Releases: flaeri/ComfyComp
1.7.1 ComfyInfo and several discoComp fixes
- Fixes apostrophe handling
- Fix bug in bpw handling
- Make bpw more easily adjustable
- Refactor main loop, add option to do more files with same or different settings
Add new script, ComfyInfo
- timebase, GOP, pixel format, color information
- For H264 and HEVC there is also b-frame checks
- H264 it will also check for refence frames
PS: Small bug where ComfyInfo contradicts itself on VFR. Trust the final output, not the early warning message
Also shuffled around some functions to reduce code duplication.
Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.7.1
Full Changelog: 1.7.1...v1.8-beta
- Bugfixes,
- Normalize script (WIP)
- DiscoComp refactor, add HEVC support
Beta 1.7: Introducing ComfyInfo!
Extracts a lot of nice information that can be difficult to get at.
- timebase, GOP, pixel format, color information
- For H264 and HEVC there is also b-frame checks
- H264 it will also check for refence frames
Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.7
1.6.3 bugfix ffmpeg 6
Full Changelog: 1.6.2...1.6.3
- Fixes issue with nvenc HEVC on ffmpeg 6.0 failing on 10 series and below.
Full Changelog: 1.6.1...1.6.2
- Rename and improved StingerFixer
- DiscoComp: add vp9 handling and output file check
1.6.1 Adjust filesize on the fly
Full Changelog: 1.6...1.6.1
Full Changelog: 1.3...1.6
- New scripts: ComfyCustom
Generalized, non specific - New script: DiscoCompress
Single file, drag and drop for discord embedable format. Supports h264 (and nvenc) as well as vp9. Automatic size calculation. Fast, single pass.
General bugfixes and shuffling code around for easier re-use.
1.5 beta1
Full Changelog: 1.4b1...1.5b1
Improve discoComp: Add fast mode (h264), with nvenc support. Auto downscale if quality is too low at existing resolution.
1.4 beta1
Full Changelog: 1.3-bugfix...1.4b1
ComfyComp v1.3
- Improve readability, and decrease re-used code by moving to common functions (verifier.ps1)
- Move to general ffmpeg download name
- General cleanup
- Create helper script to setup ps1 downloaded scripts more easily.
- Fix rootLocation fail if canceling initial config set is cancelled.
- fix start in location if script is triggered by running powershell directly, or calling from a different running folder
- Spelling errors, formatting
- Account for people running the scripts from a different location. Return them to the original location when done.
- replace dumbass way to read extension
- Actually check for codec
Add new script that allows you to concatenate files. They need to be identical (or at least very similar, or it will break).
Add new script that allows you to extract copies of audio tracks into separate files
- Add new scripts that will re-encoder videos with alpha intact. Useful for broken vp9 (looking at you shitty adobe plugin), or just converting to vp9 with alpha.
- Add timer