9 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
π Features
- Introduce Embedded Wallets API
- Introduce Staking API
- Added retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks in Compliance API
- Added getTransactionReceipt in Contract Interactions API
- Introduce Webhooks V2 (Beta) API
- Introduce Keys (Beta) API
- Added listAssets, getAssetById, listBlockchains, getBlockchainById in Blockchains & assets (Beta) API
- Added addCosigner, pairApiKey, unpairApiKey, updateCallbackHandler, getRequestStatus in Cosigners (Beta) API
π§° Maintenance - Breaking Changes
- Fixed response schema of getPublicKeyInfoForAddress and getPublicKeyInfo in Vaults API
- Fixed getAuditLogs response schema in Audit Logs API
π§° Maintenance
- Updating ApiKey, Cosigner schemas in Cosigners (Beta) API