FUChain Driver for Javascript from BigchainDB Driver customized by FUChain, a simple module for scaffolding FUChain projects.
$ npm install fuchain-js
$ const driver = require('fuchain-js')
// or ES6+
$ import driver from 'fuchain-js'
const driver = require("fuchain-js");
// FUChain server instance (e.g. https://example.com/api/v1/)
const API_PATH = "http://localhost:9984/api/v1/";
// Create a new keypair.
const alice = new driver.Ed25519Keypair();
// Construct a transaction payload
const tx = driver.Transaction.makeCreateTransaction(
// Define the asset to store, in this example it is the current temperature
// (in Celsius) for the city of Berlin.
{ city: "Berlin, DE", temperature: 22, datetime: new Date().toString() },
// Metadata contains information about the transaction itself
// (can be `null` if not needed)
{ what: "My first FUChain transaction" },
// A transaction needs an output
// Sign the transaction with private keys
const txSigned = driver.Transaction.signTransaction(tx, alice.privateKey);
// Send the transaction off to FUChain
const conn = new driver.Connection(API_PATH);
.then(retrievedTx =>
console.log("Transaction", retrievedTx.id, "successfully posted.")