This PUBLIC version of GRAVIEX Exchange is outdated and not supported by GRAVIEX Team since Apr 22, 2018. You can use it on your own risk.
- Designed as high performance crypto currency exchange.
- Built-in high performance matching-engine.
- Built-in ticket system for customer support.
- Usability and scalibility.
- Websocket API and high frequency trading support.
- Support multiple digital currencies (eg. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin etc.).
- Easy customization of payment processing for both fiat and digital currencies.
- SMS and Google Two-Factor authenticaton.
- KYC Verification.
- Powerful admin dashboard and management tools.
- Highly configurable and extendable.
- Industry standard security out of box.
- Active community behind.
- Free and open-source.
- Linux / Mac OSX
- Ruby 2.1.0
- Rails 4.0+
- Git 1.7.10+
- Redis 2.0+
- RabbitMQ
** More details are in the doc.
You can interact with Peatio through API: