eggfly / monica
Forked from Forairaaaaa/Monica(固件要用idf v5.1.2 编译!!)DIY Watch based on ESP32-S3 and AMOLED screen
geeksoftware / lv_micropython
Forked from lvgl/lv_micropythonMicropython bindings to LVGL for Embedded devices, Unix and JavaScript
A Walkie-Talkie based around the ESP32 using UDP broadcast or ESP-NOW
A Walkie-Talkie based around the ESP32 using UDP broadcast or ESP-NOW
Live display of GNSS location on a map. ESP32-S@, 3.2" TFT on 01Studio pyBase
a numpy-like fast vector module for micropython, circuitpython, and their derivatives
Firmware for a smart incubator prototype for turtles, using MicroPython, targeting ESP32.
Micropython driver for sh1107-based OLED display (64 x 128)
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
📚 Provide many interesting MicroPython Code.
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Vehicle Speed Estimation from Video using Deep Learning and Optical Flow in PyTorch.
R 语言数据科学导论 | Data Science Introduction with R
Library for single DS18B20 on ESP32 esp-idf framework
MH-Z19B infrared co2 sensor with an Arduino Ethernet and MQTT
Python driver and logging app for Gravity infrared CO2 sensor