- OneTimeAddressAccount
- OperationExecutionFailure
- PaginatedAddressResponse
- PaginatedAddressResponsePaging
- PaginatedAssetWalletResponse
- PaginatedAssetWalletResponsePaging
- Paging
- PairApiKeyRequest
- PairApiKeyResponse
- Parameter
- ParameterWithValue
- PayeeAccount
- PayeeAccountResponse
- PayeeAccountType
- PaymentAccount
- PaymentAccountResponse
- PaymentAccountType
- PayoutInitMethod
- PayoutInstruction
- PayoutInstructionResponse
- PayoutInstructionState
- PayoutResponse
- PayoutState
- PayoutStatus
- Players
- PolicyAndValidationResponse
- PolicyCheckResult
- PolicyMetadata
- PolicyResponse
- PolicyRule
- PolicyRuleAmount
- PolicyRuleAmountAggregation
- PolicyRuleAuthorizationGroups
- PolicyRuleAuthorizationGroupsGroupsInner
- PolicyRuleCheckResult
- PolicyRuleDesignatedSigners
- PolicyRuleDst
- PolicyRuleError
- PolicyRuleOperators
- PolicyRuleRawMessageSigning
- PolicyRuleRawMessageSigningDerivationPath
- PolicyRuleSrc
- PolicyRules
- PolicySrcOrDestSubType
- PolicySrcOrDestType
- PolicyStatus
- PolicyValidation
- PreScreening
- Provider
- PublicKeyInformation
- PublishDraftRequest
- PublishResult
- ReadAbiFunction
- ReadCallFunctionDto
- RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse
- RegisterNewAssetRequest
- RelatedRequest
- RelatedTransaction
- RemoveCollateralRequestBody
- RenameCosigner
- RenameVaultAccountResponse
- RescanTransaction
- ResendTransactionWebhooksRequest
- ResendWebhooksByTransactionIdResponse
- ResendWebhooksResponse
- RespondToConnectionRequest
- RewardInfo
- RewardsInfo
- ScreeningConfigurationsRequest
- ScreeningOperationExecution
- ScreeningOperationExecutionOutput
- ScreeningOperationFailure
- ScreeningOperationType
- ScreeningPolicyResponse
- ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse
- ScreeningUpdateConfigurations
- ScreeningValidationFailure
- ScreeningVerdict
- ScreeningVerdictMatchedRule
- SearchNetworkIdsResponse
- SessionDTO
- SessionMetadata
- SetAdminQuorumThresholdRequest
- SetAdminQuorumThresholdResponse
- SetAssetPriceRequest
- SetAutoFuelRequest
- SetConfirmationsThresholdRequest
- SetConfirmationsThresholdResponse
- SetCustomerRefIdForAddressRequest
- SetCustomerRefIdRequest
- SetNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest
- SetNetworkIdNameRequest
- SetNetworkIdResponse
- SetNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest
- SetOtaStatusRequest
- SetOtaStatusResponse
- SetOtaStatusResponseOneOf
- SetRoutingPolicyRequest
- SetRoutingPolicyResponse
- SettlementRequestBody
- SettlementResponse
- SignedMessage
- SignedMessageSignature
- SigningKeyDto
- SmartTransferApproveTerm
- SmartTransferBadRequestResponse
- SmartTransferCoinStatistic
- SmartTransferCreateTicket
- SmartTransferCreateTicketTerm
- SmartTransferForbiddenResponse
- SmartTransferFundDvpTicket
- SmartTransferFundTerm
- SmartTransferManuallyFundTerm
- SmartTransferNotFoundResponse
- SmartTransferSetTicketExpiration
- SmartTransferSetTicketExternalId
- SmartTransferSetUserGroups
- SmartTransferStatistic
- SmartTransferStatisticInflow
- SmartTransferStatisticOutflow
- SmartTransferSubmitTicket
- SmartTransferTicket
- SmartTransferTicketFilteredResponse
- SmartTransferTicketResponse
- SmartTransferTicketTerm
- SmartTransferTicketTermResponse
- SmartTransferUpdateTicketTerm
- SmartTransferUserGroups
- SmartTransferUserGroupsResponse
- SolanaBlockchainData
- SourceTransferPeerPath
- SourceTransferPeerPathResponse
- SpamOwnershipResponse
- SpamTokenResponse
- SplitRequest
- SplitResponse
- SrcOrDestAttributesInner
- StakeRequest
- StakeResponse
- StakingProvider
- Status
- StellarRippleCreateParamsDto
- SystemMessageInfo
- Task
- TemplatesPaginatedResponse
- ThirdPartyRouting
- ToCollateralTransaction
- ToExchangeTransaction
- TokenCollectionResponse
- TokenInfoNotFoundErrorResponse
- TokenLinkDto
- TokenLinkDtoTokenMetadata
- TokenLinkExistsHttpError
- TokenLinkRequestDto
- TokenOwnershipResponse
- TokenOwnershipSpamUpdatePayload
- TokenOwnershipStatusUpdatePayload
- TokenResponse
- TokensPaginatedResponse
- TradingAccountType
- Transaction
- TransactionFee
- TransactionOperation
- TransactionReceiptResponse
- TransactionRequest
- TransactionRequestAmount
- TransactionRequestDestination
- TransactionRequestFee
- TransactionRequestGasLimit
- TransactionRequestGasPrice
- TransactionRequestNetworkFee
- TransactionRequestNetworkStaking
- TransactionRequestPriorityFee
- TransactionResponse
- TransactionResponseContractCallDecodedData
- TransactionResponseDestination
- TransferConfigOperation
- TransferOperationConfigParams
- TransferOperationExecution
- TransferOperationExecutionOutput
- TransferOperationExecutionParams
- TransferOperationExecutionParamsExecutionParams
- TransferOperationFailure
- TransferOperationFailureData
- TransferOperationPreview
- TransferOperationPreviewOutput
- TransferOperationType
- TransferPeerPathSubType
- TransferPeerPathType
- TransferValidationFailure
- TravelRuleAddress
- TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest
- TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
- TravelRuleGeographicAddress
- TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse
- TravelRuleIssuer
- TravelRuleIssuers
- TravelRuleLegalPerson
- TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleNationalIdentification
- TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleNaturalPerson
- TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleOwnershipProof
- TravelRulePerson
- TravelRulePiiIVMS
- TravelRulePolicyRuleResponse
- TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
- TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails
- TravelRuleVASP
- TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
- TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest
- TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- TravelRuleValidatePerson
- TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
- TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest
- TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse
- TravelRuleVaspForVault
- TxLog
- UnfreezeTransactionResponse
- UnmanagedWallet
- UnspentInput
- UnspentInputsResponse
- UnstakeRequest
- UpdateCallbackHandlerRequest
- UpdateCallbackHandlerResponse
- UpdateTokenOwnershipStatusDto
- UpdateVaultAccountAssetAddressRequest
- UpdateVaultAccountRequest
- UpdateWebhookRequest
- UserGroupCreateRequest
- UserGroupCreateResponse
- UserGroupResponse
- UserGroupUpdateRequest
- UserResponse
- UserRole
- UserStatus
- UserType
- ValidateAddressResponse
- ValidatedTransactionsForRescan
- ValidationKeyDto
- Validator
- VaultAccount
- VaultAccountsPagedResponse
- VaultAccountsPagedResponsePaging
- VaultActionStatus
- VaultAsset
- VaultWalletAddress
- VendorDto
- Version
- WalletAsset
- WalletAssetAdditionalInfo
- Webhook
- WebhookEvent
- WebhookPaginatedResponse
- WithdrawRequest
- WorkflowConfigStatus
- WorkflowConfigurationId
- WorkflowExecutionOperation
- WriteAbiFunction
- WriteCallFunctionDto
- WriteCallFunctionResponseDto
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header