A representation of several basic algebraic structures (e.g., groups, rings, vector spaces) as Idris types (axioms fully enforced).
Mathematically, the idea of an algebraic structure is quite simple. Consider (a) the set of integers \(\mathbb{Z}\), (b) two of the most basic functions on it, \(+: \mathbb{Z}^2 \to \mathbb{Z} \) and \(\cdot: \mathbb{Z}^2 \to \mathbb{Z}\), and (c) two unique elements of it, \(0\) and \(1\). There are various obvious properties that universally hold; e.g.:
- \(x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z\), and \(x\cdot (y \cdot z) = (x \cdot y) \cdot z\)
- \(x+y= y+x\), and \(x\cdot y = y \cdot x\)
- \(x+0 = x \cdot 1 = x \)
- \(\exists~y\in \mathbb{Z} [ x+y = 0 ]\)
- \(x \cdot (y+z) = x \cdot y + x \cdot z\)
(Unquantified variables are implicitly quantified over the domain of discourse, \(\mathbb{Z}\).) These properties are referred to, respectively, as associativity, commutativity, identities, additive inverses, and dsitributivity of (multiplication over addition). There are various things to note. Plenty of other sets satisfy these laws; for example, the rational numbers, or the real numbers, or the complex numbers. Note also that, say, the irrational numbers do not satisfy these properties; \(pi + (1-\pi)\) is rational, and so \(+\) isn't even a binary function over the irrationals! Finally, note the asymmetry in the fourth law, an asymmetry not present in the others. This is necessary, as the following property (referred to as multiplicative inverses) does not hold:
- \(\exists y \in \mathbb{Z} [ x \cdot y = 1 ]\)
While \(2\), for example, does have a multiplicative inverse among the rationals, it doesn't when we restrict our attention to the integers. (In fact, not even the rational numbers satisfy the above law, because \(0\) does not have a multiplicative inverse. After modifying the law to account for that special case, however, the rationals do satisfy it, while the integers still don't.)
So, was the point of all this? All we did was consider some numbers that everyone is familiar with and mention some elementary properties of them. How does that lead to any interesting mathematical questions? Well, the key idea, the crucial motivating question of abstract algebra, is the following:
What happens when we go in the other direction?
That is, what happens when we start with a list of properties, then ask what sorts of things satisfy it? The answers to this question are more diverse than you may expect. For example, in addition to the integers and its extensions, other more esoteric sets satisfy the above laws. E.g., the set of integers modulo five, \(\mathbb{Z}_5 = \left\{\overline{0}, \overline{1}, \overline{2}, \overline{3}, \overline{4}\right\}\). In the set, to calculate the "sum" of two elements, we calculate their usual sum, then take that modulo 5 (that is, the remainder when dividing by 5; the modulo operation is essentially a generalization of the concept of even and odd numbers to divisibilities other than by 2); similarly with the product. Thus, for example, \(\overline{4} + \overline{3} = \overline{2}\). A similar line of reasoning indicates that additive inverses exist---in fact, so do multiplicative inverses, at least for non-\(0\) elements! Observe:
- \(\overline{1} \cdot \overline{1} = \overline{1}\)
- \(\overline{2} \cdot \overline{3} = \overline{1}\)
- \(\overline{3} \cdot \overline{2} = \overline{1}\)
- \(\overline{4} \cdot \overline{4} = \overline{1}\)
However, if we look at the integers modulo 6 (\(\mathbb{Z}_6\)), we find that multiplicative inverses do not always exist; only \(\overline{1}\) and \(\overline{-1} = \overline{5}\) are invertible. (Try it!) In fact, the integers modulo n, \(\mathbb{Z}_n\), satisfy the weakened (i.e., ignoring \(0\)) multiplicative inverse law if and only if \(n\) is prime.
These do not exhaust the possibilities---not even close!---but it should be enough to give a taste of what abstract algebra is all about. You start with some set with defined operations (a pairing known as a "structure") that you are familiar with, you distill that structure down to its most basic and fundamental properties, and then you look at what sorts of things satisfy those properties and what those properties alone entail. This allows you to generalize familiar structures to more abstract ideas---the original motivating structure becomes just a special case of a more general property, and seemingly disparate things suddenly become two special cases of a more general idea.
Note that in the process of generalization, we choose to "forget" any auxiliary properties of the motivating structure. That is, the set of objects, the binary functions \(+\) and \(\cdot\), and the privilleged elements \(0\) and \(1\), are not necessarily numbers, addition, multiplication, zero, or one (respectively)! They can be any mathematical object (that is, any concept that can be precisely defined) satisfying the list of properties above. In other words, they are like numbers with respect to the most basic qualities of them, but they may in fact be completely different!
Thus, using the axioms as a starting point, one can ask which properties are entailed by them, and which properties will differ between different implementations of the axioms. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for various additional facts? E.g., does it follow from the laws above that every element has a unique factorization? Among the motivating structure of the integers this was true (a fact known as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic); in general, though, it is false! The question then becomes how to further classify the space of implementations---what's the simplest way to divide those that do always admit a unique factorization and those that don't? These are the kinds of questions that the framework of algebraic structures allows you to ask.
The laws given above define a ring; that is, any set (with the two defined binary operations over it, as well as the two distinguished elements (which can be thought of as nullary operations for uniformity)) satisfying the above list of properties is known as a ring. The laws are called the ring axioms. Ring theory is the branch of math studying rings, how they relate to each other (namely, via ring homomorphisms), and how they relate to other mathematical objects. Rings are not the only algebraic structure; there are many, many more, and this package defines a few of the more important ones as Idris records, as well as some instances of that type. Each module contains in its documentation an overview of that algebraic structure and some interesting properties of them that make them worth studying.
To create a term of an algebraic structure's type, one must not only provide the
sets and operations with the proper signatures, but also provide proofs of the
axioms of that algebraic structure. To see how this works, you might want to
take a look at Algebra.Group