fixes, improvements and binary updates
This maintenance release includes the following
- fixed calculation and usage of included padded match end as well as matched value extraction from full-text
- fixed merging overlapping padded matches avoiding duplicate merged matches in result
- merging padded matches not only if they're overlapping, but also if they're touching
- handling cache deserialization errors by deleting cache file
- safe-guarded number parameters against misuse with negative values
- removed trailing space from error file names
- added names for required command values to improve help
- restructured help text and reduced preceding noise if a verb is selected already
binary updates
- YoutubeExplode from 6.0.7 to 6.2.2
- CommandLineParser from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1
- AngleSharp from 0.16.1 to 0.17.1
contributor/developer help
- Visual Studio Code launch and tasks configs, fixing #2
- commands for upgrading dependencies and other useful tasks