Converts FIAS-GAR xml representation to SQL-dump. Конвертирует FIAS-GAR xml представление в SQL-дамп.
XSLT was chosen just for fun, there is the better way to implement this feature
The utility requires XSLT 3.0 transformer, because it used the xsl:iterate
This feature implemented in Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE since Saxon 9.6. For using EE and PE version you will need to get
trial license key.
# create sql-dump to create all tables from xsd files in directory
sh ./ /opt/saxon/saxon-ee-10.5.jar ./gar_schemas ./gar_schemas_sql
# second way
java -jar /opt/saxon/saxon-ee-10.5.jar -xsl:./create-all-tables.xslt -it:main -o:./all-tables.sql
# convert data from all files in directory (insert mode)
sh ./ /opt/saxon/saxon-ee-10.5.jar ./gar_xml ./gar_xml_sql [DUMP_VERSION]
# convert data from all files in directory (delta)
# DELTA_VERSION - Must be a number that increments for each new delta file, for example 20210803
sh ./ /opt/saxon/saxon-ee-10.5.jar ./gar_xml ./gar_xml_sql [DELTA_VERSION]
sh ./ /opt/saxon/saxon-ee-10.5.jar /storage/fias-2023-09-19/16 /storage/fias-2023-09-19_sql/16 20230919
It is very important to use nohup
to prevent accidental stopping of the importing process.
nohup sh -c 'psql -h localhost -d your_database -U your_user -f your_file.sql' &
- table's name is as the main noun in file name
- column's name is lower-cased attr name without any change
- boolean => boolean migrations
- string with any restriction => varchar
- int (even number enumeration), long <= 10 => int
- long > 10 => bigint
- guid => uuid
- missing "AS_ADDHOUSE_TYPES.xsd" in gar_schemas however existing "AS_ADDHOUSE_TYPES_*.xml" with data
- the delta-changes in the root folder has unchanged data
- binary dump should be much faster