[0.11.0] - 2025-03-09
- #1519 - Allow to select specific column in db:table:schema - @norberttech
- 6182e5 - instructions how to use Flow CLI through docker - @norberttech
- #1511 - Databas to Flow schema converter - @norberttech
- #1511 - Database table list in CLI - @norberttech
- #1511 - Database table schema in CLI - @norberttech
- #1511 - Schema conversion in CLI - @norberttech
- #1507 - Add string function BeforeLast with Tests - @f-lapinski
- #1494 - afterLast function with test coverage - @f-lapinski
- #1497 - DSL for Symfony Http Bridge - @norberttech
- #1496 - helper methods on Schema/Definition to manipulate metadata - @norberttech
- #1495 - Adds method
to delegate generator stop signals to proxied loaders. - @christianc1 - #1468 - Nix - for local development environment - @norberttech
- #1492 - Respect limit/offset from query builder in dbal query loader - @norberttech
- #1491 - Added missing tests to string functions - @f-lapinski
- #1488 - DataStream builder - @norberttech
- #1488 - AddRowIdex Transformation - @norberttech
- #1488 - Batch Size Transformation - @norberttech
- #1484 - Added function StringBefore and Tests - @f-lapinski
- #1484 - Including needle is set false by default - @f-lapinski
- #1485 - Added function StringBefore and Tests stringAfter($needle, $includingNeedle including needle is set false by default - @f-lapinski
- #1477 - Add Title function with argument allWords set false as default with Tests - @f-lapinski
- #1475 - Early detection of XML type in dbal bulk - @norberttech
- #1473 - Added IndexOf function with $offset and $ignoreCase parameters and Tests - @f-lapinski
- #1470 - ByteString IsUTF8 function with Test - @f-lapinski
- #1465 - jsonl writing example - @norberttech
- #1465 - csv writing example - @norberttech
- #1465 - xml writing example - @norberttech
- f7d9d3 - openssf best practices badge - @norberttech
- 566506 - documentation/security page - @norberttech
- #1455 - DbalMetadata::type - allowing to change the type mapping on a specific column level - @norberttech
- add439 - missing composer scripts and phpdoc configurations - @norberttech
- #1454 - Api References to all packages - @norberttech
- #1449 - string folded function - @f-lapinski
- #1447 - Add read support for JSONL files - @jmortlock
- 0d0601 - permalinks to headlines rendered from markdown - @norberttech
- #1442 - Added support for JSONL - https://github.com/jmortlock/flow/pull/new/add-jsonl-support - @jmortlock
- #1440 - composer.json file to each example - @norberttech
- #1438 - Added file analyze command to CLI - @norberttech
- #1429 - Flow to Doctrine Dbal schema converter - @norberttech
- #1413 - Blog Post - Data Processing in PHP - @norberttech
- #1410 - high resolution time to pipeline report execution time - @norberttech
- #1408 - Custom transformations into to_branch() loader - @norberttech
- #1408 - Transformations into to_transformation() loader - @norberttech
- #1400 - Allow Scalar Functions to defined return Type - @norberttech
- #1400 - EntryFactory::createAs method to create entry from value and specific expected type - @norberttech
- #1392 - DataFrame::with(Transformer|Transformation) : self - @norberttech
- #1391 - ScalarFunction - arrayValues - @norberttech
- #1391 - ScalarFunction - arrayKeys - @norberttech
- #1391 - ScalarFunction - arrayKeep - @norberttech
- #1391 - ScalarFunction - arrayFilter - @norberttech
- #1389 - Added String Agg function - @norberttech
- #1387 - Another when function example - @norberttech
- #1385 - concat_ws (with separator) scalar function - @norberttech
- #1384 - elasticsearch examples - @norberttech
- #1380 - execution time to pipeline report - @norberttech
- #1378 - Added and/or/andNot/orNot to ScalarFunctionsChain - @norberttech
- #1371 - Added database upsert example - @norberttech
- 25b741 - sponsor page - @norberttech
- #1358 - Transformers to serialize/unserialize entire row under/from one entry - @norberttech
- #1356 - List of all packages to the installation page - @norberttech
- #1355 - manifest.json file with all packages in this monorepo - @norberttech
- #1345 - Project ADR's - @norberttech
- #1329 - Run PHPStan for test suite - @Bellangelo
- #1341 - Rector to static analysis tools - @norberttech
- #1339 - Tool - rector - @norberttech
- #1337 - Slug Scalar Function - @norberttech
- #1337 - Ascii Scalar Function - @norberttech
- #1326 - template to Types that defines underlying data type - @norberttech
- #1325 - Precision to float type - @norberttech
- #1325 - caster DSL function - @norberttech
- #1320 - greatest scalar function - @norberttech
- #1320 - least scalar function - @norberttech
- #1318 - Edit on GitHub button to website pages - @norberttech
- 4bd3d3 - experimental google ads - @norberttech
- d8ee4f - flags for codecov uploads - @norberttech
- #1291 - FlowTestCase with assertions around Extractors - @Bellangelo
- #1296 - Added codecov integration - @norberttech
- #1295 - Symfony Http Foundation Bridge documentation to navigation - @norberttech
- #1294 - Documentation building step to github actions workflow - @norberttech
- #1281 - S3 Filesystem based on Async AWS library - @norberttech
- #1281 - Timeout to testsuite job at github actios - @norberttech
- #1280 - Added cookies fallback page - @norberttech
- 2b6ae2 - default google consent state script - @norberttech
- 6e3a60 - cookie banner to the website - @norberttech
- #1278 - Added examples to documentation - @norberttech
- #1276 - Improved flow-php.com documentation by rendering markdown files from repo on flow-php.com website - @norberttech
- c36254 - google ad-sense meta tag - @norberttech
- #1271 - Allow to pass schema to doctrine dbal extractors - @norberttech
- #1271 - Database data source example to website - @norberttech
- #1271 - Database data sink example to website - @norberttech
- #1270 - Schema apply example - @norberttech
- #1270 - Running examples in the test suite - @norberttech
- #1266 - Date entry type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Date logical type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Time entry type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Time logical type - @norberttech
- #1268 - coalesce scalar function/li> - @norberttech
- #1267 - Entry::withValue(mixed $value) : self - @norberttech
- #1257 - Add testing against PHP 8.4 - @stloyd
- #1251 - composer script for building thrift definitions - @norberttech
- #1247 - command to convert files through cli - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:read - cli command - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:schema- cli command - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:rows:command- cli command - @norberttech
- #1244 - Added CLI command to read schema from a file - @norberttech
- 60267a - Prepare release 0.11.0 - @norberttech
- #1499 - Return 204 for buffered response when dataset is empty - @norberttech
- #1498 - Allow to pass limit as null to avoid breaking a pipeline - @norberttech
- #1497 - Renamed API of Http Bridge Stream Builder - @norberttech
- #1497 - Moved generic Transformations from bridge to Core - @norberttech
- #1496 - Removed readonly from Schema Definition - @norberttech
- #1493 - Doctrine Dbal Adapter loader now expect options as an object - @norberttech
- #1488 - Moved Transformations to ETL Core - @norberttech
- #1476 - Allow to pass single type to is_type() method - @norberttech
- #1476 - Allow using concat ws on collections - @norberttech
- #1465 - Improved contributing md - @norberttech
- #1462 - Improve error message when schema definition is duplicated - @norberttech
- #1453 - Change StringCamel to StringStyle to using with exisitng Enum StringStyles and get's StringStyle as parameter - @f-lapinski
- #1456 - Count aggregating function does not require reference anymore - @norberttech
- #1441 - removed archive section from composer.json of examples for readability - @norberttech
- #1437 - Allow to not pass primary key name to dbal metadata since it's not used in some cases - @norberttech
- #1435 - Indexes and primary key are added to directly the table instead of being returned - @norberttech
- #1429 - Moved UPGRADE.md to documentation folder to make it available as a static website - @norberttech
- #1427 - Revert "Bump friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer from 3.68.0 to 3.68.2 in /tools/cs-fixer" - @norberttech
- #1415 - Significantly reduced complexity of parquet schema converter - @norberttech
- #1407 - Remove usage of
class - @stloyd - #1406 - Improve
methods - @stloyd - #1405 - Join columns from a join expression won't trigger the join duplicated columns exception anymore. - @norberttech
- #1404 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1402 - NativeEntryFactory renamed to EntryFactory - @mleczakm
- #1400 - Simplified ArrayExpand and ArrayUnpack interfaces - @norberttech
- #1393 - Simplify concat functions internals - @stloyd
- #1387 - Expanded Contains to support also arrays - @norberttech
- #1377 - Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.40 to 11.5.3 - @Bellangelo
- #1370 - Allow to group by more than one column on pivot - @norberttech
- #1368 - Return integers from Round func when precision is set to 0 - @norberttech
- #1357 - Improved Type template - @norberttech
- 4f86b6 - Create SECURITY.md - @norberttech
- #1343 - Simplified defining StructureType by removing StructureElement - @norberttech
- #1341 - Enforce using DSL in test suite - @norberttech
- #1339 - Upgraded codebase to PHP 8.2 - @norberttech
- #1336 - Replaced jawira/case-converter with symfony/string - @norberttech
- #1336 - Removed redundant String Style class - @norberttech
- #1328 - Harden phpstan generics static analysis configuration - @norberttech
- #1326 - Made return types of casting handlers more strict - @norberttech
- #1325 - Caster will now respect float precision - @norberttech
- #1325 - Split ScalarType into standalone types - @norberttech
- 71e16c - Improved spacing between google ads - @norberttech
- #1308 - Replaced flags with components in codecov configuration - @norberttech
- #1307 - Used the new
in all the ETL tests - @Bellangelo - #1306 - Used the new
in all the ETL tests - @Bellangelo - #1303 - Used the new
in all the ETL tests - @Bellangelo - #1305 - Moved FlowIntegrationTestCase to the same namespace as FlowTestCase - @norberttech
- #1304 - Set commit parent for codecov coverage/test report comparison - @norberttech
- 47990c - Moved uploading baseline codecov commit sha to test suite workflow and merged test suite with extensions tests - @norberttech
- a90bf2 - Unified github workflows - @norberttech
- #1302 - Updated infection configuration to focus it at core only - @norberttech
- 2072d8 - Renamed output files of phpunit coverage report and junit report for codecov - @norberttech
- #1300 - Moved coverage and phpunit logs to standalone files - @norberttech
- #1300 - upload to codecov only from one php and deps version - @norberttech
- #1295 - Improved readability of remote filesystem examples - @norberttech
- #1293 - Increase minimal MSI for Infection - @stloyd
- #1293 - Run mutations tests when changing Inflection related files - @stloyd
- #1292 - Update & adjust Infection configuration - @stloyd
- #1287 - Split test suite into independent jobs - @norberttech
- #1287 - Locked meilisearch to 1.11 - @norberttech
- 085971 - Create ads.txt - @norberttech
- 0a4fc3 - third party cookie banner provider with a custom solution - @norberttech
- #1279 - Improved user experience on mobile version of the documentation - @norberttech
- #1272 - Renamed website examples topics - @norberttech
- #1270 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 81964e - Build cli command using latest available dependencies - @norberttech
- #1262 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1261 - Reimplemented from scratch Dremel Shredding/Assemble algorithms to cover all edge cases and fix bugs - @norberttech
- #1256 - Upgrade PHPStan to 2.0 - @stloyd
- #1256 - Adjust codebase to cover newly detected issues - @stloyd
- #1251 - Updated parquet thrift definitions - @norberttech
- #1251 - ParquetLoader will now make inferred schema nullable - @norberttech
- #1247 - CLI command options now comes with a --output / --input prefix - @norberttech
- #1246 - Unified options/arguments handling across all commands - @norberttech
- #1246 - run cli command was renamed into pipeline:run with alias run - @norberttech
- f30a31 - Second attempt to fix flow cli autoloading - @norberttech
- #1242 - Moved flow phar to dedicated cli repository - @norberttech
- #1240 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.10.0 - @norberttech
- #1518 - Fixed pagination for queries with group by in dbal extractor - @norberttech
- #1513 - Added missing library for postgresql into docker - @norberttech
- #1512 - Add missing db drivers to docker image - @norberttech
- #1511 - Too generic names of DbalMetadata keys - @norberttech
- #1507 - Fix some variable names in previous functions tests - @f-lapinski
- #1494 - Add missing PHPDocs in Chain - @f-lapinski
- #1499 - Prevent double ETL evaluation in buffered response - @norberttech
- #1497 - Fixed documentation - @norberttech
- 457164 - broken upsert example - @norberttech
- #1482 - JSON was being double encoded. - @jmortlock
- #1483 - Fix typo in README.md - @jmortlock
- #1475 - Incosistency between XMLEntry::toString and Casting XML's to strings - @norberttech
- #1470 - Add Missing Test for return type of function - @f-lapinski
- #1469 - JSONLines Loader would occasionally write a newline to the start of the file. - @jmortlock
- #1457 - missing entry types to JSON/CSV entry normalizers - @norberttech
- d82381 - failing example test - @norberttech
- #1448 - ParquetOutput didn't implement Output interface - @radozato
- #1441 - Added missing lock files to examples - @norberttech
- #1437 - Setting up the offset for reading remote parquet files - @norberttech
- #1436 - typo in documentation - @paul-court
- #1435 - Read scale from float type in Dbal Schema Converter - @norberttech
- #1429 - links in all repos readme - @norberttech
- #1417 - Removed redundant evaluation of transformer function. - @christianc1
- #1415 - Date String detection - @norberttech
- 3dee6e - article title - @norberttech
- #1400 - Casting non deterministic values like empty array to list/map will create list/map entry - @norberttech
- #1395 - Carry metadata and type nullability when creating entries from Schema Definition - @norberttech
- #1389 - Links in documentation - @norberttech
- #1389 - padding in documentation - @norberttech
- #1377 - TestCases new syntax - @Bellangelo
- #1369 - FloatEntry with value 0 - @norberttech
- 432fee - filesystem bridges composer names - @norberttech
- aa57c0 - path in manifest - @norberttech
- #1350 - PHPStan argument.type error - @norberttech
- #1343 - Structure ignoring wrong element names, not matching type definition - @norberttech
- 39af78 - paths in test suite triggers on github actions - @norberttech
- 01b885 - codecov using base commit only for pull requests, otherwise upload baseline commit - @norberttech
- e26960 - warnings in Github Baselin Workflow - @norberttech
- aa0e48 - SHA artifact upload - @norberttech
- c7d57a - bug in baseline workflow related to fetching base commit sha - @norberttech
- #1299 - Fixed typo in AWS filesystem docs - @stloyd
- #1297 - Website navigation - @norberttech
- #1294 - Fixed broken documentation building script - @norberttech
- #1281 - Meilisearch pagination - @norberttech
- #1289 - Adjust Meilisearch adapter to newer library code - @stloyd
- 53892a - static content providers for website - @norberttech
- #1277 - Removed .md suffix from documentation URLs - @norberttech
- 8bffbe - broken documentation paths - @norberttech
- #1274 - Fixed schema inferring when first rows are null - @norberttech
- #1272 - Copy button scroll - @norberttech
- #1270 - Missing Docs attribute in functions - @norberttech
- #1269 - pivot edge case when pivot column is null - @norberttech
- #1263 - Parquet - optional list required element - list empty - @norberttech
- #1263 - Parquet - optional map required value - map empty - @norberttech
- #1257 - Fixed deprecation from PHP 8.4 - @stloyd
- #1256 - Fixed main branch static analyse issues - @stloyd
- #1251 - Setting repetition level based on flow schema definition in parquet converter - @norberttech
- #1248 - Unified behavior of first/last aggregations to prevent columns conflicts when doing aggregation and grouping by the same column - @norberttech
- #1245 - Fixed writing column statistics when there is only one row that is null - @norberttech
- #1243 - Fixed flow cli autoloading - @norberttech
- c01992 - composer.json - @norberttech
- 03468f - dependencies - @norberttech
- a1731c - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5fa15b - SECURITY.md - @norberttech
- 0e18bb - README.md - @norberttech
- 716443 - dependencies - @norberttech
- c7e512 - README.md - @norberttech
- 1ff799 - base test case for avro - @norberttech
- a3080b - github actions step conditions - @norberttech
- 575eeb - README.md - @norberttech
- df71e5 - .gitattributes of flow-php/etl - @norberttech
- afb55b - introduction.md - @norberttech
- #1520 - RDSL library - @norberttech
- #1453 - Previous StringCamle function, methods and tests - @f-lapinski
- #1415 - EntryClass from Schema Definition - @norberttech
- #1402 - EntryFactory interface - @mleczakm
- #1343 - MapKey - @norberttech
- #1343 - MapValue - @norberttech
- #1343 - ListElement - @norberttech
- #1343 - StructureElemet - @norberttech
- #1311 - Psalm - static analysis tool - @norberttech
- #1288 - Drop support for PHP 8.1 - @stloyd
- #1273 - development leftover methods from Filesystems - @norberttech
- #1270 - CallMethod scalar functions - @norberttech
- #1266 - ArrayEntry which is now replaced with JsonEntry - @norberttech
- #1266 - ObjectEntry - @norberttech
- @Bellangelo
- @christianc1
- @f-lapinski
- @jmortlock
- @mleczakm
- @norberttech
- @paul-court
- @radozato
- @stloyd
Generated by Automation