This is a MERN + GraphQl Social Media web app where user can post an Image and can also like what other users have posted.
- Graphql
- NodeJs
- Apollo-server
- MongoDb
- Bcryptjs
- jsonwebtoken
- ReactJs
- graphql
- @apollo/react-hooks
- apollo-cache-inmemory
- apollo-client
- apollo-link-context
- apollo-link-http
- cloudinary
- Semantic-ui
- User can create a post by a single image and a title attached to that image
- User can see other Image Posts of other users as well
- Users can Like any Image Post whether it is his/her own image post or others.
- User can alse delete his/her Image Post.
- Only Authenticated User can like or Post Images.
- Pagination
- User Detail Page
npm run serve
This will start Server at Port 5000
cd client
npm start
This will start Client at Port 3000