Releases: global-vmware/vcd_vm
"vcd_vm" Module Release 2.2.0
Added the "vcd_network_isolated_v2" data source to dynamically choose routed or isolated networks based on the network type specified in the "org_networks" variable
Updated the "org_networks" variable to specify the network type for each org network (routed or isolated)
Added the "adapter_type" attribute to the "vcd_vm" dynamic network block
Updated the Inputs Section in the README to include the changes to the "org_networks" variable
Updated the Example Code Section in the README to include the "type" of org_network in the Code Snippet
Removed the default values for the vm_metadata_entries variable
Removed the default values for the network_interfaces variable
"vcd_vm" Module Release 2.1.1
Added the "org" Argument to the "vcd_vdc_group" Data Source
Added the "org" Argument to the "vcd_network_routed_v2" Data Source
Added the "org" Argument to the "vcd_catalog_vapp_template" Data Source
Added the "org" Argument to the "vcd_vm" Resource
Added the "vdc" Argument to the "vcd_vm" Resource
Updated the source URL Reference in the "vcd_vm" Module Code Snippet to Version 2.1.1 in the Example Usage Section of the README
"vcd_vm" Module Release 2.1.0
Added Support for the new catalog_org_name variable that will allow users to choose catalogs from different Organizations
This new feature will allow Rackspace SDDC Flex Customers to deploy vApp Templates from the Rackspace Organization Catalogs or their own Organization Catalogs.
Changed the Default Values for the vm_memory_hot_add_enabled and vm_cpu_hot_add_enabled Variables to "false". Updated the README to reflect the new default values.
Changed the Default Value for the vm_customization_change_sid Variable to "true". Updated the README to reflect the new default value.
This is Major Release Version 2.0.0 of the vcd_vm Terraform Module.
Here is a list of the Updates from this Release:
Added Feature to use Static VM Names or VM Names that include Custom VM Name Formatting
Added Feature to use Static Computer Names or Computer Names that include Custom Computer Name Formatting
Added Feature to Attach Named Disks (Independent Disks) to VMs
Added Feature to Create Multiple Network Interfaces on VMs
Added Feature to Override the Template Disks of VMs