This code is following the 2021 revision. If you would like to see the code from the 2020 Build Season, refer to this
This robot code is now finished (moreso abandoned lol) due to the robot breaking during the invitational. The robot is scrapped, and we'll update this repository with videos of it functioning. This was the code's state right before the invitational.
This project uses the standard Pheonix Libraries (add the libraries regularly), alongside the Rev Robotics libraries. Adding these libraries is a bit different than for our projects. Installing these libraries requires the following:
Navigate to this link and make sure to install the Java API to your computer.
After doing this, copy the link shown for "Online Installations" (should look like and return to VS Code.
Press Ctrl + Shift + P, and type in "Manage Vendor Libraries". Click on "Install new libraries (online)" and paste the link.
This is required if you plan to deploy or edit code for this robot.
Left Joystick: Forward + Backwards
Right Joystick: Left + Right
Left Bumper: Defense Gear
Right Bumper: High Gear
Right Trigger: Low Gear
B Button: Toggle Intake System
X Button: Toggle Shooting System
DPAD UP: Move BallTrack forwards
DPAD DOWN: Move BallTrack backwards
DPAD LEFT: Move Intake Arm Up
DPAD RIGHT: Move Intake Arm Down