This is a WorkerService
template project which has the flavour of clean architecture with message broker. This project template has most of the required tools to get started with long running services.
PS: More improvements to come in the future ;)
What's included:
After setting up your local DEV environment, you can clone this repository and run the solution.
You'll need the following tools:
- .NET, version
- Visual Studio, version
or JetBrains Rider, version>=2022
- Docker Desktop
First clone this repository locally.
- Install all of the the prerequisite tools mentioned above.
Run below command to start your RabbitMQ
container, which will acts as the message broker of the solution.
docker run -d --hostname rabbit-server --name rabbit -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=1qaz2wsx@W rabbitmq:3-management
With Visual studio: Open up the solutions using Visual studio.
- Restore solution
packages. - Rebuild solution once.
- Run the solution.
Licensed under the MIT license.