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Standup Notes 2019 04 11
Participants (alphabetical): Allie, Conor, Erik, Jen, John, Kushal, Mike, Mickael, Nina
OSSEC alert: A user flagged they're not receiving alerts for login failures on the Journalist Interface - what's the expected behavior
- Alerts should indeed be sent in some cases
- Mickael will continue to investigate
Reminder: PyPI presentation by Kushal coming up after standup (preview of PyCon talk). Step by step walkthrough of Python -> Debian package
- Received PR feedback from heartsucker who gave it a final review this morning. I think we need a follow-up discussion about best practices for pyqt development so we can align as a team.
- Created a wiki home page and basic test plan for the client repo, which references SD and UX repos
- Created some tighter-scoped issues from some of the large scope issues like "top pane styling"
- Opened an issue for a bug found when reviewing my Top Pane PR but is unrelated to the PR changes - it looks like it has to do with database changes made in the past that make it so deleting a source crashes the app
- Ran through Qubes workstation PR (which has config and docs changes to support 4.0.1) and hit an error and one test failure (instead of two!)
- Continue to run through Qubes workstation PR to support 4.0.1
- There is a weird client segfault that happens sometimes when first running the server and client, which might be a dev-environment only issue, not sure... need to create an issue with what I know now, which is very little
- I have some reply box changes that I would like to be merged in as a smaller PR so I might have to create a subticket of the larger "Style ReplyBox" ticket
- None
- Catching up on comms, limited time for review
Blockers: None
- Support, light docs work
- Follow up regarding accessibility report
- Follow up regarding potential SD devlopment help by third party
- Losta meetings, more Xenial outreach/coordination
Yesterday: Was OOO at management training
- Very meeting heavy
- Otherwise trying to review/merge Kushal's latest Python 3 changes today
Tomorrow: - Will review the disabling of source interface on Trusty
- Mainly support
- Got through a PR review, progres on issues on my plate
Blockers: May ping Conor for help with PyPI package updates
In the UK
- Review of https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/pull/4325 (includes crying about molecule+vagrant)
- Started reviewing etag PR (need more steps for manual test of the PR).
- Trying to identify reason behind pinentry launched (after my molecule stopped working).
- Will review "Remove pipenv" on securedrop-sdk
- None
- Addressed heartsucker's comments on "Disable source interface" PR
- Review on Allie's client PR
- Review of MemoryError docs PR
- Final work on Qubes 4.0.1 issue
- OSSEC investigation
Yesterday: Got codification of SD pypi index listing feature
Today: SD Support server testing - I can't say the official name cause Mickael told me not to. So I'll call it "bluecave" as a super secret obfuscation ;)
Blockers: None
Taking Friday off, may also take Monday off
- UX review of colors/branding -> follow-up
- Debrief with Ashley from UX Fund
Blockers: None