This guide walks you through all the environment you need to implement these dotfiles on your Archlinux system. There's also a tutorial that shows how to install Archlinux of an easy way, you can read it here. I'll just show you the steps you have to follow and don't panic, there's not too much complex abbreviations or concepts, I'll write as simple as I can do. So don't be shy, don't panic, and enjoy 😊
Obviously before clonning this repository you have to install git first, but in addition, there are additional packages to get. Keep in mind that in this section you have to execute each command as root user
- Install
pacman -S sudo git openssh
- Edit the
vim /etc/sudoers
- Find the User privilege specification section and below root add a privilege to your user e.g. my user is
- Once you do this, return to your personal user and go to
cd ~/
- Remove all the files of your home directory and clone this repository
rm -rfv {*,.*}
git clone
- Install all the packages in .pkgs file
pacman -S --needed - < .pkgs
- Install yay AUR
git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si