Guacamole is a framework for variant calling, i.e. identifying DNA mutations from Next Generation Sequencing data. It currently includes a toy germline (non-cancer) variant caller as well as two somatic variant callers for finding cancer mutations. Most development effort has gone into somatic calling.
The emphasis is on a readable codebase that can be readily understood and adapted for experimentation.
Guacamole is written in Scala using the Apache Spark engine for distributed processing. It can run on a single computer or on a Hadoop cluster.
Guacamole supports reading aligned reads as:
It can write the called genotypes as:
Guacamole uses ideas and some functionality from ADAM, and takes inspiration from the Avocado project.
For hacking Guacamole, see our code docs.
Building Guacamole requires Apache Maven (version 3.0.4 or higher).
You'll need Guacamole and its dependencies on your classpath to run, which you can get in a few ways, described below; all of them are compatible with the options for running Guacamole detailed in the Running section.
The simplest (and fastest) option builds a Guacamole JAR as well as a file with paths to dependencies' JARs (in your local Maven cache):
mvn package -DskipTests
The JAR and dependencies file will be at target/guacamole-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
and target/dependencies
, respectively.
This uses the guac
Maven profile, which is active by default, and so is equivalent to:
mvn package -DskipTests -Pguac
Another option is to build one assembly ("uber") JAR containing Guacamole and all its dependencies:
mvn package -DskipTests -Puber
This has the advantage that there is just one file to ship around, e.g. to a remote server you may want to run on, but copying all the dependency-JARs (62MB total at last count) into one can add a minute or so to the run-time.
Finally, you can build the Guacamole JAR as well as a "dependencies JAR"; the latter is like the aforementioned assembly JAR, but without any of the guacamole classes:
# Build a shaded JAR with all of Guacamole's transitive dependencies (excepting the two aforementioned shaded ones).
mvn package -DskipTests -Pdeps
# Build both "guac" and "deps" JARs at once.
mvn package -DskipTests -Pguac,deps
This approach combines some advantages of the previous two: the Guacamole JAR is small and can be built and rebuilt quickly (e.g. while developing), but there are just two files that need be copied in order to run in any remote environment.
Having built Guacamole in any of the ways described above, you can run it using scripts/guacamole
, a thin wrapper around spark-submit
that makes it easy to run locally or on a cluster:
scripts/guacamole somatic-joint \
src/test/resources/synth1.normal.100k-200k.withmd.bam \
src/test/resources/synth1.tumor.100k-200k.withmd.bam \
--reference /path/to/your/b37.fasta \
--out /tmp/out.vcf
This calls germline and somatic variants from some small test BAMs using the somatic-joint variant caller, which works with any number of tumor/normal samples from the same patient. We've observed it to run in around 2 minutes on a 3.1 GHz, 16gb memory Macbook.
scripts/guacamole -h
for a list of implemented variant callers, or
scripts/guacamole <caller> -h
for help on a particular variant caller.
All Spark configuration, including whether to run in local- or cluster-mode, comes from the Spark properties file(s) provided via the $GUAC_SPARK_CONFS
environment variable.
This variable is interpreted as a comma-separated list of Spark properties files, which are taken to be relative to the current directory, of the conf/
directory if a path is not found in the former.
In all cases, it will be seeded with the contents of conf/kryo:
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.kryo.registrator org.hammerlab.guacamole.kryo.Registrar
spark.kryo.registrationRequired true
spark.kryoserializer.buffer 4mb
Additionally, if $GUAC_SPARK_CONFS
is not set, conf/local will be used:
spark.master local[1]
spark.driver.memory 4g
This configures a local Spark run using 1 executor/core and 4GB of memory.
The conf/ directory contains further example configuration blocks that can be mixed in; see below for more examples. Files in conf/
are .gitignore
d by default, so feel free to keep your own custom configs there.
Guacamole currently builds against Spark 1.6.1 and Hadoop 2.7.0, though it will likely run fine with versions close to those.
For example, you could run with cluster- and GC-logging configs from the conf/ directory like so:
export GUAC_SPARK_CONFS=cluster,gc
scripts/guacamole \
somatic-standard \
--normal-reads /hdfs/path/to/normal.bam \
--tumor-reads /hdfs/path/to/tumor.bam \
--reference /local/path/to/reference.fasta \
--out /tmp/out.vcf
Note that, even when running with HDFS as the default filesystem, --reference
must be a local path.
The scripts/guacamole-shell
command wraps spark-shell
, putting Guacamole and all its dependencies on the classpath, and parsing Spark configuration from the $GUAC_SPARK_CONFS
arg as described above.
$ GUAC_SPARK_CONFS=local-multi,driver-10g scripts/guacamole-shell
Using Spark properties files: local-multi,driver-10g
Spark configs:
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.kryo.registrator org.hammerlab.guacamole.kryo.Registrar
spark.kryo.registrationRequired true
spark.kryoserializer.buffer 4mb
spark.master local[*]
spark.driver.memory 10g
2016-09-23 02:41:27 WARN NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Welcome to
____ __
/ __/__ ___ _____/ /__
_\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 1.6.1
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
import org.hammerlab.guacamole.commands.SomaticStandard.{Arguments, Caller}
val args = new Arguments
args.normalReads = "src/test/resources/cancer-wgs1/normal.tiny.bam"
args.tumorReads = "src/test/resources/cancer-wgs1/recurrence.tiny.bam"
args.referencePath = "/path/to/chr12.fasta"
args.loci = "chr12"
val variants = Caller.computeVariants(args, sc)._1
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
res0: Long = 2
Both scripts/guacamole-shell
and scripts/guacamole
will work if any of the "Building" options above have been executed.
Guacamole requires Java 8 to build and run. If running on a Hadoop cluster running Java 7, you'll want to point your driver and executors at a $JAVA_HOME
where Java 8 is installed, locally on all nodes:
cat <<EOF >conf/j8
spark.executorEnv.JAVA_HOME /path/to/java8
spark.driverEnv.JAVA_HOME /path/to/java8
GUAC_SPARK_CONFS=cluster,j8 scripts/guacamole …
The full test suite can be run with:
mvn test
Not currently. Everything here is experimental. Please use a standard tool if you need accurate variant calls.
Guacamole is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
YourKit is kindly supporting this open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler.
YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling
Java and .NET applications.