PureCSV is a Scala library for working with the CSV format. The library gets rid of most of the boilerplate required to work with CSV
scala> import purecsv.unsafe._
scala> case class Event(ts: Long, msg: String)
scala> val records = CSVReader[Event].readCSVFromString("1,foo\n2,bar")
records: List[Event] = List(Event(1,foo), Event(2,bar))
scala> records.toCSV()
res0: String =
In this example, a case class called Event
is defined and immediately used to
read to and write from CSV.
Add the Sonatype release repository to the resolvers and then add the library to the project libraryDependencies:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "io.kontainers" %% "purecsv" % "0.2.0"
The library works for both Scala 2.11.x and 2.12.x.
To convert a value to a CSV String use toCSV
scala> import purecsv.safe._
scala> class Interval(val start: Long, val end: Long)
scala> new Interval(10,20).toCSV()
res1: String = 1,10
scala> Seq(new Interval(1,10),new Interval(11,20)).toCSV("|")
res2: String =
To write CSV values to a file use writeCSVToFile
or writeCSVToFileName
scala> import purecsv.unsafe._
scala> class Interval(val start: Long, val end: Long) { override def toString: String = s"Interval($start,$end)" }
scala> Seq(new Interval(1,10),new Interval(11,20)).writeCSVToFileName("/tmp/example.csv")
scala> scala.io.Source.fromFile("/tmp/example.csv").getLines.toList
res0: List[String] = List(1,10, 11,20)
scala> CSVReader[Interval].readCSVFromFile("/tmp/example.csv")
res2: List[Interval] = List(Interval(1,10), Interval(11,20))
Reading from CSV is a bit different from writing to CSV. There are two different ways to read from CSV Strings, one
safe and the other unsafe. See next paragraph for the difference. Other than that, a CSVReader
instance should be
used to read data
scala> import purecsv.unsafe._
scala> class Interval(val start: Long, val end: Long) { override def toString: String = s"Interval($start,$end)" }
scala> CSVReader[Interval].readCSVFromFile("/tmp/example.csv")
res2: List[Interval] = List(Interval(1,10), Interval(11,20))
If the source has a header, it is possible to skip it.
scala> import purecsv.unsafe._
scala> case class Address(name: String, address: String)
scala> Seq(Address("alice","wonderland")).writeCSVToFileName("/tmp/example.csv", header=Some(Seq("name","address")))
scala> scala.io.Source.fromFile("/tmp/example.csv").getLines.toList
res2: List[String] = List(name,address, "alice","wonderland")
scala> CSVReader[Address].readCSVFromFileName("/tmp/example.csv", headers = Headers.ReadAndIgnore)
res1: List[Address] = List(Address(alice,wonderland))
By default purecsv assumes that headers are present in csv that is being read (headers is set by default to Headers.ParseHeaders). For Headers.ParseHeaders ordering and number (value for absent columns will be set to None / empty string) of columns in csv does not matter.
Other options for Headers are
- Headers.None - csv does not contain headers
- Headers.ReadAndIgnore - csv contains headers that should be skipped
In both cases ordering of columns matters.
For reading values, the library comes in two flavors: one safe and one unsafe. Only one should be imported. The safe flavor captures errors
scala> import purecsv.safe._
scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
scala> CSVReader[Person].readCSVFromString("alice,1")
res0: List[scala.util.Try[Person]] = List(Success(Person(alice,1)))
scala> CSVReader[Person].readCSVFromString("alice,nan")
res1: List[scala.util.Try[Person]] = List(Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nan"))
The unsafe flavor, instead, ignores errors
scala> import purecsv.unsafe._
scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
scala> CSVReader[Person].readCSVFromString("alice,1")
res0: List[Person] = List(Person(alice,1))
scala> CSVReader[Person].readCSVFromString("alice,nan")
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nan"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:492)
The two flavors solve different problems: the safe one helps dealing with inputs that could potentially be not well formatted or event erroneous while the unsafe flavor reads data that is well formatted, for instance the one created by this library.
The safe flavor has also another characteristic: it helps the user understanding which records gave errors by collecting them
scala> val result = CSVReader[Person].readCSVFromString("alice,1\nbob,nan\ncharlie,2\ndelta,\n")
result: List[scala.util.Try[Person]] = List(Success(Person(alice,1)), Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nan"), Success(Person(charlie,2)), Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""))
scala> import purecsv.safe.tryutil._
scala> val (successes,failures) = result.getSuccessesAndFailures
successes: List[(Int, Person)] = List((1,Person(alice,1)), (3,Person(charlie,2)))
failures: List[(Int, Throwable)] = List((2,java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nan"), (4,java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""))
The method getSuccessesAndFailures
returns a pair where the first element are the successes and the second element
are the failures with associated the record number. From the information above we know that record 1 and 3 were read
successfully while record 2 and 4 were not.
PureCSV has been designed with flexibility and extensibility in mind. It is possible to add new field types as well as change the way standard types are read from String. It is also possible to change the way CSV is parsed.
, Int
and most of the Scala types are field types, meaning that it is
possible to convert their values from/to String
. To add a new type A
, you have
to supply a purecsv.safe.converter.StringConverter[A]
You can have a look at the
defaults string converters
to see how this is done for primitive types.
For completeness, we can do an example showing how to create a StringConverter
for non-trivial types, like ISO 8601 for dates.
We want to avoid to reinvent the wheel and thus we are going to use the
Joda-Time library that provides the
Joda DateTime
structure where to store datetimes as well as the parsers. We can add our
in this way
implicit val dateTimeStringConverter = new StringConverter[DateTime] {
override def tryFrom(str: String): Try[DateTime] = {
override def to(dateTime: DateTime): String = {
After importing this converter, PureCSV will be able to read DateTime
The library is based on Shapeless Generic system. Everything that has a Generic instance can be used with PureCSV. A Generic instance defines a representation for a given type in terms of heterogenous lists and function to convert from/to that representation
scala> import shapeless._
scala> case class Foo(i: Int)
scala> :t Generic[Foo]
shapeless.Generic[Foo]{type Repr = shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil]}
scala> Generic[Foo].to(Foo(1))
res4: shapeless.::[Int,shapeless.HNil] = 1 :: HNil
Note that also structures that don't have an automatically generated Generic
instance can be used by manually define
the Generic
. So given a type
class Event2(val ts: Long, var msg: String) {
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case other:Event2 => (this.ts ## other.ts && this.msg ## other.msg)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = s"Event($ts, $msg)"
One can define the Generic
instance as
implicit val fooGeneric = new Generic[Event2] {
override type Repr = Long :: String :: HNil
override def from(r: Repr): Event2 = {
val ts :: msg :: HNil = r
new Event2(ts, msg)
override def to(t: Event2): Repr = t.ts :: t.msg :: HNil
and then use that structure with PureCSV
scala> val conv = RawFieldsConverter[Event2]
To the Shapeless developers for their amazing library