Meteor-Destroy is an android game app to revise vocabulary in a fun way. All the vocabulary is on a specific API. You can move your spaceship with the two bottom left controllers. At the bottom right you have two button, the right button is to shoot a laser and the other is to change your type of laser. You have two types of laser : the red laser can destroy the meteors and the green laser can deviate them.
A big word will display under your player. Every 2 secondes a meteor will appear with a random translate word, you have to shoot only the translate word which match with the big word to win 50 points. If you shoot the bad translate word or if your player touch a meteor, you loose 25 points and one life. When you shoot a good meteor, the meteor velocity increase. You have 3 lives displayed at the top left corner and the score at the top right.
If you just want to install the game on your mobile phone, follow this link and you can download the last version of the MeteorDestroy.apk.
Put this .apk in your mobile phone and run it.
If you have problems to run the app on your phone, follow this link, maybe you will have a response.
If you want to continue the project or just download and run it in your system, there is a technical documentation in the wiki's project.