Hello everyone. We are working on a social media platform for star citizen created by the community. Our page has been active in beta for about a few months and we are working together with you, our valued players, to both use and develop our page.Our difference from forum sites is that our site has a social media page.The purpose here is that although our page may seem like a mix of Instagram and Facebook, the only difference is that it is a page created specifically for Star Citizen players and only tries to bring together Star Citizen posts and player communities.Although it is in beta, we would like to point out that there will be many updates in the future and we are working hard.We wholeheartedly believe that we will reach even better places with the support of our valuable players. Now let's talk a little about our page. First of all, our social media address. https://starcitizensocial.com/
When you first enter our page, you will be greeted by a login screen. Create a new account here or log in to your existing account if you have one.
When you log in to our page, you will see friend suggestions, group suggestions and group pages on the main page. You will also see the posts of the friends you follow on this page.
You can create your post in this window by clicking on the post sending bar on the main page. You can share pictures, videos and reels.
You can also edit your profile page. Introduce yourself and update your profile picture and cover photo.
You can easily message your friends, make voice calls, and show your reaction with emojis and posts.
To access this page, you can sign up for the Star Citizen social page, log in from the menu on the left, and join the chat page. You can create a group on this page, create a password-protected group, share your screen, and talk to your friends in your group at the same time, and many more features.
The Android app for the Star Citizen social page has been released. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=scsocial.app.webview&hl=tr
Although it looks like a social media page used today, the only difference is that it is a page made for star citizen players. Our goal is to bring all players together and solve their problems and requests quickly. We are working on new updates in the future. The updates we are working on are as follows: group chat, android app for our star map page and targeting trading tools. Don't forget to give us feedback. We will always need your ideas. Stay healthy.