102 commits
to master
since this release
- Remove unused code related to auto-open record detail view. Refs UIIN-2819.
- Keyboard shortcuts modal: Add quickMARC shortcuts to modal. Refs UIIN-2795.
- Create new settings for classification type sorting. Refs UIIN-2775.
- Add "Display to public" column to receiving history on Holdings. Refs UIIN-2826.
- Add new browse options for Instance classification numbers. Refs UIIN-2624.
- Add new Instance search option
Classification, normalized
for theInstance
toggle and advanced search modal. Refs UIIN-2801. - Import
. Refs UIIN-2837. - ECS Member tenant - add
andHeld by
facets for theClassification
browse. Refs UIIN-2813. - Jest/RTL: Cover CalloutRenderer component with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2665.
- Jest/RTL: Cover ConnectedTitle component with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2666.
- Jest/RTL: Cover InstancePlugin component with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2668.
- Jest/RTL: Cover ImportRecord component with unit test. Refs UIIN-2667.
- Jest/RTL: Cover MoveHoldingContext component with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2664.
- Use consolidated locations endpoint to fetch all locations when in central tenant context. Refs UIIN-2811.
- Change label of eye-readable call number search option in holdings/items. Refs UIIN-2797.
- Jest/RTL: Cover ModalContent components with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2669.
- Add callout noting user's active affiliation when it changes after selecting holding or item. Refs UIIN-2831, UIIN-2872.
- Jest/RTL: Cover LocationSelectionWithCheck components with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2670.
- Populate Acquisitions accordion on instance when central ordering is active. Refs UIIN-2793.
- Inventory app: Define and implement shortcut key for editing a quickMARC bib record. Refs UIIN-2896.
- BREAKING Added a new
dependency. Move some utils to that module. Refs UIIN-2910. - Jest/RTL: Cover HRIDHandlingSettings components with unit tests. Refs UIIN-2671.
- Add classification browse types to facets requests when performing Browse. Fixes UIIN-2897.
- Import
, facets constants,fieldSearchConfigurations
, and some of the utils fromstripes-inventory-components
. Refs UIIN-2781. - Import the new
functionality fromstripes-inventory-components
. Refs UIIN-2910. - Edit Inventory Instances: Display a Save & keep editing button. Refs UIIN-2457.
- Edit Inventory Holdings: Display a Save & keep editing button. Refs UIIN-2404.
- "holdings-storage" API version upgrade. Refs UIIN-2926.
- Edit Inventory Items: Display a Save & keep editing button. Refs UIIN-2456.
- Prevent users from editing tags when Instance/Holdings/Item is updated. Fixes UIIN-2941.
- Instance record > Classification accordion > Display a clipboard icon next to classification number. Refs UIIN-2580.
- Populate Acquisitions accordion on item when central ordering is active. Refs UIIN-2818.
- Import facets and the function for building a search query from
. - Add Bound items accordion in item record. Refs UIIN-2760.
- Edit Inventory Instances: Optimistic locking error displays in pop-up modal instead of banner in the header. Fixes UIIN-2940.
- Make item barcode column narrower. Fixes UIIN-2925.
- i18n item status in item edit view. Refs UIIN-2766.
- Enable "+ New" and "Edit" buttons when user has "Settings (Inventory): Configure single-record import" permission. Refs UIIN-2771.
- Allow user to view
HRID handling
section when "Settings (Inventory): View list of settings pages" permission is assigned
and disable fields when "Settings (Inventory): Create, edit and delete HRID handling" permission is not assigned. Refs UIIN-2773. - Update "Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical codes" permission. Refs UIIN-2772.
- Focus on record title after closing record details view, on search field after canceling record creation, on close record details view icon after closing quick-marc. Refs UIIN-2962.
- Include
to include their translations. Refs UIIN-2968. - Trigger search from icon in related titles on Instance detail view. Refs UIIN-2943.
- Enable "View source" option for "LINKED_DATA" source type in "Actions" dropdown. Refs in UIIN-2966.
- Create a text link for classification numbers based on classification types. Refs UIIN-2907.
- Add "Edit in Linked Data editor" action for resources with source "LINKED_DATA". Refs UIIN-2963.
- Clicking on item in Inventory no longer opens the item record in a new tab. Fixes UIIN-2924.
- Add
option touseLocationFilters
hook to prevent unnecessary trims on change. Refs UIIN-2976. - Enable 'Edit in Linked Data Editor' option to Action dropdown. Refs UIIN-2965.
- Wrong statistical code column heading is displayed in instances, holdings, and items. Fixes UIIN-2922.
- Update "Edit Instance" workform for resources with source "LINKED_DATA". Refs UIIN-2967.
- Inventory App: Consume {{FormattedTime}} via stripes-component. Refs UIIN-1273.
- Update request to go to inventory API when Holdings is updated. Refs UIIN-2779.
- Add barcode values for "Bound pieces data" and update
hook query withbindItemId
to fetch bound pieces correctly. Refs UIIN-2984. - Display "New order" action in instance action menu when active affiliation set to central tenant. Refs UIIN-2955.
- Save Instances UUIDs - When request URI exceeds character limit split request. Refs UIIN-2977.
- Use
HOC andbuildRecordsManifest
to display an error when the request URL is exceeded. Refs UIIN-2970. - Edit in Linked Data Editor when source=MARC. Refs UIIN-2978.
- Display shared instance immediately after the instance was shared. Refs UIIN-2969.
- Disable Move to button if no items selected or no more holdings exists within an instance. Refs UIIN-2995.
- Prevent callbacks from being triggered when clicking on the current tab, whether it's lookup mode or a segment. Fixes UIIN-2949.
- Hide call number type options for Local, Other scheme, and SuDoc for perf environment. Refs UIIN-2923.
- Edit Inventory Instances: "Save & close" and "Save and keep editing" buttons could be clicked 2 times in a row. Fixes UIIN-2939.
- Create a new ‘Inventory: Update ownership’ permission to control display of Update ownership action. Refs UIIN-2981.
- Add inventory permission: Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete subject sources. Refs UIIN-3010.
- Add inventory permission: Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete subject types. Refs UIIN-3009.
- Update required permissions for quick export of instances. Refs UIIN-3003.
- Add
prop toSearchAndSort
to display sort indicator next to the column names, and add correctnonInteractiveHeaders
. Refs UIIN-2986. - Change casing of
Linked data editor
label. Refs UIIN-3007. - MARC bib/holdings | View Source: Add Edit and Export actions. Refs UIIN-3012.
- Trim call numbers when Creating/Editing/Deriving Holdings/Items. Fixes UIIN-2889.
- New Inventory Settings: Subject types and Subject sources. Refs UIIN-2822.
- Disable
Save and keep editing
andSave & close
buttons when submit the instance form. Fixes UIIN-2939. - Remove call number type options for Local, Other scheme, and SuDoc. Refs UIIN-3014.
- Use the sort option from the new
until the user changes it in any available way. Refs UIIN-2722. - Rename
andCall numbers
sections in browse options. Refs UIIN-2982. - Edit/Create -- Subject accordion instance UI changes. Refs UIIN-2944.
- Add the Date column to the results list. Refs UIIN-1876.
- Instance Detail/Edit/New: Add new section for Date type, Date 1, & Date 2. Refs UIIN-2849.
- Add the ability to update ownership of holdings. Refs UIIN-2753.
- Add the ability to update ownership of items. Refs UIIN-2754.
- Update user when switching affiliation. Fixes UIIN-2932.
- Add ability to sort Search results by Date. Refs UIIN-2850.
- Implement default Date type when not present - No attempt to code. Refs UIIN-3034.
- Remove 'Overlay' and 'Set for deletion' functions for LINKED_DATA source type. Refs UIIN-3011.
- Store item IDs in local storage in order to make it visited. Fixes UIIN-2994.
- View -- Subject accordion instance UI changes. Refs UIIN-2823.
- Mock
; fix tests. Refs UIIN-3045. - Extend permissions for creating, editing and deleting reference data. Fixes UIIN-2586.
- Update "Barcode" column link in "Bound pieces data" accordion. Refs UIIN-3041.
- ECS - check for central tenant permissions in Settings > Classification Browse. Fixes UIIN-3038.
- Display action menu when user has only permission to move holdings/items. Fixes UIIN-3040.
- Make "Barcode" field wrapping to next row when there are many characters in the value. Fixes UIIN-2958.
- Fixed "Settings" > "Inventory" page does not load. Fixes UIIN-3053.
- Display an item that has an open loan whose patron record has been removed. Fixes UIIN-3044.
- Display "Classification browse" settings for non-consortia. Fixes UIIN-3057.
- Fix eslint warnings. Refs UIIN-3064.
- Disable link to POL when it leads to another tenant (instance, holding and item). Refs UIIN-3024.
- Add code to subject source settings. Refs UIIN-3056.
- Alter rules for display of 'Edit in Linked data editor' option in Inventory Action drop down. Refs UIIN-3051.
- Upgrade
. Refs UIIN-3065. - Add subject source and subject type to Inventory subject browse results. Refs UIIN-2960.
- Add filters for subject source and type to Inventory subject browse. Refs UIIN-2961.
- Update 'Instance relationship' accordion name - VIEW/EDIT/CREATE Instance. Refs UIIN-3081.
- Create alert to prevent moving holding to another instance if Po Line has multiple holdings. Refs UIIN-3046.
- Update sub permissions in the
and upgradeholdings-storage
. Refs UIIN-3061. - ECS - Disallow 'Move items within an instance' and 'Move holdings/items to another instance' if no LOCAL Items/Holdings exist. Refs UIIN-3073.
- BREAKING Update sub permissions in the
and upgradesource-storage-records
. Refs UIIN-3086. - BREAKING Bump
for Ramsons release. Refs UIIN-2961. - Include current location into redirects to Linked data editor. Refs UIIN-3092.
- Use
to subscribe and publish the reset event and unsubscribe from it after a segment switch. Refs UIIN-3093. - Rename inventory.consortia permissions. Refs UIIN-3076.
- Disallow displaying shared instances when find instance modal is open. Refs UIIN-3072.
- ECS: Item affiliation cannot be changed when it is attached to a local order. Refs UIIN-3063.
- Refactor ui-inventory permissions. Refs UIIN-3087.
- Disallow displaying shared instances when find instance modal is open. Refs UIIN-3072.
- Update permission name after Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for ui-requests. Refs UIIN-3058.
- Browse | Number of titles in Subject browse results does not match the number of instances returned in search. Fixes UIIN-3101.
- Adjust the URI of a redirect to Linked data editor. Fixes UIIN-3107.
- Rename "mod-settings.global.*" permissions. Refs UIIN-3109.
- Suppress edit and delete actions of subject types and sources for
source. Refs UIIN-3112. - Add 'replaces' array to refactored ui permissions. Refs UIIN-3110.
- Update quick-marc permission name. Refs UIIN-3111.
- ECS: Prevent Item affiliation ownership change if it is attached to a local PO line. Refs UIIN-3105.
- Add missing BE permission
. Fixes UIIN-3086. - Display correctly
Mark as ...
action items in Item action menu. Fixes UIIN-3114.