Releases: hans-schmidt/Ravencoin
v4.6.2snapshot: not for general use
v4.6.2snapshot: not for general use
This is a specialty version of Ravencoin. It has an extra CLI option (-snapshot) and an extra RPC call (printsnapshot)
Together those new functions can be used to dump a list of all RVN addresses with a non-zero balance along with their values as reported by core.
A snapshot was taken at chain height 2,510,000 on 2022-10-25 02:47:20-UTC. The file was sorted in order of descending value and cropped at 50,000 addresses. Those addresses and balances will be used to create the Genesis block of the Evrmore blockchain. The 50K cut-off occurred at an address containing 2,673.14 RVN. Of the outstanding supply of RVN, 99.21% were included in the top 50K addresses (included all burned and lost RVN).
That list is posted here along with linux and windows binaries.
Use at Your Own Risk
For Experimentation Only
v4.6.0mainnet-rc1: Includes all the latest bug fixes and enhancements but NO P2SH ASSETS support
This Release Candidate version is for testing on mainnet.
It should not be used on testnet, since testnet has forked to support P2SH assets. Use v4.9.0-test1 on testnet.
v4.6.0mainnet-rc1 includes all the latest bug fixes and enhancements but NO P2SH ASSETS support.
For improved security, "nMinimumChainWork" and "checkpointData" are updated.
For better accuracy of verification progress estimates, "chainTxData: is updated.
For faster sync, "defaultAssumeValid" is updated.
The "v4.6.0mainnet-rc1" repository tag is signed with my GPG key, which you can verify.
All unit tests and functional tests pass.
This is a non-mandatory core update.
It should be fully functional on mainnet, but as always:
Use at Your Own Risk
v4.9.0test1: Develop branch as of 2022-07-19 + PR#1189 + PR#1196 + new BIP9 code + new sync seeds + pre-P2SH auto-banning ***for testnet use***
This release is for use only on testnet to verify new functionality and bug fixes.
PR#1189 fixes the bug which caused sync hangs at height 1127354 due to improper cache reading of subqualifiers
PR#1196 fixes the bug which prevented tagging of P2SH addresses
Syncing should also be easier and faster. This version automatically bans all nodes older than v4.8.5test1, so it will stay on the P2SH-enabled fork without needing to manually ban v4.3.2.1 peers.
The testnet static DNS seeds have also been removed since they were invalid, and a new DNS seeder temporarily put in since the old ones were not being maintained.
Please open port 18770 on your firewall to help sync of other nodes. Testnet has very few incoming peers available, and only a few of those are post-P2SH
Use at your own risk
Develop branch as of 2022-04-21 + PR#1189 for testnet use
This build contains all commits on the Ravencoin develop branch as of 2022-04-21 + PR#1189 which fixes the sync hang bug described in Issue RavenProject#1188
This release is for use only on testnet to verify whether the bug fix works as expected.
The bug is related to the use of SubQualifiers for Restricted Assets and exists in all previous versions of core which support Restricted Assets. Since it is a failure in reading cache properly, it does not occur once the cache flushes to database, making it dependent on node speed, compile types, and other things which affect timing.
A technical description of the bug is available at
Use at your own risk
Develop branch as of 2022-03-24 + PR#1184 for testnet use
This build contains all commits on the Ravencoin develop branch as of 2022-03-24 + PR#1184 which fixes the mining bug.
It is for use only on testnet
Use at your own risk
You can use my GPG fingerprint to verify that the checksums of the binaries have not been altered relative to what I think they should be.
My GPG fingerprint: 7B7C C0B7 16E3 34C8 74D0 5EBC 39FF CBCC 7FF4 12D6