Releases: fireblocks/py-sdk
Releases · fireblocks/py-sdk
🧰 Maintenance
- Added optional query parameter onlySelf to searchNetworkIds in Network connections API
- Finalized Webhook V2 API (Beta) for beta release
🚀 Features
- Added getScreeningFullDetails in Compliance API
- Added getExchangeAccountsCredentialsPublicKey in Exchange Accounts API
- Added addExchangeAccount in Exchange Accounts API
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Updated ExchangeType schema in Exchange accounts API and Off Exchanges API
🧰 Maintenance
- Added support for IOTX, SONEIUM and BASECHAIN sepolia in NFTs API
- Updated webhook event types in Webhooks V2 (Beta) API
🚀 Features
- Introduce Embedded Wallets API
- Introduce Staking API
- Added retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks in Compliance API
- Added getTransactionReceipt in Contract Interactions API
- Introduce Webhooks V2 (Beta) API
- Introduce Keys (Beta) API
- Added listAssets, getAssetById, listBlockchains, getBlockchainById in Blockchains & assets (Beta) API
- Added addCosigner, pairApiKey, unpairApiKey, updateCallbackHandler, getRequestStatus in Cosigners (Beta) API
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Fixed response schema of getPublicKeyInfoForAddress and getPublicKeyInfo in Vaults API
- Fixed getAuditLogs response schema in Audit Logs API
🧰 Maintenance
- Updating ApiKey, Cosigner schemas in Cosigners (Beta) API
🚀 Features
- Introduced searchNetworkIds in Network Connections API
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Updated fundDvpTicket with request schema in Smart Transfer API
- Fix schema error related to abi datatype in Contract Templates API
- Fix ContractDoc ‘version’ datatype to number in Contract Templates API
- Fix getDeployedContracts query param name in Deployed Contracts API
- Updated updateScreeningConfiguration request & response schemas in Compliance API
- Updated RelatedRequest schema in Staking API (Beta)
🧰 Maintenance
- Updated issueNewToken request schema in Tokenization API
- Updated writeCallFunction request schema in Contract Interactions API
- Updated getNetworkIds as deprecated in Network connections API
- Updated SmartTransferTicket & SmartTransferTicketTerm schemas in Smart Transfer API
- Added ‘useGasless’ property to ContractDeployRequest, CreateTokenRequest, WriteCallFunctionDto schemas in Contract Templates/ Contract Interactions/ Tokenization APIs
- Updated ‘inputs’ property to optional in AbiFunction schema
🚀 Features
- Introduced getSmartTransferStatistic in Smart Transfer API
- Introduced fund and approve dvp ticket in Smart Transfer API
- Introduced get/set VASP to Travel Rule API
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Updated issueNewToken request DTO in tokenization api
- Updated assetId parameter’s name to baseAssetId in getDeployedContracts, getDeployedContractAbi, readCallFunction, writeCallFunction
- Fixed ‘abi’ property type in request/response schemas of Contract Templates API
🧰 Maintenance
- Updated delegationDTO in Staking (Beta) API
- Added output and stateMutability optional properties in CreateTokenRequestDto
🚀 Features
- Introduced tokenization collections APIs
- Introduced fetch and save contract ABI APIs for deployed contracts
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Removed legacy get audit logs API
🧰 Maintenance
- Updated supported blockchains for NFTs
- Updated request schema for link a contract API
- Added ‘useGasless’ property to TransactionRequest
- Added ‘proofOfOwnership’ property to CreateSigningKey (Beta API)
- Fixed minimum allowed vault account id to 0 in ModifySigningKey (Beta API)
- Added rescan transaction functionality (Beta API)
- Added support of creating keyLink vault accounts
- Added ‘maxTotalFee’ property to TransactionRequest
🚀 Features
- Add set asset price api
🧰 Maintenance
- Update NFT supported blockchains with EtherLink
- Fix NetworkIdResponse schema
- Fix request schema for functions read/write in contract interactions apis
🧰 Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Update NFT supported blockchains
- Update exchange accounts internal transfer request and response schemas
🧰 Maintenance
- Update ‘standard’ property to optional in asset response
- Add ‘tradingAccount’ property to transaction response in case of exchange internal transfer
- Add query params to getSigningKeysList (Beta API)
- Add empty string client side validation for required query/path params
- Add version bump workflow